I'd just like to point out that he couldn't exactly give a screenshot or recording of the events he used as an example, and he had to use ___'s for any specifics.
And I rather think that the thread was prevented in a very civil manner compared to some others that I've seen, and was quite thoughtful. It is far from pointless - He was highlighting what he believed to be an issue with a portion of staff members.
(Finally, a debatable thread!
It's been so long since I've seen one of these <3 Now I have to make like 2 pages.)
Grab a coffee, sit down, because this could be long and ranty. <3 my specialty
Keep in mind that in my mind, this was a speech. It was something that could be said out loud and would still flow. Try to read it as such, it may change the way you view this. Thank you.
Also, if this needs to be censored for some reason, please contact me via PM with the part that was censored so that I can keep it for personal sentimental reasons. I have a habit of getting attached to long essays that I write.
I think that the forums haven't exactly been
easy on the new mods recently. I've seen a lot of
hate, a lot of
pointing fingers. But remember.
Everyone starts somewhere low, and gradually builds their own fortress of experience and skill in their respective jobs. Forumers like RC and HalfSquirrel started out struggling with their alphabets, and nowadays they have thousands upon thousands of posts. Amazing coders and plugin developers like Devin and subv3rsion may have started out coding tiny little plugins like colored chat or something.
However, then again you can also say that
the Moderators that MCSG hires are supposed to already be top-notch. They're already expected to know how to type very well, and recognize a hacker when they see one. They're expected to respond to the
players as a proper staff member. That's why applications ask for past experience, right?
MCSG was created to be a fun place.
And now? A lot of the members can't have fun, because they're worried about when they'll run into the next hacker, or whining about how the staff are seemingly "ignoring" them when they're supposed to be on the job. Is this the community's fault, or does MCSG have a hand somewhere in this?
And before anyone tries to point this out to me: Yes, I am indeed keeping in mind that a lot of the players just like to play the game itself, and don't worry about reporting hackers, or even know what hackers are. They don't go on the forums and say "Oh, the staff are lazy!" They just move on to the next round.
However, there are a lot of us here on the forums. Maybe not a large portion, but I like to think of the people that go on the forums and stay here some of the smarter, older, and possibly more mature players. And a lot of us here on the forums do care about MCSG. (I don't mean to generalize non-forumers or forumers, I'm simply stating how it feels to me.)
One question that I'm asked the most is this:
If you don't play MCSG, why do you stay on the forums? And why do you help the players?
My answer?
I care.
I care about MCSG. I
care about the forums, about the staff team, about the servers, about the builders, the noobs, the hackers, the lag, the plugin, the players, and everything about MCSG.
I care about what happens to MCSG.
This obviously isn't the right thread to write my life's story, so I won't, but my reason is that MCSG has become a large part of my life. It's saved me, in more ways than one.
And I know that it has done similar deeds for other players. I've seen and spoken to people who have said that they were depressed, or maybe even suicidal. But they played MCSG, and met people via clans or the forums or in-game, and they made friends. And they had fun.
But I'm seeing a lot less people like that. Recently, it's all been competitive. It's been climbing the leaderboards, striving for that next 50 wins. If you die, you call hacks. If you win, you say "GG GET REKT NUB". This isn't how MCSG should be, in my eyes. It's not MCSG's fault, but is there anything done to solve it? Sure, there's the generic "Respect other players" and stuff, but people don't seem to recognize that respect comes in more forms than just not pulling yo' mama jokes, even though that still happens too.
(And yeah, I've played a few games in the past few days)
Now, whenever criticizing
anything about MCSG, I tell others to try to include a solution. I'd be a fool, honestly, to not keep in mind my own advice, and the advice of someone I really admire, Col_StaR, who I got this from a few weeks ago. I'll try to do this.
The New Mods - The issue is that they're not "good" enough? I feel that this is an opinion, which is supported by
some "evidence" or "facts", such as examples of being ignored on TeamSpeak, or locking when it wasn't necessary. I must admit, I have poked staff members for various things, and have not received responses. However, we have to keep in mind cases such as where the person went to get food, or had to go walk a dog, or had to go do the dishes for their family. Everyday occurrences that someone might not think of taking off the [Poke if Needed] tag for, because they're so ordinary and common, yet do take someone away from their computer.
However, then again - In their applications, I believe this is mentioned.
And as far as I know, a lot of applicants (Such as myself and some friends who asked me to review their application before posting) put numbers pretty dang high, like upwards of 20. What the staff members and applicants should realize is that this is time spent on MCSG
exclusively, not just from 5 PM-9 PM, just because they played one game at 5, got called away to do chores, then eat dinner, and came back at 7:30 to play a few more games before going to bed.
I don't know exactly how the Mod Interview is conducted, but I don't think that they go super in-depth into parts of the applicant's application such as that. A simple question to ask, really, is "
When you mean ({Time} to {Time}), did you mean exclusively or including various tasks such as chores, mealtimes, and other things that could take you away from your duty? And does this include personal time playing MCSG as well as Moderating, or just Moderating?" (I have no clue whatsoever if this is in fact asked during the interview, but if it's not, then I think it would be a pretty good suggestion)
Also, just another suggestion, but if the decision is borderline on whether or not to approve someone for the interview or Mod rank... Either deny them, because they weren't clearly good enough, or do some research on them. Minecraft forums profile, check their MCSG forum history, and maybe check their IP to see if there are any accounts or alts that they haven't mentioned. As cruel as this is...
look for flaws. It's their own fault if they give you a reason to deny them.
But don't risk MCSG's fun-factor when hiring a mod who you think might turn sour.
Okay, as with sooo many of my other posts, I've gotten distracted somewhere along the journey that I call "writing", so unfortunately I'm going to have to end this off here. I would love to discuss things like so-called "unfair" promotions, demotions, bans, unbans, drama, and so many other things, but I don't think that's the purpose of this thread.
Also, I apologize if you burned your eyes while reading this, I know it was a bit long. It took me like 45 minutes to write this, at least.
Lastly, please do not delete this thread unless you absolutely have to. Seriously. I just put a crap ton of effort into writing this post, I'd be kinda pissed, personally, if this entire thread was deleted, posts and all.