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My Argument on Teir 2s and Why They Should be Removed.

Should Teir 2s be Removed? (Please Read the Whole Thread Before Voting)

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Jun 8, 2012
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Okay, I'm going to go into a mini rant here.


No, no no. This idea is not a good one. Nobody wants to play games of full leather, where everyone dies in 3-4 hits. This idea pretty much supports teams, in which people wont be able to get better stuff to fight the teams. Im aware the the growing increase of teams is a problem right now, this would honestly just egg it on. Now moving on to the next topic, whining about fishing rods and new tactics. You pretty much said that the new tactics are unfair, because you obviously dont know how to use them. You say they delay an inevitable death. Not true, theses 'new and terrible' tactics are alot of the reason why you are able to take out people with better stuff than you. You have to be crafty, not just always use brute force, expect the unexpected of a fishing rod flying at you. Remember, its not the sword games, its the survival games. You have to SURVIVE, and those who thrive (Crafty players, fishing rodders, flint and steelers, hit and runners etc.) are the ones who win. Im not saying they are the only ones who do, ive seen fantastic players using brute force. Going to another topic, chest routes. Yet another fantastic element to the game, ruined. We all know that chest that is so hard to get. The one that is past the really hard lava parkour. Lets see, I would much rather see an iron chestplate and maybe a diamond in there. Now with your system, here is what we would see, Leather boots, leather pants, an apple, a raw fish, and a bow. Now i would be pissed off if the chest I worked my butt off for had crappy stuff in it. Probably the last factor i will discuss, the cornucopia. This implementation would completely ruin all of the risk factor in going for the center. The risk that someone could get a stone sword, then murder you! The risk is tough, but you have to make the choice. With this system, it is a no brainer to skip corn, why take the risk if you can get the same stuff in the chest past the lava parkour?

Stop whining that YOU havent adapted to the new tactis, and that they NEED to be changed just because you think they should. Removing tier 2's would honestly ruin the game.

I have adapted to the new things, everyone has. You are ranting, simply arguing, and you weren't here back then, you dont know how much better it was. I hope I atleast accomplish the fact that they will Nerf it, but if they remove it that would be amazing, and you will get to see that I was right.
Okay, now after I read this.

I agree with you completely. I remember back then, I am not entirely sure if tiers were already added when I started, boy I didn't even know what chest tiers were until I started foruming. I do remember though that MCSG's chest filling has changed way too much, way too much. Basically now MCSG is not about surviving it's about winning. Like, back then your goal was to survive, now it's to win, and I really hate that.
I can't add anything to what you've said, everything is already in there.

The sad thing about this is if they ask the community the majority is going to say to keep the tiers, because they don't know how gameplay used to be back then.
I think what they should do is nerve the tier 2's, not completely remove them as the majority of the players would wine and complain. And scrap the T3's unless they're completely random (where they are). Max item amount for T2's should be 2 or 3, and there should be a lot less tier 2's. Along with hobo1955 I led the creation of rugged lands, and trust me, I HATE CHEST TIERS in there. The mods that did them did a really bad job and were probably drunk. Map creators should be able to set chest tiers.

TL;DR: I agree, but most players would complain, so sadly it probably won't happen :(
You mispelled nerf, we are even.


District 13
Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
You are mistaken, before SG3 Map 1 had no tier2s.
Oh my you are right! I am looking through old videos now and seeing wood axes and raw porkchops in corn chests. Yeah, I guess I forgot about that change. I still have in my head there being diamond armor in chests way back when and I thought they toned it down to iron. Wow, that was so long ago. Around this time last year that update for tier 2's had just came out!

This is the video I searched up to check that...


District 13
Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
I actually feel that tier 2 chests should be nerfed slightly and possibly not contain armour all together. I feel that if they contained things like small stacks of iron or gold ingots they would provide a similar benefit but would need some assembly first to make the contents useful.


Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Okay, I'm going to go into a mini rant here.


No, no no. This idea is not a good one. Nobody wants to play games of full leather, where everyone dies in 3-4 hits. This idea pretty much supports teams, in which people wont be able to get better stuff to fight the teams. Im aware the the growing increase of teams is a problem right now, this would honestly just egg it on. Now moving on to the next topic, whining about fishing rods and new tactics. You pretty much said that the new tactics are unfair, because you obviously dont know how to use them. You say they delay an inevitable death. Not true, theses 'new and terrible' tactics are alot of the reason why you are able to take out people with better stuff than you. You have to be crafty, not just always use brute force, expect the unexpected of a fishing rod flying at you. Remember, its not the sword games, its the survival games. You have to SURVIVE, and those who thrive (Crafty players, fishing rodders, flint and steelers, hit and runners etc.) are the ones who win. Im not saying they are the only ones who do, ive seen fantastic players using brute force. Going to another topic, chest routes. Yet another fantastic element to the game, ruined. We all know that chest that is so hard to get. The one that is past the really hard lava parkour. Lets see, I would much rather see an iron chestplate and maybe a diamond in there. Now with your system, here is what we would see, Leather boots, leather pants, an apple, a raw fish, and a bow. Now i would be pissed off if the chest I worked my butt off for had crappy stuff in it. Probably the last factor i will discuss, the cornucopia. This implementation would completely ruin all of the risk factor in going for the center. The risk that someone could get a stone sword, then murder you! The risk is tough, but you have to make the choice. With this system, it is a no brainer to skip corn, why take the risk if you can get the same stuff in the chest past the lava parkour?

