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Top 10 MCSG Players You Have Fought.

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Apr 30, 2012
Reaction score
My list from the bottom of my heart baby. (Number one being best, and 10 being the worst of the best)
1.Themegaryan17, I seemed to never EVER beat him with the sword! He's lost his touch lately though, because he's balling all day everyday. ;)
2. Antster360, Just because he's an admin doesn't mean he can't kick your ass!
3. Zeejayy/Rivalize, This guy really knows what he's doing! I've seen him take down HUGE teams, and he knows how to be VERY strategic!
4. ZenoCrafter, No matter what I do, or how hard I try, I can only beat him every 10 times we fight!
5. Tkt24Freak, This guy, will get 4 hits on you before you land one!
6. Epic_Frog_Song, His average FPS is 10, FREAKING 10.
7. OMGjustin, He may not be around here anymore, but holy crap he was AMAZING!
8. Branbob83, When I used to play with this guy, I was legitimately scared to go to Deathmatch with him!
9. Soulv2, He's no longer in his prime, but he was once a GOD.
10. Eborec/Fearzon, Maybe it's just because I play with him 24/7, but this guy is freaking GREAT!
I'm back, baby. We need to play together some time <3


Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
1. gcb99 Very good at swords, and short range bows, great at surviving and chasing, hard to kill.

2. Elgoldo Very good at swords, tactics are his strenght.

3. Fax Fastest clicker out there, amazingly usefull in sword fights.

4/5 Charlesyummyegg Good strategies, knows how to survive.

4/5 teovald Strong at swords and bows, but lack of strategy.

6. EdtheG Good sword pvper and strategist, able to survive and just a good player overall.

7. ExKing Good at swords, and all other skills are over average.

8. nicolaigk1 New player, very skilled in swords.

9. Pununa Good at swords, strategy, but lack of bow skill.

10. Mindahl Very good strategist, everything he did was just great. But i'll have to put him on place 10 becouse that was long time ago.
You forgot about me Zex...


Apr 30, 2012
Reaction score
10 tough MCSG players I've fought/watched fight...
(from my last memories in 2012.)
(don't got offended if you're not in here, it probably means I didn't fight/watch you enough)
- - - - - - - - - -
-bigmike4life (it was an even and intense fight every time)​
-The Arena Master (runs for a long time and does great comeback attacks to knock you off guard)​
-Blamph (his lag and fast clicking gives him a tremendous advantage in sword fights and kills you quite fast)​
-Macobeast (Only watched, vaguely remember he was a straight beast though)​
-Aeruner (He gave good fights in DM)​
-Biffington (he gave good fights when I came across him soloing every once in a while)​
-Zeejayy/Rivalize (When he took the fight to the water, I was dead almost every time)​
-Egrodo (I killed him 4 times at the start of the only 4 games we were really in together. 1v1'd him once and was killing him until ExplosiveBisket interferred. Judging by his videos and fanbase, he deserves to be on this list)​
-Jefeperro (he'd always get the first hit when you're searching in a chest)​
-Antster360 (gave good fights in DM when we actually fought)​
-SomeMugger (only played against him once and killed him and PanuterNut, but judging by his fanbase, he deserves to be on this list)​
-Im_Kiko and WM_Blackout21 (scumbag hackers that deserve the bottom of this list, but it was fun and intense stalking them, killing them many times and getting both of them banned)​


Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
10 tough MCSG players I've fought/watched fight...
(from my last memories in 2012.)
(don't got offended if you're not in here, it probably means I didn't fight/watch you enough)
- - - - - - - - - -
-bigmike4life (it was an even and intense fight every time)​
-The Arena Master (runs for a long time and does great comeback attacks to knock you off guard)​
-Blamph (his lag and fast clicking gives him a tremendous advantage in sword fights and kills you quite fast)​
-Macobeast (Only watched, vaguely remember he was a straight beast though)​
-Aeruner (He gave good fights in DM)​
-Biffington (he gave good fights when I came across him soloing every once in a while)​
-Zeejayy/Rivalize (When he took the fight to the water, I was dead almost every time)​
-Egrodo (I killed him 4 times at the start of the only 4 games we were really in together. 1v1'd him once and was killing him until ExplosiveBisket interferred. Judging by his videos and fanbase, he deserves to be on this list)​
-Jefeperro (he'd always get the first hit when you're searching in a chest)​
-Antster360 (gave good fights in DM when we actually fought)​
-SomeMugger (only played against him once and killed him and PanuterNut, but judging by his fanbase, he deserves to be on this list)​
-Im_Kiko and WM_Blackout21 (scumbag hackers that deserve the bottom of this list, but it was fun and intense stalking them, killing them many times and getting both of them banned)​
http://gyazo.com/12842a9173367e8315b0c165c9b872bd Don't worry, I didn't got offended <3


Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
In No order:
1. Darkrai202 (Au)
2. Kytria (Au)
3. Hendrick1999 (As)
4. BillabongBoy98 (Au)
5. LinkOcarinaTime (Au)
6. Elisha_Mutang (As)
7. Soggypickle (Us)
8. DayBreak_27 (As)
9. YoungWolfyy_
10. Blamph (Us)
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