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Corruption in staff?

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Nov 17, 2012
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They're probably those suck ups trying to get mod. Or maybe... THE STAFF OR FORCING THEM TO DO IT.
*Dave puts gun behind players back*
Dave whispers into the players ear "say or I'll shoot"
Dave starts whispering again "yes, now tell no one or I'll ban you from the servers"
Dave runs off into the darkness, out of sight in seconds.
A tear runs down the players face, he's scared...
I'll probably get banned for that but it's worth it.
Firstly, I have no intention of ever becoming a mod on MCSG. Let's start with that. I'm also not trying to suck up. I haven't played MCSG for a few weeks now, and at this point I would be disappointed but not even that sad if I was permabanned. So please. Don't judge, think about what I'm saying.

I have played 2,500 games of MCSG. I've never had a problem with a staff member. All my interactions with staff have been completely fine. So far, what you have said has been directly contradicted by an ex-admin.

I've heard bad things about Dave, but that doesn't mean the whole staff, or even a part of it, is corrupt. It means one admin has done things that are seen as unfair by people in the community.

And finally, if you really do think staff is entirely corrupt, why stick around? If I thought MCGamer staff was handing out unfair bans left and right, I'd get my butt over to Hive.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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Firstly, I have no intention of ever becoming a mod on MCSG. Let's start with that. I'm also not trying to suck up. I haven't played MCSG for a few weeks now, and at this point I would be disappointed but not even that sad if I was permabanned. So please. Don't judge, think about what I'm saying.

I have played 2,500 games of MCSG. I've never had a problem with a staff member. All my interactions with staff have been completely fine. So far, what you have said has been directly contradicted by an ex-admin.

I've heard bad things about Dave, but that doesn't mean the whole staff, or even a part of it, is corrupt. It means one admin has done things that are seen as unfair by people in the community.

And finally, if you really do think staff is entirely corrupt, why stick around? If I thought MCGamer staff was handing out unfair bans left and right, I'd get my butt over to Hive.
A lot of people are asked, "If you don't like the MCG Staff so much, why don't you move to Hive?"
Wellllllllll, it's not that simple. I personally don't like some MCG staff members, for personal reasons, but I would much rather stay here than move over to the place where the sun don't shine (yeah im secretly calling the Hive a certain body part. lol.)
In my personal experience, Hive and MCSG are pretty much equal when it comes to gameplay. Not necessarily equal, but like they're both pretty enjoyable. However, I don't even play Minecraft. Yeah I try to get back into it once in a while, but it doesn't really work. I'm here for the community. I wouldn't give two flying chocolates if MCSG's plugin suddenly deleted everyone's stats (okay i would but you get the point+chocolate is mine u cant have it) But I've spent over a year and a half of my life carefully crafting a reputation, getting to know people, making friends, even making enemies, helping people, and doing soooo much that I'm sentimentally attached to MCSG. As in, I would actually possibly fall into clinical depression (again) if I were banned from or forced to quit the forums. I kid you not. (Mcsg admins take note, no ban pls. <3) Moving onto the Hive is simply not realistic. I'm pretty sure that NyannCat has a lot of friends here who would miss her, and whom she would miss if she were to switch over to The Hive. I, for one, am a person with no friends outside of MCSG. (Yeah I know, NEET) And human relationships are something that I naturally crave due to a lack of real life interaction with people. Letting go of all of those would be dramatic on my mental and physical being that my body just might not be able to handle.

too deep? too deep.


District 13
Mar 30, 2014
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Now, the term "corrupt" is thrown around very loosely here. If you look up what corrupt means on google you get get something along the lines of this: having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain. What personal gain does any staff member get by making "unfair bans" or "abusing players"? They don't gain money, that's for sure. They don't gain respect, they don't gain fame; if anything they gain infamy and backlash from the community.

As for what NyanCaatt said about moderators ignoring the actions that need to be taken on their friends, that is in no way being corrupt. It is not good and I do not condone it, however it is not corrupt and is simply someone getting their friendships intertwined in their staff duties. I'm not trying to defend people that are doing this, just simply pointing out that it is being labeled as corrupt in a false manner. As for the bit about the AU staff being the most corrupt, I will try to make it more aware to the staff team - although it already is - that there may be some dishonesty and avoidance of rule breakers in that region.

Carry on with normal discussion and don't bring flame to this thread as it really is providing a good read for me.


