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Chad, SG6 could be a problem.

Should SG6 be on these servers

  • Yes

    Votes: 79 64.8%
  • No (give a reason)

    Votes: 43 35.2%

  • Total voters
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Matt_The Dreamer

Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Maybe MCSG and the hive could just work together , have the same plugin (without the server signs for mcsg) and the same maps. Then everybody would be happy :D
The hive tried in the past, they tried to buy out MCSG. They failed.


May 5, 2012
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I have to admit it trucking smart for the hive to release sg6 exclusive to their servers. They can use their plugin to make the games work better instead of redstone. And since the youtubers can't play the map anywhere else they are forced to go on the hive. The hive is going to be much bigger than mcsg eventualy but that doesnt mean mcsg will cease to exist.


Jun 2, 2012
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I don't know if anyone else saw this but...
The mod ThatOneTomaHawk released a video that summed up the problem between Chad and Team Vareide.
Apparently, Team Vareide wanted all its' members to be VIP, but Chad didn't want to keep making the members VIP. Team Vareide then offered Chad an apparently very large amount of money for the servers, which Chad of course refused. So I guess Team Vareide got mad, then made The Hive, which now thinks it's in some sort of competition with MCSG.


Feb 2, 2013
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I don't know if anyone else saw this but...
The mod ThatOneTomaHawk released a video that summed up the problem between Chad and Team Vareide.
Apparently, Team Vareide wanted all its' members to be VIP, but Chad didn't want to keep making the members VIP. Team Vareide then offered Chad an apparently very large amount of money for the servers, which Chad of course refused. So I guess Team Vareide got mad, then made The Hive, which now thinks it's in some sort of competition with MCSG.
Wrong, i'm gonna try posting this on this thread
Hey Everyone,

As a lot of you have heard - there has been a fair amount of drama between us (The Hive) and MCSG (MinecraftSurvivalGames.com). So I thought I would put some light on the situation and discuss what has happened, who "hates" who and other boring stuff. So. Let me begin.

When we came up with TheHive concept, we wanted it to be a place for people to play awesome gametypes without the need of searching through different websites and adding different IP's. So naturally we wanted to cover as many bases as we can. This led us to eventually discuss the idea of Survival Games.

Survival Games was a natural choice for us as Vareide is well known for being the "Creator" of the original maps - the maps that made the hugely fun gametype into what it is today. Now, as Clankstar and Dennis were friends with Chad (Owner of MCSG) - we initially thought "Hey! Why don't we try to work with them!". So, we discussed stuff, and eventually we ended up on TeamSpeak with Chad.

We offered to buy MCSG out. Naturally, Chad didn't want to discuss anything at the price we offered, as he rightly believed the community and the service was worth more. We can't disagree with that. After he denied the idea of a buyout, I was quite open and said then we'll most likely be competing. Which understandably made Chad a little upset.

Which moves us onto the next question. Why didn't you guys work together? Well, quite frankly, at the time of the discussion, MCSGv2 wasn't out of the door and their current level of service would have been hard to improve. They had regular server crashes (due to attacks) and I felt the plugin wasn't up to standard. As a regular MCSG user I personally felt things getting worse - and I was honest and told Chad that "I don't think you know what you're doing". Which I'll openly admit should have been worded differently and I was out of line to say it. I send Chad a DM on Twitter to apologize, but that was blanked - I would have done the same.

So we parted, went our separate ways and thought that was the last of it. Clankstar started working on the new plugin, etc. We threw the odd tweet out with hints as to what we were working on, by this point it wasn't a secret.

Then MCSGv2 was launched. Woo! Yes, finally a really smooth plugin for the MCSG community. I can't critisize it, the level of detail that the developers Moo, Bill and Ava went to makes it a really fantastic code base. However, with the launch, we soon worked out that the word "Hive" was blocked by their chat and replaced with "MCSG" - so "BeeHive" became "BeeMCSG". To answer peoples questions of "Why were you advertising?!" - we weren't. We stumbled across this in response to another players question about what the merge between TIMV and HB was.

We took this censorship maybe a little too seriously, and started doing the odd tweet poking at the fact they felt the need to block it. Some Team Vareide members then started to be removed from VIP on MCSG and banned on teamspeak. Clankstars forum account was completely removed and his IP banned. This started arguments between the two communities, and meme's were made of Chad - which at first started as general humor but quickly turned into personal attacks. These were removed the second we (Ed, Me, Dennis and Youri) found out about them - as that was way too far. Since then, we have taken a complete backseat in the "feud" - which really isn't there.

The Hive Survival Games was never meant to "ruin" MCSGv2. But provide a fun gametype in ADDITION to TheHerobrine and Trouble in Mineville. Both parties have done wrong - which means it's time to let it go.

Hopefully that clears up a lot of stuff. The reason I made this thread was to ask the HiveSG community to not argue with MCSG. You don't have to play one or the other exclusively - just play on what you feel like when you feel like it. I've seen threads on MCSG saying they're leaving for the hive. Please don't do this, it's unneeded attention seeking and just makes everyone involved look bad.


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Wrong, i'm gonna try posting this on this thread
-Quote from the Hive forum post-
This is the second time you've quote that exactly. If you dislike MCSG that much, we don't want you here to put us down. You keep repeatedly going into threads that are about MCSG and the Hive together and arguing with people continuously saying the Hive is better and quoting that post. If you don't stop, I'm sure a staff member will be willing to get you to stop because you're just getting annoying now.
Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
This is the second time you've quote that exactly. If you dislike MCSG that much, we don't want you here to put us down. You keep repeatedly going into threads that are about MCSG and the Hive together and arguing with people continuously saying the Hive is better and quoting that post. If you don't stop, I'm sure a staff member will be willing to get you to stop because you're just getting annoying now.
*Cough Cough* Post your picture on show yourself thread.
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