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Do you want bounty removed?

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Jul 25, 2012
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Thats even more text
But seriously, I don't even know why I type this much text on a site where I know half of the readers won't even bother to take a glance at what I am writing, for kicks I guess? Also justice! I recommend that you actually read at least me and g33ke's texts as they shed a lot of light over the current situation leader-boards-wise and how to fix these given issues. You may have enough argumentative texts to read to your hearts desire at school, but you can never read too many. I personally love to write long-strechted argumentative texts, as probably realized by everyone even bothering to read all of it, either to be absolutely crystal-cear at stating my opinion precisely as I view things, but also because I am kind of a troll when it comes down to it, I guess that's who I am, really.
Anyways, I wish you luck in reading and following g33ke's and my own arguments on the matter, though I would just love to hear your own opinion on the matter, Vebbi.


Jun 12, 2012
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But seriously, I don't even know why I type this much text on a site where I know half of the readers won't even bother to take a glance at what I am writing
I read it :3


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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I am deeply sorry for misunderstanding what you stated earlier, and I realize afterwards that you are from the US, while I am on the EU-servers. This means that I have no authority on the subject from your point of view, but would not the top ten players get banned in an instant if they all used modded clients? I mean with all the attention hack-reporters are bound to strike at least ten times a day on a title-holder?
I am glad that you can see the value in the removal of this poorly thought through command, but sadly still fail to see how blamph is even remotely close to the truth. What he stated is completely deceptive, as winning a mcsg-game is in theory a great accomplishment, but in reality far from it due to massive teams with Skype/teamspeak-synchronization or luck like I then moved on to prove with for instance iFrox's case that even those who would not stand a single chance against their fellow high-ups surpasses even them through sheer tenacity and teaming. It's a sad reality, but the only actual way to show your skills is by having an over-all good score with each factors in harmony and optimized. Or by actually showing off a lot in the game itself.
I can to a degree understand what blamph is saying though, having many wins is still less deceiving than having lots of points, but not far from.

And to all of you only wanting bounty so that you may loose some points every now and then- have you ever tried and just be killed? Other than that, maybe as a compensation for those who don't want to die, but loose some points, perhaps exchange the /bounty command with some sort of point-ereaser, like /de-grade (amount) or something of the sort. I can certainly understand why people want to loose points, I do that myself, but I only bounty to stay on an exact amount of points (for whatever reason, don't judge! I'm weird that way! XD) but bountying away points remains the best way to un-balance the whole score-system, and I disapprove of that.
Those 10 people I mentioned I would put under 9. I personally don't think any of them were hackers, because I've experienced true hackers before and I could easily tell they were playing fair. I've played against many of the top players and do not believe any of them use a modded client whatsoever.
Upon going back and reading my post, I was unclear - I said "those on 10." I should have said "Those I'd list as 10 on my scale," or something. I didn't mean the top ten players, my bad.

I can also agree that wins don't show much at all - all I'm saying is that they at least show that the player wins often enough to get in the top 100. They don't show much more than that though, I have to admit... I've also come to learn from teaming myself that teaming requires a lot of coordination, and I actually almost find it harder. He does have a skill, but that skill isn't holding his own - his skill is his ability to do well on a team, and that's a skill that people like myself lack. The reality is, he is just as skilled, but in a completely different way. I have to agree though that his wins show nothing of that skill and he is definitely not the best player around, nowhere near that, and he may lack the skill of holding his own in a game which is an important one in games he can't be with his teammates. (like in tournaments or whatever, if any come along.)

Finally, you are completely right - if people want to get rid of their points, there can still be another alternative: A bounty eraser command, or possibly something even more creative. I'm not going to brainstorm ideas myself, but there has got to be something out there that can be a nice alternative...


District 13
May 26, 2012
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But seriously, I don't even know why I type this much text on a site where I know half of the readers won't even bother to take a glance at what I am writing, for kicks I guess? Also justice! I recommend that you actually read at least me and g33ke's texts as they shed a lot of light over the current situation leader-boards-wise and how to fix these given issues. You may have enough argumentative texts to read to your hearts desire at school, but you can never read too many. I personally love to write long-strechted argumentative texts, as probably realized by everyone even bothering to read all of it, either to be absolutely crystal-cear at stating my opinion precisely as I view things, but also because I am kind of a troll when it comes down to it, I guess that's who I am, really.
Anyways, I wish you luck in reading and following g33ke's and my own arguments on the matter, though I would just love to hear your own opinion on the matter, Vebbi.
I acctually read it, i like to bounty my bounty on people, its funny xD


Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
Those 10 people I mentioned I would put under 9. I personally don't think any of them were hackers, because I've experienced true hackers before and I could easily tell they were playing fair. I've played against many of the top players and do not believe any of them use a modded client whatsoever.
Upon going back and reading my post, I was unclear - I said "those on 10." I should have said "Those I'd list as 10 on my scale," or something. I didn't mean the top ten players, my bad.

