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Voting System Petition

Should the map choices be completely random?

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Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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I'd like this to be read all the way through before taking sides here, and I'd also like there to be no flame wars here. (I have a feeling that might not happen.) Friendly debates are fine, but let's keep the flaming to a minimum.

Who here is tired of playing sg4 a ton because it's always at the top of the voting system? I know I am getting a little tired of it, and I'm sure I'm not alone. I've wanted to try the new maps, but I can't seem to get into a game with them, because sg4 keeps getting voted for most. Some people don't even know if they'll like the new maps yet, so they vote for what they already know they like.

After playing about 15-20 games, only one of them was on one of the new maps. (Well, two. Long story there.) The other 90% of my games were on sg4. I even saw sg4 outvote some of the new maps a few times, so I didn't get a chance to play them.

Chad is already aware of this issue, and this is what he says about it:

We will be modifying the voting later today hopefully to allow up to 4 choices at start to help more map variety. SG4 will remain the first option until a new TeamVareide map gets released.
I'm glad he has noticed this and is trying to fix it a bit, but I do have to disagree with keeping sg4 there until a new TeamVareide map is released. To be honest, the only maps that outvote sg4 more than 50% of the time are Khar, Teweran, and Breeze. The new maps won't outvote sg4 just because they appear more often - quite the opposite actually. Now, with Teweran, Khar, and Breeze being picked more often too, it's even less likely they will be picked, since people will be given more chances to vote for the maps they already like. More variety? Maybe, any of the new maps being played? No. Not to mention the fact that half the people will vote for sg4, and the other half would be split between the other three choices.

Now, after the new TeamVareide map is released, I can assume they will still be using this system - if they do, it will keep going in a loop until TeamVareide releases a map that people aren't particularly interested in. (We all know that could be a while, their maps are great, but every map gets boring after being overplayed.)

So what am I trying to say? I'm trying to say that I want the voting system to be completely random, and I'm starting a petition to get this to happen - It really does puzzle me why TeamVareide's maps are favored to be put into the random voting every time just because of who builds them - the community makes awesome maps too, why do they get cheated out of their map being played just because these other builders are more popular? It especially puzzles me, because the entire reason we switched to this voting system was to prevent the most popular map from always being on the list, but since the most popular map right now is sg4, and even 4 options is less than what we used to have with Breeze...

If this can't happen, and TeamVareide maps must stay up there for whatever reason, I would at least like to know why. Not knowing leads me to believe you are in complete control of it and gives people like me a reason to complain to get it changed.

Oh, and a secondary suggestion - something that could be interesting is that if the voting system does change, maybe it could be possible to make a "promotional period" system for the maps? Every week, a random map would be picked, (can't be the same map twice in a row.) and that map would stay the vote 1 option for a week, with the rest of the options still being random. Upon the end of the week, the process repeats itself. This would give people a chance to make a route on the map, get a feel for it, and adds a different type of "randomness" to it that can be avoided if people don't want to play it that badly. I'd love to play a map like sg3 for example, and I'd love to play it several times, and this would allow me to do that without it becoming too repetitive like it has been for Breeze in the past or sg4 now. This is a risky kind of thing to do though, and could maybe be slightly annoying to some people, I just thought I'd throw the idea out there.

TL;DR: I'd like to see a change in the voting system - one other than the currently mentioned one by Chad. I don't really believe that will help the issue much at all in all honesty. All I'm trying to do here is speed up the process - I'm fairly sure adding more voting options won't help much at all, and I want to go right ahead and suggest the next option ahead of time in an attempt to save us from another month of sg4. (Again, it's a great map - being played in 90% of the games kinda ruins it though.)


District 13
Oct 6, 2012
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the new voting system is bad. so what if breee got played to much it was what people wanted


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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the new voting system is bad. so what if breee got played to much it was what people wanted
I've been over that before. I'll do another short version here...

Group A likes Breeze island. Group B likes any map but Breeze island. Group A consists of 60% of the people, and they get the map 100% of the time. Group B consists of 40% of the people, and they get their map 0% of the time.

Group A stays on MCSG, group B leaves because they can never play a map they enjoy.

This voting system may make those who loved playing only Breeze unhappy, but it's not like those users have quit, have they? This is a much more fair system, allowing everyone a fair chance to play the map they want. The 60% gets their map 60% of the time, the 40% gets their map 40% of the time. (Well, roughly.)

There is only one thing wrong with this new voting system in my opinion, and that's what I mentioned in this thread. I'd like the system to stay, I just don't want TeamVareide's maps to always be the first option.


Oct 2, 2012
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I completely agree with what you have said. The only time i'm really able to play maps beside sg4 is when its late and not alot of people are on. But when the servers are packed and hard to get into, all i play is sg4. I think every new map should have a place at the vote 1 spot the first 1 or 2 days they get released. I really hope chad takes out sg4 on the top every game


Staff member
Apr 15, 2012
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Looks like so far people agree with me as 13 to 1 in favor of keeping the most recent TeamVareide map in the first slot. You know my opinion but I do agree we need more maps to select from per skip.


Staff member
Apr 15, 2012
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Ah missed the n't but still, we are not going to modify this, sorry.


Staff member
Apr 15, 2012
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Vareide was nice enough to link us in his videos, so we wanted to have their newest map on top so that his fans + his build team can play on them. I can see why this is an issue because of the lack of selection, but once we had 4-5 maps at a time, then it will be better. We love working with TeamVareide , and this is one of the ways we thank them back.


Jun 12, 2012
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Vareide was nice enough to link us in his videos, so we wanted to have their newest map on top so that his fans + his build team can play on them. I can see why this is an issue because of the lack of selection, but once we had 4-5 maps at a time, then it will be better. We love working with TeamVareide , and this is one of the ways we thank them back.
Ah, understood. I still see where people are coming from in calling this ruling unfair, but it makes sense now that you've explained it, and I believe the negative impact will be much smaller once we have a larger selection of maps to vote between.


Staff member
Apr 15, 2012
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Correct Zeno

Plus let me add: This new system was wanted by the community by overwhelming support, so we made it. Understand we do admit, we do need more picks to start and will be patching that tomorrow or early next week. Basically we will be mixing the first 2 voting options. It's not like we hate community maps, we do as one of my favorite maps is a community map.

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