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About BajanCanadian's Ban - Staff response *READ*

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Apr 28, 2012
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My official response to this whole ordeal. (Sent this to Bajan over Skype)

Alright, obviously there has been a clashing between MCSG and you guys. First thing I would like to say is that I am favoring neither side here, just pointing out flaws on both side of the situation.

Alright, so, my first point I would like to address starts at the beginning, when you guys first joined the MCSG servers. You said that you found there to be 3-4 people in each lobby. This is a lie. In fact, before you had joined, all 30 US and EU servers were constantly full, and we had 48 and 120 slot servers which would indeed also be full all day. (With exceptions of 2 am in the morning, because everyone is sleeping)

As for you increasing traffic to the servers, I cannot argue with that. You indeed did increase the traffic to our servers. Although you cannot join ANY server as a non-donor because it is full, this is not solely because of you. In fact, we have had server other YouTubers in the community give us exposure. (InTheLittleWood, iJustine, MCFinest and many more) So please, on that note, don't say that you are the only people who give us exposure. The only reason it appears to be more is because all of you fans love to put on Bacca skins and yell "IN BENJA WE TRUST, IN BACCA WE MUST!"

The next thing that I would like to touch on is what you call "broken" sprinting mechanism. The only known bug to be found in the sprinting mechanism is the "wobbly" sprint that causes you to go from a non-sprinting state to a sprinting state until you redo your sprint. Now, while this may seem like an annoying bug, it does not happen often and virtually EVERYONE deals with it from time to time. This leads me to my next point, why is BetterSprint banned on our servers?

BetterSprint is banned from our servers because of the unfair advantages it causes. First off, when one normally sprints, it lasts about 30 seconds, and the sprint ends. Thus, the player needs to restart his sprint. With BetterSprint, this does not happen, instead you can run forever. Next, with BetterSprint, you can run up stairs. Without BetterSprint, you cannot run up stairs. This is a game changing factor, especially with maps such as Kharmunrah. (This map has about 300 blocks of stairs heading up to the corn) Another point is, without BetterSprint, when you are attacking someone, your sprint expires. This means, if your opponent runs away, you are forced to run after them. Also, if you wish to hit criticals, which can be done via sprinting, you have to sprint again to be able to hit one. With BetterSprint, there is an unfair advantage here. Not only do you get to chase after him quicker because you never stopped sprinting, but you also hit a much higher amount of criticals because you are constantly sprinting.

Yet another thing I would like to address is you "Not running into any Bacca hackers in any game you are playing" Now, while I admit, not ALL Bacca's are hackers, there are quite a few that I have personally found hacking and have banned. Now, the reason why you haven't seen any while recording on the servers is because any hacker with half a brain will turn off his hacks when he sees a YouTuber in his lobby. Why? Because he knows if he hacks and the YouTuber uploads to thousands of viewers, he is as good as banned! Also, it is quite simple for these hackers to turn off their mods. Most modded clients have an option to hotkey certain hacks. (For example, the hacker binds 8 to turn on Forcefield) All the hacker has to do is use his hotkey to turn off the mods he is using while he is in a game with you.

Taken straight from Skype.
So damn true!


Jan 8, 2013
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As I'm sure you guys have noticed, BajanCanadian has been banned for Better Sprint hacking. Lots of his fans will understandably be upset and some have been posting threads bashing the staff and/or MCSG and our decisions. Don't do this. We have heard the same arguments over and over again, and quite frankly going through responding to each one is annoying and repetitive.

From now on, we will be straight locking/deleting threads we see like this. If yours is gone, this is why.

Some quotes from members and Bajan, and responses to them from staff:

Staff response: We were successful far before Bajan came on our servers. We understand he donated money to us, that he brought us many users, and that banning him will cause some raging from his fans, but it needed to be done. We warned him numerous times about Better Sprint, but he never took it off. We dealt with him like we would any other user and tempbanned him. We don't need him for the servers to live on, we did just fine without him. It's only fair.

Staff response: Optifine is nothing like Better Sprint - it helps people with worse computers do what those with better computers and no client mods can already do. Better sprint, no matter how good your computer, no matter what you do, is not possible without some sort of direct Minecraft modification. Better sprint also gives unfair advantages; Sprinting as soon as you hit people allows for two knockback hits in a row, allowing mass knockback that deals fall damage on occasion. That half a second faster that you can sprint, (it makes a huge difference - you literally can not sprint that fast with normal Minecraft due to "wobble sprint", the very thing this mod was designed to fix.) and even sprinting up stairs. We will not be changing this system. Better sprint is not allowed.

Staff response: Better sprint is entirely detectable. We've banned numerous users for it, and many have even admitted to using it after the ban. It is possible to tell when, for example, the better sprinter sprints without letting go of the jump key during a chase, or when he goes up stairs and sprints the whole way up. (Other ways to detect it too; won't go into detail.) It is admittedly harder to catch than the regular sprint hacking you'd find from a Nodus user and gives nearly the same effect, although impossible to catch is a false statement.

I will add more statements as I find them or they are brought up.

Edit: Keep this thread free of flaming. Friendly mature replies are fine, but the last thing we need is everyone calling everyone else an idiot or heated arguments arising.

A Statement From the Desk of Gibbo:
Bajan has only got a TEMPBAN which means he's not permanently banned from our servers. He was more than welcome to come back with a non-modded client but he doesn't want to. We don't mind if he doesn't want to come back. We did fantastic before he was here and we'll do fantastic after he is here, we're not going to suffer a dent in our community from Bajan and his fan base.
This should be resolved like men and just let Benja go so he can help get your servers get out to more people so your servers get bigger, he get more viewers you get more people to join your servers it's a win win situation.


Apr 28, 2012
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I am here not only to approve of bajan's arguments. But to argue myself of this ban, I am a regular player on The MCSG servers and have yet not seen a person of this high rank be banned over something that isn't a bannable thing. You have banned Bajan for no reason, but the reason of better sprint mod, myself i think that the better sprint mod is not a mod you should get banned for because this mod, is just helping you sprint without having to double tap, that is all it does. It doesnt help you hack or anyhting, Bajan did not break any rules but better sprint mod which shouldnt be a bannable item. The mod allows you to sprint without having to tap W 2 times. It doesnt implement anything, you can still do this without a mod by modifying your keyboard. You should not have banned my one and only Benja, he introduced me to the hunger games and your server, if you want loyal players you should unban him. He introduced almost 230,000 people to the hunger games in minecraft, you shall not ban him but give him a light warning of his small actions. I request a unban of Bajan soon or later, I hereby hence Order 66 on the fellow MCSG staff, The Baccas will get their revenge.​
xD this is to funny what kind of bill s*** mod would listen to you rant about a mcsg player with a YouTube account hacking getting banned and you want him being unbanned!


Dec 21, 2012
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Then they would be treating him unfairly. All players are equal. No matter what.


District 13
Jun 28, 2012
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Oh we'll see about the not going to suffer part ;) I heard the hive has gotten a lot more popular lol have fun MCSGAY
Considering almost every lobby is still full when it goes into game except for during extreme hours, and we are still in need of more servers due to our growing playerbase, yes, you can keep thinking that my dear.


Dec 21, 2012
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Most, mature, post, ever. Gay is not an insult. The hive will grow less popular due to annoying baccas, please stop being so rude.


Sep 8, 2012
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This should be resolved like men and just let Benja go so he can help get your servers get out to more people so your servers get bigger, he get more viewers you get more people to join your servers it's a win win situation.
He gets more people to join our servers? You mean he gets more trash (hackers, spammers, immature people, and fanboys) to join our servers.

I have been living with the plague that is the Bacca Infestation for quite a while, and I am satisfied to see Bajan leave. The people Bajan brings to these servers are not welcome here. I have made several attempts to be friendly and nice to Baccas on these servers, and none of them have worked. I've even accepted a Bacca's request to team once, and the only thing I got was a knife in the back.

You can hide behind the argument that what Baccas do isn't Bajan's fault, but guess what? It is. I remember viewing a picture just today where a Bacca openly admits that he uses Better Sprint (which is a bannable offense on our servers). When someone told him that it wasn't allowed, he says "but bajna uses it."

His subs look up to him, and like most kids these days, they want to do what the cool people do. Since Bajan uses Better Sprint himself, that makes his fanbase want to use it as well. I will admit that several times I have seen Egrodo pull some really nice trick in his videos and I tried it myself.

The people we are losing on the servers are the people that are poisoning the servers. Bajan leaving and making a new server is beneficial for us, and he is helping us more right now than if he continued playing. Most people that have quit these servers did so because of the terrible community.

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