its not coincidental its actually just that u cheat
and u deny ownership of all your other accounts such as bups, monty and pub just because you know you hacked a little too hard and that displaying your ownership of the accounts to the public will be a detriment to your already bad reputation
Look, if you played aufactions or any of the potpvp servers, you would know that I sold Montelius (new name is bups) to a well-known potpvper named Bupz (he had loads of accounts as he was hooked up on mc market). Pub? that account was shared by like 10 people and for a person who's trying to act half intelligent, you're not doing it I'm afraid. Pub is shared by basically the whole au potpvp community, and yes.. I had access to it. It isn't even banned from mcgamer nor most other servers. My point is, I'm not denying that I never played on them, but I'm denying that i had ownership of two of them. Bupz is starting to get into mcsg, so when I get him on the forums, he'll tell your Bunny Lover ass to cut it out and btw, tell snipah/james that none thinks he's legit, as if you knew deans channel, dean exposed him for having a 1.7.10 ghost client hidden in togglesneak or whatever mod it was. All the people who hackusate me, client themselves and they say I'm obvious (I w tap, I jitter, I DON'T CLIENT I DON'T AUTOCLICK, IM CLEAN). I'm obvious? yet you look at them and they can barely use any of the other weapons. You need to just stop, and give up. As you guys hackusate me and call me out for bullshitting over a shitty ban on badlion? ronan has been banned from badlion for kill aura, snipah has been banned for ghost client, multiple others have and people still think they're legit? if they're legit, I'm legit. So cut it out, stop, give up and leave it as that.