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Top 10 MCSG Players You Have Fought.

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Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
I am listing in the particular order of skill.

1. SomeMugger -He's mugger, almost IMPOSSIBLE to beat in a 1v1.

2. soggypickle -When he was in his prime, he was very hard to beat.

3. Kos -Very good all around, gives me some trouble.

4. Branbob83 -One of the best fighters ever, just got a little worse since he doesn't play as much :(

5. Egrodo -Always get him low, just not to death ;(

6. CraftyKratonite -Asian Lag is my cryptonite. He's also very good with a bow/sword!

7. Antster360 -fastest PvP'er ever.

8. G33ke -Ulitmate Fishing Rod of Doom :( And a tremendous reach.

9. SixZoSeven -Very good with a sword. 'nuff said

10. Gravey4rd -Best bow shot in MCSG.


Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
In no particular order:

Soul - This guy is absolutely amazing at PvP. So amazing in fact that I was convinced he was a hacker for 3 months. And you can't ignore that 73 win streak :p

Fax - Though I've only fought him on Roxbot, Fax has been the only person to absolutely destroy me in PvP. With equal gear, he beat me with 6-8 hearts remaining multiple times in a row.

The_Great_Tito - Fights against Tito were always close. Though I haven't fought him in a while, our batles were insane. Miss you Tito :(

Blamph - A pro when it comes to MCSG, though I believe I know his secret. Click fast

Gravey4rd - I faced him in the DM of a few staff games a little while ago and man was it close. I ended up winning, but Gravey put up an incredible fight.

darkai202 - A dirty little Australian hacker >.>

soggypickle - Though I haven't fought him in a while, my experience with Soggy has been that he is absolutely amazing. Definitely deserves a top 10 spot, as he can fight (or troll) virtually anyone.

Egrodo - Need I say more?

ThatOneTomahawk - The Muffin who invented blockhitting (or at least perfected it), Tomahawk is an absolute pro, and has killed me many times (though I did kill him with 7 hearts to spare in a DM on Demon's Breeze :3)

yoshidude - A nub, but one whose PvP is annoyingly good, and has beaten me on several occasions. You're still a nub though, Gaylen >.>
Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
I can't think of many but it's hard to forget this one.....
BajanCanadian - Saw him at the edge of the woods in SG4, with nothing. I approached him when about 7 baccas popped out of the woods. It didn't end well.


May 5, 2013
Reaction score
This is my list, and it's for who I fought, and it's not in a specific order.\
Macobeast - Really good with bow, and fast clicker
SomeMugger - The way we play is because of him
Elisha - Amazing strategy and great skills overall
Egrodo - Fast pace game, tough to kill
The_Great_Tito - Constant running then coming back, and has great turn arounds
Elgoldo - Just plain amazing...
Canziano - ^^^
Soul - Amazing strategy
tkt24freak - REALLY good with the sword.
OMGjustin - Overall a beast...


In no particular order:

Kos - I just...I don't even...what? How? Who? Where?

Theoretical - Theoo! Pretty well rounded, great with Flint and Steel.

nickelodeonthe1 - Really well rounded, solid, PvP.

Zeno - I've never killed him. Not once, and for a good reason.

G33ke - I fought him once. Amazing fight, he's an amazing PvPer.

Adam Burton / Flexvoid - Played with him on Roxbot and TheHerobrine once. My brain hurt after our first fight.

MrKorrenian - Can't really name a certain skill, but he's got a great overall knowledge of PvP.

xXSkyXx - Sky's a great PvPer, I haven't killed him once either.

Edog786 - Really well rounded as well.

CH21 - Straight up hax right der.
Wait .... What?


Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
Lil_Chamona - My best friend in MCSG, unstoppable with flint and steel and a very fast clicker. Watch out for him. Skill 1-10: 9

Blamph - As everyone knows... insanely fast clicker and surprisingly good with a bow. Skill 1-10: 9

Elisha - Such a beast. I tried 1v1's against him and I think I landed 2 arrows and like 1 sword hit, So i tried getting a team of 3 and he killed us all D: So good, deserving of one of the best in world and moderator. Skill 1-10: 9.5

Gravey4rd - So much intimidation from this guy. 1800+ Hunger Games wins and probably the best Swordsman I have ever seen. Skill 1-10: 8.5

ScrewYouGumby - Whatever you do, keep a bow out of this guys hands. If you have full iron and a diamond sword and he has a bow with like 20 arrows, you better be wearing your clovers and lucky boxers because this guy is dynamite. Skill 1-10: 9.324567543

vDragon - Under-Rated player, quite inactive, but soooo good with a sword. Gives most of his wins to friends so he doesn't have a lot. If you see this guy you better be ready for a battle because he doesn't give in to defeat easily. Skill 1-10: 7.5

CHEEDOS - Named after the cheesy chip-like snack, this guy can kill anyone if he is on his game. Skill 1-10: 9

Evriffle - Big teamer, I give him no respect except for how many friends he has. Only reason he is on here is because of his giant 7 man teams. Skill 1-10: 4

Ozeyfire - Best friend in real life, my cousin who doesn't play a lot but has been showing a lot of potential. If you see him then get ready to see me in a minute, because he doesn't play without me. Skill 1-10: 7.5

Edog786 - Never really thought this guy was good until I met him in Teweran SG 2 and he dominated me and a teammate. Later I looked at this mysterious player and he had over 1000 wins!!! And I thought I knew the leaderboards like the back of my hand. Skill 1-10: 8.5


Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
Lil_Chamona - My best friend in MCSG, unstoppable with flint and steel and a very fast clicker. Watch out for him. Skill 1-10: 9

Blamph - As everyone knows... insanely fast clicker and surprisingly good with a bow. Skill 1-10: 9

Elisha - Such a beast. I tried 1v1's against him and I think I landed 2 arrows and like 1 sword hit, So i tried getting a team of 3 and he killed us all D: So good, deserving of one of the best in world and moderator. Skill 1-10: 9.5

Gravey4rd - So much intimidation from this guy. 1800+ Hunger Games wins and probably the best Swordsman I have ever seen. Skill 1-10: 8.5

ScrewYouGumby - Whatever you do, keep a bow out of this guys hands. If you have full iron and a diamond sword and he has a bow with like 20 arrows, you better be wearing your clovers and lucky boxers because this guy is dynamite. Skill 1-10: 9.324567543

vDragon - Under-Rated player, quite inactive, but soooo good with a sword. Gives most of his wins to friends so he doesn't have a lot. If you see this guy you better be ready for a battle because he doesn't give in to defeat easily. Skill 1-10: 7.5

CHEEDOS - Named after the cheesy chip-like snack, this guy can kill anyone if he is on his game. Skill 1-10: 9

Evriffle - Big teamer, I give him no respect except for how many friends he has. Only reason he is on here is because of his giant 7 man teams. Skill 1-10: 4

Ozeyfire - Best friend in real life, my cousin who doesn't play a lot but has been showing a lot of potential. If you see him then get ready to see me in a minute, because he doesn't play without me. Skill 1-10: 7.5

Edog786 - Never really thought this guy was good until I met him in Teweran SG 2 and he dominated me and a teammate. Later I looked at this mysterious player and he had over 1000 wins!!! And I thought I knew the leaderboards like the back of my hand. Skill 1-10: 8.5
'daww you! <3
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