I'm gonna put my thoughts into this thread.
As has been mentioned acouple of times, no system, anywhere, is perfect. There will always be imperfections and mistakes that need to be found and ironed out. This combined with simple human error can have a rather negative effect on the community as a whole. But that is why the senior staff exists, to combat these errors and mistakes that arise from the moderation staff, be them honest or not, and deal with the issues that they create. At this moment there are 11 extremely dedicated and professional senior staff members, whos main job is to make sure the community is free of any unfairness. When people feel they have been unfairly punished, it is the job of these people, through the Ban Dispute system, to help out players in these cases. I remember going through ban disputes as a senior mod and finding a few errors. I, like the rest of theteam, dealt with the issue, brought it up to the moderator involved, and that was the end of it.
To the rumours of an innefficient senior staff, I believe (probably somewhat biasedly
Mooclan ) that these people are the best to fufil the role. I trust each of the senior staff members to make the correct decision, and to be fair in every situation. I know I can trust the senior moderators for 2 reasons, 1 is that I know them all personally, and so have the personal connection, and 2 because they were hired by the Administrative staff. I know I can trust them because they were hired, personally, by Chad himself, and, as history shows, he clearly knows how to run and organise this community, through thick and thin.
Issues always come about, mistakingly or not, but the whole strucural system is implace to combat them. All of the chains of command are easily contactable, to ensure the continuity and fairness of the community, and that, I feel, is why, on the whole, MCGamer has the best moderation system around.