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Community Vote: The great map voting debate 2014!

Raffle Voting

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District 13
Jul 5, 2012
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As a map builder I know which styles of maps are popular and which aren't. Larger maps like SG1 often don't get played by the newer players as it "sucks" according to them as it is large and isn't an easy map to play. Maps like SG4 which are small and easy to play are more popular. This leads to a high bias towards certain maps.

Randomization: This allows an even spread of maps to be played but gives the player no control on what map they play at all. This has its pros and its cons. In one aspect there is no way to know what style of arena you will have to face which is a more realistic element. On the other hand you might play 10 maps in a row that you absolutely despise and at the end of the day we are here to have fun.

Voting: This allows the "majority" to play what they want. This allows the favorite maps to be played more often however it does also lead to higher ranks being able to dominate the voting each time which gives lower ranks no say whatsoever in what they want unless they follow suit. This will also give the newer maps less chance to get popular and therefore the popular maps will remain popular.

Raffle: Allows players to choose what they want so that they have an element of control. This allows the lower ranks to have a say although the higher ranks still have more weighting. This allows everyone's say to be taken into account. This allows the more popular maps to be played more often so that the players more often than not will get what they want, however less popular maps will still have a chance to be played.

Overall raffle seems to be the most logical to me as it gives everyone a say but still allows donors to have the higher weighting they want. This gives most maps a chance if they get at least 1 vote.

As a last note I personally feel that in the raffle voting system all map options should start with 1 vote to allow all maps to have a chance as some maps simply never get played at all.


Sep 25, 2013
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You WILL lose many clan players if you keep the new raffle system. The old away enables you to have a map and play it without a doubt. I really hate the new system.

Quick little rant, on my phone
Sep 7, 2013
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In originally HATED it, as I didn't see the bright side of it. I thought that it sucked and was awful. Now that I have been playing with it, I think it is REALLY good. It gives a chance to awesome but underplayed maps to get played. It adds variety, but it should be changed a bit. Like, are you kidding me? CAN I FINALLY PLAY SG2? The only thing you see is noobs (Not newbies, there's a difference.) voting in SG4, SG Highway, Vida Cova (Everyone hates it, but always goes for the full diamond. I personally really love it as it is one of the biggest SG maps and it has incredible terraforming.) etc. etc. After all, why didn't you say your complaints in the first post about and you said it when it got implemented? I am pretty sure that I did, or I didn't see the post (idk). Can't there be servers with raffle voting AND others that have regular voting? But there's a problem too. If let's say, 9001 people have voted for, Remnant or whatever map you want, and then a troll that votes for.. SG Highway, let's say, SG Highway still has a chance of winning right? Ex:
Remnant: Votes 9001: Chance: 99.99999999%
SG Highway: Votes 1: Chance: 00.00000001%
(Or whatever you want the statistics to be.)
It MAY get voted right?
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Aug 25, 2013
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Just because more players prefer a map over another doesn't mean it's better.
Most really popular maps have really bad builds and terraforming (and also "gameplay", as survival games should be survival games, not clan battle games. Some popular maps also have terrible gameplay for clan battles due to an disastrous amount of water/lava. That being said, most people seem to enjoy their map over how "good" it's tiered, over how many tier 2s and how simple it is to get them.
it isn't 100% about clans considering I love moonbase demons breeze etc. But honestly I leave when breeze, sg5, etc. Wins.


District 13
Oct 2, 2012
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I personally want it removed, yeah sure I like the underplayed maps... But it pisses me off when there is a slim chance for the map that gets picked.


May 21, 2012
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It brings the possibility of playing a new map or map you haven't played before, I like it and definitely feel like it should be kept.


Sep 25, 2012
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My rebuttal against the people that want to go back to the old system.

Points made why to go back to old system:
-Clans don't like it for scrims
-"Bad" maps with low votes get chosen over "good" maps
-I don't like it
-I am a donor so I should get what I want

Why none of these points have any weight to their argument:
-Clans: Over the population of 2 million people that play MCSG clans make up a miniscule portion. Just because you are part of a group that does battles with other groups doesn't mean that you should get only what you want. If these clan battles are to show skill playing on less popular maps will show real skill. If you don't like the map, go to a different server, your all mostly donors so sorry that you have to wait an eternity of 2 min. to play on another server.

-"Bad" maps over "good maps": This is completely opinionative, although it is true for some maps (cough cough breeze island with terrible tiering). If you don't like the map leave, sorry that you have to wait an eternity of 2 min. to play on another server. If you think that the map is bad look it up on youtube for chest routes or a tour of the map, this is how i grew to like maps like fortress pyke and SG Japan. There is no reason to complain about a map because its "bad" because most likely you have not checked it out.

-I don't like it: No argument, no one needs your opinion without an argument

-Annoying: Yes I agree that at times the map with 5% wins, but is that really a bad thing? SG Japan is one of these maps that I vote for and it has usually 5%. most of the times it does not win, but on occasion it wins, for this I am really happy and it is why I like the raffle system. When SG3 comes on it is annoying, but why complain, such it up, put on your try hard pants, or yolo it. Some people leave (hope that they are the better players) and have fun, its not all about the map but if you enjoy the gameplay. With the percentage system maps with lower than 6% do not win often, just because a map wins with low percentage on occasion doesn't make the point "annoying" valid

-I am a donor so I should be able to play was I want: Not an argument, just because you payed money doesn't mean you get everything your way. This is completely unfair to non donors, as myself, some people feel that you don't have to pay money on a game to be good. With the old system donors would dominate the system and non donors would get very little say. With the raffle system everyone has a say and it was much more fair.

Conclusion: Everyone against the raffle system have no valid arguments on how it makes MCSG better.
Sep 7, 2013
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-I am a donor so I should get what I want
Let me remind you that the purpose of donor is to keep the server you are playing or any other service you are using ALIVE. Originally, in everything, donor was just donates. There were no perks. But they changed it and put perks too, so more people donate. So pretty much, your point in invalid.


Oct 31, 2013
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I honestly think that the voting system is very effective, the problem I have with it is that bad maps are voted. If it were up to me I would have regular votes to see who wants a map and who doesn't. In my opinion I think it should be up to the public as to which maps stay and which ones go. Maps such as Wyverns Wake would have straight up been voted to stay and a map such as Fortress Pyke would have gone. It should be up to the public to decide..

Summary: The voting system stays but some maps don't.


Sep 25, 2012
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Let me remind you that the purpose of donor is to keep the server you are playing or any other service you are using ALIVE. Originally, in everything, donor was just donates. There were no perks. But they changed it and put perks too, so more people donate. So pretty much, your point in invalid.
As said before in previous posts: Donors make up the minority of the community, donations are donations not, I payed now I get all that I want. Furthermore the MCgamer network does not give special treatment for donors (other than the perks given). Quoted from the What not to do on a ban dispute "Try to use your Premium ranked status as leverage against us; “I’m a donor, so your community depends on me."" You payed money to get the perks to play the game, just because you payed doesn't mean you get everything that you want. You point is invalid because the MCGamer Administration does not appreciate when donors use their premium stats as leverage to get what they want.

Conclusion: Harris|DareDevilMan1's point is invalid


Jul 16, 2012
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Before reading different views on the topic, I feel that this raffle system is the better system to use. I can agree that it is annoying when a really underplayed map, but that's fine, if I don't want to play it, I'll leave. If I do, I'll stay. Simple as that. It is nice to be given the oppertunity to have a variety of maps to play instead of the same 5 maps every game.

Back in V1, when it was only sg1, sg2, and sg3, every game it was sg2 because it was considered the "best" map. That got boring quite quickly now that I think back on it, and I don't want that to make it's return.

In all, just having the choice to play the underplayed maps is all I could ask for, and changing to the voting system will practiclly eliminate that choice.
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