Personally, there are ups and downs to this system.
Raffle Voting:
Pros: Raffle voting allows for players to play underplayed maps that may have not ben touched on in a long time, and adds variety. It's not just based on what some diamond donor and his five friends want.
Cons: Earlier on, the voting system was slightly messed up, and it seemed as if the lower chanced (1-10%) maps would almost always win. That has been fixed. However, sometimes maps that hardly anyone wants to play will still get voted, causing frustration and people will leave. The input of this system has increased a lot more "ew i hate this map. /leave" type behavior. Also, clan battles and scrimmages have been slightly messed up because of this. If the teams want to play on SG Highway, but some other people in the lobby want to play, say, Breeze Island, and Breeze wins with 10% it causes ultimate frustration because now both clans have to find a new server with good maps and get all their non-donor players in.
Voting by 'Most Popular' Option:
Pros: Majority rules. The majority of the lobby will be pleased with the voted map. There was never a serious encountered problem with the old voting system. There were no real issues that were solved with raffle voting, however it did add some nice varieties, I've played some relatively underplayed maps more than I used to.
Cons: Maps can become incredibly overplayed, and some player's favorite maps that are underplayed may never be voted. Underplayment leads to map removal. The raffle system gives all maps a more fair chance.
Thank you for reading. I hope this could help you formulate your opinion, personally I don't really sway myself either way c: