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Survivor - [Season I]

What do you think of this event?

  • Awesome idea- can't wait for the event!

    Votes: 72 96.0%
  • Not a fan. (please leave ideas to improve below!)

    Votes: 3 4.0%

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Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Zekrom_Ares
Have you had experience doing things like this? Survival, UHC, etc: Yea
Are you able to attend the event on 2/22/14 at 2 PM CST?: Yup
Is there anyone you would like to be on the same team with? (chances are increased- not guaranteed): FreddyBones (my best buddy if he's gonna apply)
Why do you want to participate in this event?: Its kool :D
Do you have, or are willing to get TeamSpeak to communicate with your teammates?: Ye
Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: TheRandomMan1000

Have you had experience doing things like this? Survival, UHC, etc: I've been playing Minecraft since around early 2011, so yes I literally have years worth of experience with survival. I've played in a few UHC's, and have done PvP for about as long as I've been playing this game.

Are you able to attend the event on 2/22/14 at 2 PM CST?: Absolutely!

Is there anyone you would like to be on the same team with? (chances are increased- not guaranteed): Nope, random teams are fine with me!

Why do you want to participate in this event?: It's been ages since I took place in any kind of specialized event like this. UHC's, PvP wars, and likewise are some of my favorite things to do in Minecraft, thanks to their immense amount of strategy, alongside the Pvp. It feels like a game that's based much more in how you play, than how you can Pvp.

Do you have, or are willing to get TeamSpeak to communicate with your teammates?: Already have it!



May 4, 2012
Reaction score
I moved the date to 2 PM my time (2 hours later) due to that seeming to be better for multiple people, such as you guys :) Hopefully that helps.
For me, that's a big help :p I will probably be able to make it unless something comes up IRL that I couldn't possibly predict right now.

Since that happened, I'll apply now :p

Minecraft IGN: Half_Squirrel

Have you had experience doing things like this? Survival, UHC, etc: I have experience in general survival, no UHC though.

Are you able to attend the event on 2/22/14 at 2 PM CST?: Yeah :D Thanks for the push back :p
Is there anyone you would like to be on the same team with? (chances are increased- not guaranteed): May as well go with TheRandomMan1000 since he already applied :p

Why do you want to participate in this event?: It sounds like a fun thing, and will hopefully be fun to play :D

Do you have, or are willing to get TeamSpeak to communicate with your teammates?: Yeah :D

:p instead of :)
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Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
necraft IGN: Jccandfriends

Have you had experience doing things like this? Survival, UHC, etc: I have played a couple UHC and i do a lot of survival when my internet goes down (A LOT)

Are you able to attend the event on 2/22/14 at 2 PM CST?: Yeah i dont have a life so ill always be on.
Is there anyone you would like to be on the same team with? (chances are increased- not guaranteed): Nah its more fun when its completely random.

Why do you want to participate in this event?: I have missed out on a lot of mcsg events and a lot of my clan members are doing it so it would seem like a lot of fun.

Do you have, or are willing to get TeamSpeak to communicate with your teammates?: I have it.:)


Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:themastern00b

Have you had experience doing things like this? Survival, UHC, etc:Yes used to play survival non-stop and Ik everything about this game. I would be good at this and would think that I might end up doing well.

Are you able to attend the event on 2/22/14 at 2 PM CST?:Yes I will be able to attend.

Is there anyone you would like to be on the same team with? (chances are increased- not guaranteed):No not really, fine with teaming with other I am not familiar with as I think it would be a fun experience.

Why do you want to participate in this event?:I want to participate in this event because I think it would be a fun experience, and I would like to get back into doing survival things such as this.

Do you have, or are willing to get TeamSpeak to communicate with your teammates?:I have teamspeak and would definitely be willing to use it to communicate with my teammates.

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Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: CookieBunns

Have you had experience doing things like this? Survival, UHC, etc: yea :p

Are you able to attend the event on 2/22/14 at 2 PM CST?:yes

Is there anyone you would like to be on the same team with? (chances are increased- not guaranteed): Dantelius

Why do you want to participate in this event?: it's something a little different from mcsg, and i bet it'll be a great expierience

Do you have, or are willing to get TeamSpeak to communicate with your teammates?:I have it :p

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Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: cscoop

Have you had experience doing things like this? Survival, UHC, etc: Ya

Are you able to attend the event on 2/22/14 at 2 PM CST?: SI
Is there anyone you would like to be on the same team with? (chances are increased- not guaranteed): MAX

Why do you want to participate in this event?: IS FUN.

Do you have, or are willing to get TeamSpeak to communicate with your teammates?: Ye


May 14, 2013
Reaction score
aw I won't be around then :( I really wanted to do this. Good luck with this I'm sure it will turn out great.

Oh and ":)"


District 13
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: ToeHair45

Have you had experience doing things like this? Survival, UHC, etc: I have a played a ton of UHC’s, and I play on a survival server often!

Are you able to attend the event on 2/22/14 at 2 PM CST?: Absolutely!

Is there anyone you would like to be on the same team with? (chances are increased- not guaranteed):
Not that I know of currently!

Why do you want to participate in this event?: I enjoy using teamwork to challenge myself to new tasks, which is why I love to play multiplayer challenges!

Do you have, or are willing to get TeamSpeak to communicate with your teammates?: I already have it! :)


Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Jockster2002!

Have you had experience doing things like this? Survival, UHC, etc: Yeah i have been on about 3 UHC's and quite a few survivals, yes.

Are you able to attend the event on 2/22/14 at 2 PM CST?: Of course i am!

Is there anyone you would like to be on the same team with? (chances are increased- not guaranteed): Not really because at the moment i dont know anyone who has applied xD

Why do you want to participate in this event?: I really want ot be in another Survival/UHC type thing because they are so fun, and MCSG Survivor.... The TV show is so stupid, i want to live it :p

Do you have, or are willing to get TeamSpeak to communicate with your teammates?: Yes, yes, very much so.

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