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Do you want bounty removed?

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District 13
Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
we all hate people who sit and team and we all especially hate when we see the top players teaming but its part of the games and good pvp skills can take down a team of noobs easy :p its taking down teams of good players that's hard


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
I think no-lifing is more of a sign of not really having proved anything, as opposed to teaming, as someone without PvP skills couldn't get an INSANE amount of wins, but a good PvP'er who was on these servers night and day definitely could.

But I still don't agree with bounty being a measurement of your rank. The most accurate ranking would be your win/loss ratio, and it should be changed to that if it was changed at all - though I don't think it should, as victories are a much easier, more linear score to track.

Really, I think the best solution would just be to have a monthly leaderboard and an all time leaderboard. The monthly leaderboard would allow good players to shine, without having to play constantly to pass those wo had started earlier. And the all time leaderboard would allow those who had worked for these wins for a while to still keep their sense of accomplishment. And, ultimately, it would solve the problem of the leaderboards: of wins being solely based on time spent playing.
I almost fully agree - there is just one thing I don't agree with:
Win/loss ratio is slightly inaccurate (unless on a monthly leaderboard.) because most people have a rough start when they start playing and people like myself lost 30 games before they won once. What this allows to happen is people will just get a new account and then won't have to worry about those 100+ times they lost and climb up the leaderboards with skills that new players without a second account can't use like that, giving quiet the unfair advantage. Until 1.4, when my client started lagging since I don't have the right optifine version yet, I was winning about half my games...the leaderboards, however, shows otherwise for win/lose ratio. That's why I myself still prefer score, since it really only counts recent win/lose ratio. (well, kinda.)

I agree with everything else though.

I'd like to add this to my post as well: G33ke. It's far from all the PvP-gods that even bother reaching the top just because of the scenarios that I just described. And I would also like to add that I may not have met you in combat, but the way that you just put yourself on an 8 and then declared all the leading PvPers in minecraft hackers just made me smile a bit, and then bash my head against the keyboard. XD
I know that it's not the PvP-gods that reach the top. I specifically admitted that wins does not entirely determine skill, not at all. I'm kinda on both sides of the argument right now. I agree /bounty command should be removed, but I also agree that Blamph is right - wins do show skill to an extent. Most of the people on the top 100 of the leaderboards couldn't get there by winning only one in 30 games, could they? (Average for new players.) It's not the best way to determine skill, not nearly, but it is true that only a few people who literally have all day to play could make it there without some skill.

Oh, and I'm serious when I say those on 10 are hackers - I never get frustrated for dying to somebody better than me, I've seen at least 10 people on "9" before who were all legitimately better than me and I die most of the time to them - when I say "godly PvP'ers who can't be beaten," I'm being serious. 10 is literally for those who can beat a full iron guy with a diamond sword when they only have a wooden sword, half leather armor and 3 arrows. I've yet to see one that doesn't hack that legitimately killed him in a legitimate fight without the big guy screwing up big time or being low on health from the start. I don't even think that's possible, that's why nobody is in it.


Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
I like to bounty, I don't want points, noobs fist fight me for my points.


Jun 17, 2012
Reaction score
I agree with both zeno and teovald.
Like this we should deffently remove the command /bounty.
But we should also have a montly and and an all time leaderboards so that would be the best.
I hope chad sees this thread


Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
I think no-lifing is more of a sign of not really having proved anything, as opposed to teaming, as someone without PvP skills couldn't get an INSANE amount of wins, but a good PvP'er who was on these servers night and day definitely could.

But I still don't agree with bounty being a measurement of your rank. The most accurate ranking would be your win/loss ratio, and it should be changed to that if it was changed at all - though I don't think it should, as victories are a much easier, more linear score to track.

Really, I think the best solution would just be to have a monthly leaderboard and an all time leaderboard. The monthly leaderboard would allow good players to shine, without having to play constantly to pass those wo had started earlier. And the all time leaderboard would allow those who had worked for these wins for a while to still keep their sense of accomplishment. And, ultimately, it would solve the problem of the leaderboards: of wins being solely based on time spent playing.
Can someone please give this man an award?

I took a long hiatus where I was hovering at around rank 1000 when I left, now I come back and I'm at rank 2600
Way too hard to keep up with the daily MCSG tryhards :p


Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
I almost fully agree - there is just one thing I don't agree with:
Win/loss ratio is slightly inaccurate (unless on a monthly leaderboard.) because most people have a rough start when they start playing and people like myself lost 30 games before they won once. What this allows to happen is people will just get a new account and then won't have to worry about those 100+ times they lost and climb up the leaderboards with skills that new players without a second account can't use like that, giving quiet the unfair advantage. Until 1.4, when my client started lagging since I don't have the right optifine version yet, I was winning about half my games...the leaderboards, however, shows otherwise for win/lose ratio. That's why I myself still prefer score, since it really only counts recent win/lose ratio. (well, kinda.)

I agree with everything else though.

I know that it's not the PvP-gods that reach the top. I specifically admitted that wins does not entirely determine skill, not at all. I'm kinda on both sides of the argument right now. I agree /bounty command should be removed, but I also agree that Blamph is right - wins do show skill to an extent. Most of the people on the top 100 of the leaderboards couldn't get there by winning only one in 30 games, could they? (Average for new players.) It's not the best way to determine skill, not nearly, but it is true that only a few people who literally have all day to play could make it there without some skill.

Oh, and I'm serious when I say those on 10 are hackers - I never get frustrated for dying to somebody better than me, I've seen at least 10 people on "9" before who were all legitimately better than me and I die most of the time to them - when I say "godly PvP'ers who can't be beaten," I'm being serious. 10 is literally for those who can beat a full iron guy with a diamond sword when they only have a wooden sword, half leather armor and 3 arrows. I've yet to see one that doesn't hack that legitimately killed him in a legitimate fight without the big guy screwing up big time or being low on health from the start. I don't even think that's possible, that's why nobody is in it.
I am deeply sorry for misunderstanding what you stated earlier, and I realize afterwards that you are from the US, while I am on the EU-servers. This means that I have no authority on the subject from your point of view, but would not the top ten players get banned in an instant if they all used modded clients? I mean with all the attention hack-reporters are bound to strike at least ten times a day on a title-holder?
I am glad that you can see the value in the removal of this poorly thought through command, but sadly still fail to see how blamph is even remotely close to the truth. What he stated is completely deceptive, as winning a mcsg-game is in theory a great accomplishment, but in reality far from it due to massive teams with Skype/teamspeak-synchronization or luck like I then moved on to prove with for instance iFrox's case that even those who would not stand a single chance against their fellow high-ups surpasses even them through sheer tenacity and teaming. It's a sad reality, but the only actual way to show your skills is by having an over-all good score with each factors in harmony and optimized. Or by actually showing off a lot in the game itself.
I can to a degree understand what blamph is saying though, having many wins is still less deceiving than having lots of points, but not far from.

And to all of you only wanting bounty so that you may loose some points every now and then- have you ever tried and just be killed? Other than that, maybe as a compensation for those who don't want to die, but loose some points, perhaps exchange the /bounty command with some sort of point-ereaser, like /de-grade (amount) or something of the sort. I can certainly understand why people want to loose points, I do that myself, but I only bounty to stay on an exact amount of points (for whatever reason, don't judge! I'm weird that way! XD) but bountying away points remains the best way to un-balance the whole score-system, and I disapprove of that.

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