Dec 19, 2013
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US doesn't seem like a corrupted community really, from personal experience they're all quiet nice but I can't say much from my experience with the AU community.....
Not to be rude but you do not seem to have much experience with with goes on in US.


Aug 12, 2013
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Why do threads like this continue to be made?

There are people who have a genuinely valid reason for being irritated with a particular Staff member or a group of Staff members. In that same respect, there are people who have valid reasons to be 100% satisfied with how Staff members conduct themselves. I have heard both sides of this "argument". Being involved with many different Clans, I hear people say all the time, "The Staff are corrupt, the Staff are corrupt!" But when you ask many of these people how they justify their opinion - why they're pissed off to begin with - they either give you a half-arsed response or them come forward with little to nothing at all.

If you have a genuine problem with people who run this community, with the people who dedicated their time to ensure that things are working properly, or with this community as a whole, then I'll be quite frank with you, leave. I was a Moderator at one point. I had, and continue to have, a problem with the way particular things are done within the Staff team (I applaud the attempts after my resignation to fix the various things I had addressed. I cannot say that my issues went unnoticed; Chad and the Senior Staff read your comments, but only if they're formed in such a way that you're actually trying to benefit the community instead of smashing it into pieces). What did I do? I left. And I have never addressed the issues again. I'm sure that all of you are capable of doing the same.

In addition, many of are throwing the word "corruption" around at any chance you get. And to what effect? You're belittling a group of VOLUNTEERS. What you're doing is causing people to jump on the "screw-all-the-Staff bandwagon" when many of you have very little knowledge as to why issues like this exist in the first place.

If you hate a particular Staff member, then go ahead and hate them. I'm not here to pick and choose who you like and who you don't like. But don't you dare take the actions of one Staff member and paint the rest of the team with the same brush. Someone does not join the Staff team and immediately become intolerable and "corrupt". I have my fair share of people on the Staff team who I'm not particularly a fan of. I have my fair share of things that have happened where I've said, "You wanna know what, that's just not right." And I can list them, each of them, and explain all of it, point by point. This is something that many of you aren't able to do And if you find that you can't, then maybe you ought to reconsider why you're angry to begin with.
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Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
I think this should be locked because it will cause flame.


Feb 25, 2013
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Personally I feel that there can be flaws in the staff, but you cannot really control it. It is better to let it be because there isn't too many ways to change this other than reporting the mod privately to a Sr staff member.


May 20, 2012
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I totally agree with JoelJCE on this one.

Saying the staff as a whole is corrupt is simply a generalization based on possibly one or two members of the staff. Think of how many times you have been helped by a staff member, and compare that to the amount of times the staff have done something "corrupt". I think you would find that the ratio is pretty high.

Also, "corruption" could simply be an honest mistake. I have heard of a scenario where a staff member accidentally banned someone for 7 weeks instead of 7 days, and it was a complete mistake that was later fixed. It is unfair to us staff members to jump to conclusions so quickly, and immediately assume that the staff is corrupt based on what was most likely an honest mistake. Keep in mind that we VOLUNTEER our time to help you all, as JoelJCE said.

If you honestly think that a member of staff is corrupt, please get in touch with a Sr. Staff member about the issue. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT just message them saying that staff is corrupt because you were banned, or for other reasons similar to that. If that is the case, simply post a ban appeal and Sr. Staff will get around to looking at it.

All in all, please don't hound us staff members. Unless you are a retired member of staff or know the server very well, you most likely have no idea how hard we work to keep the server the way it is, and it is extremely unfair and really hurtful to call us corrupt.

Sorry if this was TL;DR xD


District 13
Feb 18, 2014
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To be honest, this is one of those controversial topics a lot of people talk about but no one can really give an example without offending someone. I am not quite sure how someone can be corrupt without being caught and punished, and therefor have not really ever seen any real corruption in the MCSG community. I have been "unfairly banned" in my time on MCSG (DracoHD, kind sir) however, reviewed it and pardoned my ban, saying that it was a mistake and that was that. Of course mistakes in a ban will happen, and I feel some players who experience this will point fingers at staff members who simply reviewed evidence and made a decision. Certainly not all mods are MoLoToV or KitMencha, but room for accepting new mods who are just trying to learn their way around and beginning to become potentially great moderators must be considered. Players should be more tolerant, everyone is human.

I leave by stating of course not everyone is perfect, but only those who are tolerant of peoples mistakes will make the community better and "uncorrupt".
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