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Corruption in staff?

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Dec 19, 2013
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I don't understand why people say the entire staff community is corrupt.

There are SO MANY amazing staff members who are dedicated to doing what they do. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have even half of the things we had today. Their hard work is what keeps this community alive.

I see so many great mods both in game and on the forums. 98% of moderators are absolutely outstanding, with a couple that are questionable but pretty good nonetheless. People make mistakes. We are all human. It's just that ONE staff member makes ONE mistake and people are all like, "WOW MCSG SUCKS, MUCH BAD STAFF, MANY MAD" I just don't quite understand where they are coming from.

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
Time to pick apart most of the points going against staff in this thread...
Hey guys before I start my little mini-rant and discussion on possible corruption on the MCSG servers between some staff I just want to just state a major point. This is just a friendly discussion, personal opinions, and no way should be taken harshly to any people involved in this discussion.

So in every game, company, or whatever group you're apart of there is always a bit of corruption. There is no perfect group that doesn't have or had gone through corruption so doesn't MCSG count as well? Normal Player: No MCSG is perfect, ILY Bowser! (Inside joke) Player who thinks: Maybe behind closed doors time to time.

So here's my opinion on this subject. Being apart of the AU community it's quiet small so of course there will be a lot of gossip and the community is so bunched up you just have a bit of gosp and hate to everyone, staff member and known players. Now after personally hearing some upfront corrupted talk between a player and his clan members including a staff member (will not name) I can already say yes mcsg at least AU's side has some corruption which takes a huge tole to a lot some idiotic bans (my opinion) that have taken place because of a certain someone, you know who you are staff member.

So after that, my question to you guys is. Do you think you're community AU/US/EU/CA in MCSG has some corruption in it? Have you seen any corruption? Please feel free to say it here because I bet some of you have been asking this question to yourself once or twice.
The term of "corruption" is thrown around too much without the word actually being put to correct use.

Can some staff members be ignorant at times? Yes. Can mods be lazy? Yes. I've seen numerous occasions of both these things. I agree: ignorance and laziness are not good qualities to have if you are part of the staff team.

However, are staff members corrupt? Do we ban players just because we are out to get them? Do we break the rules and feel invincible? Hardly ever, if at all.

Whenever people throw out the word "corruption", I usually look for some points to back it up.
Do I find any valid points? Nada.

One thing to remember is that the staff on MCGamer is only here to enforce the rules, help the community, and improve gameplay. Calling a staff team of a server based off a block game is a bit overkill, wouldn't you think?

When I think of corruption, I think of Germany's government back during World War II. They were completely dishonest, and killed millions of innocent people.

Is the staff corrupt?

Have any of you ever been harmed in any major way by the staff team? Most players saying the staff team is corrupt have had nothing happen to them. They've only heard stories of what have happened to a few other players; many of which are not 100% true.

Unfair bans will eventually be worked out. The staff isn't out to get you - occasionally we will be wrong. When we are wrong, we will admit it. If you've been banned, 95% of the time it is for something completely valid!

So to answer your question, no. The staff is not corrupt. :p
Ohhhhhh... meh, corrupt? Nahh just unfair and unjustified.
Those are some better descriptions to use instead of "corrupt". However, by saying that, you are generalizing way too much. If the staff was really unfair, you'd already be banned! xP

On the other hand, there are individuals that can be unfair and make bad decisions at times. The community seems to get the idea that this happens most of the time - it really doesn't. It just seems like it does because every single mistake by the staff is constantly brought up! People tend to remember the bad more than the good - even if you do have some points on how the staff is unfair, I would highly doubt you'd have very many at all.

ohmygod it's actually so funny seeing all the suck ups here..
"I've never seen any corruption"
"The staff are perfect and they've never been corrupt"
Nobody said the staff was perfect. In fact, the staff isn't perfect! However, we've never been corrupt. People in the community who say things like what you said are the causes of the community as a whole to believe that the staff is corrupt. How many problems with the staff do you really see in a day? It may seem like a lot, but it really isn't! Again, people take drama and spread it around.

If anyone has any valid points on how the staff is unfair, we'd love to hear them so we can improve upon helping others! ^_^ We'd love to hear them privately, not publicly because that just spreads more drama that might not be true. ;)

The reason I am locking this thread is because threads like these are what fuels the fire for people falsely thinking that the staff is corrupt. It does not need to be discussed here; it can be discussed in private, on teamspeak.

Have a great day, everyone! :)

*Edit: To back up my point even more, the majority of the people who have posted have found no real corruption within the staff. Those who have really haven't brought any valid points up; they've just made generalizations.

Saying the staff as a whole is corrupt is simply a generalization based on possibly one or two members of the staff. Think of how many times you have been helped by a staff member, and compare that to the amount of times the staff have done something "corrupt". I think you would find that the ratio is pretty high.

Also, "corruption" could simply be an honest mistake. I have heard of a scenario where a staff member accidentally banned someone for 7 weeks instead of 7 days, and it was a complete mistake that was later fixed.
Good points. I'll admit - that was me who accidentally banned someone for 7 weeks. :p It was a total accident, but feel free to call me corrupt if you want. ;)
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