I can also agree that wins don't show much at all - all I'm saying is that they at least show that the player wins often enough to get in the top 100. They don't show much more than that though, I have to admit... I've also come to learn from teaming myself that teaming requires a lot of coordination, and I actually almost find it harder. He does have a skill, but that skill isn't holding his own - his skill is his ability to do well on a team, and that's a skill that people like myself lack. The reality is, he is just as skilled, but in a completely different way. I have to agree though that his wins show nothing of that skill and he is definitely not the best player around, nowhere near that, and he may lack the skill of holding his own in a game which is an important one in games he can't be with his teammates. (like in tournaments or whatever, if any come along.)

Finally, you are completely right - if people want to get rid of their points, there can still be another alternative: A bounty eraser command, or possibly something even more creative. I'm not going to brainstorm ideas myself, but there has got to be something out there that can be a nice alternative...
Ok, that makes much, much more sense! And what you just said actually made quite a lot of sense. I can relate to teaming being hard for the inexperienced, but in the end it just involves setting up alternate chest-routes for your teams in order to keep a good enough amount of equipment to win, and once this is obtained, victory is at hand. Though I wouldn't say that this is the case for everyone either. As much as I hate to constantly bring him up, iFrox is the exception of all cases, His only "skill" is devoting time into getting his score higher, his teammates basically acts as his shields and fighters, while he leans back and takes all the credit. This is not skills of any sort, hardly even team-related skills, it's just time-consuming, and that's the only thing that he is good at. What I am trying to say is that neither victorys or points actually works as they should anymore, they hardly ever did.
I am still certain that adding a "monthly highest scores" combined with a constant leader-board featuring all stats divided by each other to create the actual user-rank would be FAR more satisfactory for those wanting to show their true skills, each individual factor could remain as detailed information at the personal page of each player, but the total score should be broadcasted as a combined result of all stats. This would create a much more precise way to determine who is the over-all"best" player of MCSG.


Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
Incoming large amounts of text
Jr, explain your thoughts on this
Jr: Althought I find the whole point system complete pointless because they don't serve any anything really, they aren't used to put yourself into the top player list (this is not counting the /top command in which you can see the people who have a load amount of points) this is mostly due to the case of people putting there bounty points onto another player who can than gather all of these points. This is why I don't think points SHOW skill whatsoever.
Than there's the amount of win counts, also in this is completely vague on it's on as for those players who have played about 1,500 games are on the top due to the fact of them playing a large amount of games and winning like 1/7th's of it. Than there's the fact of players who team basically every round they play and take the win, if you are able to outnumber a player, the game becomes easier, more people = more of a better chance to win. So this makes wins a little bit of a better way of showing your skills rather than points, but still at the same time very indecisive way of showing skills. Now we can do Kill/death Ratio. Take G33ke for example, (Pro gamer) he has played 563 games and has won 188. already right there he has won a better rounding of wins in games so he is IMO better than a top player. But at the same time it might be also not so much of showing a players skill, like an example is.
Friend tells another friend about MCSG, they play a couple times a day for a month but have a large team to back them up, and let his friend win every time, so it would look like he has a good Kill/death ratio but really his not as good without his team. So really there is no true way of showing how good you are just by the leaderboards, blah blah blah, want to know if the guy is good go to a match with him and see if you kill him. More onto the top of points being pointless (zing!) although I feel they are worthless I think it adds a certain element to the game for certain players, however there are people who don't even want the points, so having a /deletemypointspl0x command would be a great idea and removing the /bounty command although sounds good, it has it's own good use's by making teams kill each other for the points (noob teammates) so you should keep the bounty command but also add /deletemypointspl0x command also, and hope people choose that when wanting to get rid of points and not bother placing a bounty on someone to get rid of there points.
Summary: Keep bounty, add /deletemypointspl0x, and there is no way to truly tell if someone is a pro by there scores. (at least not 100% accurate)


Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
I can see the fun in bounty-ing points on noob-teams, but on a serious note, who even does that nowadays? Everyone just bounty their points to massive-point-hoarding friends that build up thousands of them over a single game thanks to the existence of the command. The command /bounty has to go away. Then the leaderboards could feature a new way to calculate the "real" player-rank, by comparing all the stats with each other to very accurately show the persons "real" rank. This would make no exceptions. Teamers' scores would suffer, because while one gets the victory, the other one gets nothing, which means a positive result for the player who got the victory, but a negative result for the other teammate as he gets nothing but another games played, a negative input on the total score system. It would compare victories with total games played, and points with total kills and games played, I don't know about the details, but this would certainly improve the way players may compare status and rank in the mcsg as a whole.

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