Our community is huge, in fact,
2.6 million players have visited our server. There will always be some bad apples in the bunch.
The Survival Games gamemode tends to be extremely competitive, for many reasons. Clans, leaderboards, and simple bragging rights all feed into the extremely competitive mentality many players share, however I assure you many players are here just for fun, myself included.
The in-game chat can sometimes be awful, and forum discussions can often go awry- there's no doubt about it, but don't let that be your first impression. Dig a little deeper into the forums, and I assure you that you will find some genuinely nice players who are here just for fun.
With such a large community, there are many personalities, all of which end up clashing, and can cause some ugly situations. The staff is doing their best to clear out the bad apples, and hopefully it will get better very soon.
The AntVenom community, to my knowledge, was a relatively small, tight-knit community, and this must be a huge change, but we are all very excited to have you guys here, and we hope that you can find the good in our community.
You can get to know people in the
'Community Corner' section, by posting, or reading some get-to-know you threads
If you start to get a bit more competitive, or want to get to know more people, you can check out the
'Clans and Teams' section. Despite the often high competitive levels, clans are great ways to meet new people and improve your skill
It might even be cool to start an AntVenom clan, which can eventually branch out to other members as well
To sum it all up- there are some bad apples in this community, without a doubt, and unfortunately, there likely always will be, but hopefully you can look past that, and find the good in our community