Stop whining that YOU havent adapted to the new tactis, and that they NEED to be changed just because you think they should. Removing tier 2's would honestly ruin the game.

I completly disagree with you.
This is just for the newer dudes
Back when MCSG was anew, we had like 10 servers on each region, MAX. Servers would fill up fast, and by the time you got in a server you were itching with anticipation. Its SG1 and your about to decide whether to goto corn or run your route. You decide to go your route... your running in the pirate ship and then you spot a skeleton. you high tail your butt outta there. after skipping your route you run to the rest of it and one chest is in a cave. Yu go in and 2 zombies flank you from behind. you smack them with your fists and you kill both. you now have 3 rotten flesh, your super happy! (why you say? rotten flesh is your only way of surviving, you have no food. In the old days you would NEVER throw any food away. Even raw chicken) You grab your chest and inside is a wood sword and a leather tunic and helmet. You feel like your a pro.. you head out and continue your chest route. After coming back from your route you have Full leather, no boots, stone sword, bow and 2 arrows. Your decked!! ( in the old days this was as good as you could get. getting 2 arrows was like being a god) you head to spawn and see another guy there... he has top half leather and an iron sword.. you attempt to take him. you shoot an arrow at him and get 2 full hits on him.. hes near dead when we runs out of spawn and gets stuck in a cobweb! Yes you get one kill! YAY!! now your COMPLETELY decked. while your sorting your inventory you get hit from behind!! you spin around hit him back. hes running away from you because he saw your decked loot. you shoot an arrow at him when refill happens. you dont realize that other people will now approach spawn and your going to have some tough competition. the guy runs off and you get spawn. you open your first chest and get a raw fish and a porkchop. really good loot! then your last chest gives you the best loot of all.. a chain chestplate. your a SUPER happy guy and cant wait for DM. DM happens and your arena is now your geatest threat. ( back in the old days, the area used to be a HUGE sand area and it would shrink because the sand would fall) you run into spawn.... your competition is 2 guys with full leather and stone swords. you get a bow shot in them and run away... he gets a shot in you and then it happens. the arena shrinks and he hits you in the lava!! You die and thensay a respect full gg and leave.
Thats how it used to be. the good old days.
Now lets see today.
You start off in SG4 and run to spawn like always and stone sword and some cooked food. you take your sword and go rambo! kill 4 other players and have full chain to boot. your not even CLOSE to as good as you want to be. (in the old days, full chain is like a gift from heaven) you run your route go down the sewers and dont have to worry about the mobs that would have spawned there in the old days, it was nice and easy for you. after running the rest of your route you have full iron, iron sword, bow and 25 arrows and lots of food, your set. you approach spawn and see a team of 5.. S*** your screwed. wait! they dont have full iron so its easy! yeah man! you bow them all to death. your all proud and you think your the best Survival Games player out there! ( no your not. you just have luck) DM comes and you kill the 2 noobs who are left. you win. YAY!

Compare those 2 games.. what would be better, a game where you lose, but have good fights and have the real "survival games" feeling but lose?. or a game where its luck based and you kill alot of people and win?


May 27, 2012
Reaction score
I wholeheartedly agree with you Blaze.
Well written and very well argued.


Apr 21, 2012
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I see where you are coming from and I kind of agree, but on the factor of getting tier 2's being completely 'luck' that is quite untrue. Anyone with a decent route can get full iron armor, and there's tons of videos on YouTube showing good routes.
Also, TorchScar is completely right. Here (imho), is what they should do:
Nerf tier 2s (5 arrows per chest is a little op, you should not be able to get full iron and a stone sword from one chest...I mean seriously?)
Allow Mapmakers to decide what chests are what tiers (its bs that mods get to decide.)
Make tier 3s randomly spawning and/or require lava parkour to get.
Make tier 1s have a small chance to contain chain/gold (giving players who only found t1s a little more of a chance)


May 27, 2012
Reaction score
I actually feel that tier 2 chests should be nerfed slightly and possibly not contain armour all together. I feel that if they contained things like small stacks of iron or gold ingots they would provide a similar benefit but would need some assembly first to make the contents useful.
Oh my goodness YES!!
If, rather than a piece of armour, a stack of 3 iron/gold ingots instead


Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
I'm noticing that the majority of people who disagree did not play during the time where there was no such thing as tier 2's....
I've been around since April 2012, I know you didn't say everybody but trust me I know what I'm talking about.


District 13
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
The idea of getting rid of Tier 2s is just a joke, period.

The idea of nerfing Tier 2s, however is a better and more well-thought suggestion. It's no doubt that luck is a major factor in the game, but hell, Tier 1s function the same exact way. You can either go into a Tier 1 chest, and just get raw meat, or you can go into a tier 1 and get a stone sword when you really need one.

And this is not because I wasn't a "veteran" and didn't play when there were only Tier 1s, this is just because that Tier 2s have grown to be a major part of the game. There honestly is zero need to get rid of them, all you have to do is lower the rate armor spawns in them, and boom, you have a severely nerfed Tier 2 chest.

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