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Revival of MCSG


District 13
Feb 20, 2014
Reaction score

The Return of MCSG

Disclaimer: This thread is not intended for any flame of any sort. I believe its finally time someone said something in full honestly with detail. Staff members shouldn’t take this in a critical way but they should take it as constructive criticism.

Hello everybody. My name is Omar/TheMinecraftPharaoh and I’ve been a part of this community for quite some time now. I’ve been a member ever since the only way you could join a game was when you needed to direct connect to the servers using a unique IP for each lobby. So I know my way around the servers and know how long MCSG or MCGamer as people call it now has been deteriorating.

So I’d say around over the past year now MCSG has started to die out. Ever since they’ve decided it would be a good idea to merge with the AntVenom Network to create MCGamer (which in all honesty is a complete failure) the network has started becoming extremely irrelevant, and that’s because they have made a wrong decision of buying another server with similar gamemodes that of Mineplex, Hypixel & Hive already have, and lets be honest here, no one plays on MCSG/MCGamer to play Deadly Descent now do we? No. We play MCSG/MCGamer to play the Survival Games gamemode on the servers which had basically started the whole server from the first place and is currently keeping it from dying out.

MCSG should be known for MCSG. Not for it being a network with many different gamemodes whom no one cares about, and I know most of the staff members will reply to this thread saying that some people play those gamemodes but lets be real here, I doubt that more than 100 people play any of the other gamemodes except for Battlegrounds where people usually warm up.

Now here’s another thing. The development team have recently received a new addition whom is a well experienced staff member and hopefully a better Developer overall that could fix the glitches in the Survival Games gamemode quite quickly, as simple glitches like the non-placing FnS glitch are still not fixed after a long, long period of time, and giving us the excuse of “The FnS is bugged simply because of compatibility problems with versions 1.7 & 1.8 running together on the same servers.” is total horsecrap. Minigame based servers have the FnS working perfectly fine like it does on Hypixel & PvP based servers also have it working perfectly fine even though their servers are able to support 1.7 & 1.8 at the same time such as Badlion.

This also brings me to my other point regarding the development team, which is coming up with a new anticheat. I mean the current anticheat legit does nothing. I’ll be trying to record a video or sweat a win but guess what? A little kid decides to pull a LeafyGreanTea on me and the other participants in the SG round and destroys all of us while flying over our heads and using aimbot/killaura or whatever hackers use these days. I’ve been on many, many small project servers and they have a 10x better anticheat that actually works and manages to kick people who atleast fly or speed hack. PvP based servers like Badlion have gained popularity as they have a working anticheat that is able to detect all types of hacks or unfair advantages such as macros. The development team have done a good job with an anticheat that kicks regen hackers back in the day but now they’ve got to step it up a notch.

MCSG needs to come back as MCSG not as a phony network that’s like a Chinese knockoff of a pair of shoes. Stuff needs to get fixed, and fixed sooner than later before the server fades away as many servers are currently upgrading their servers like Badlion is with their new SG 2.0 coming out soon which honestly I think will totally kill MCSG off.

Hopefully the staff team gets the memo that we want to help. Not just complain and criticize.

If you can please tag ChadTheDJ so he could see this post and recognize that a lot of stuff needs to be done if he’d like his server to remain one.

Thank you,

Jan 25, 2016
Reaction score
Very well written however, its probably going to be a waste of time as it appears that the staff simply do the bare minimum to keep the server going. But anyway...


Gustav Mahikano

Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
Pretty much hit it spot on. I started this back in 2012 and I've pretty much quit, but I do come on occasionally and over the past year it's just gotten a lot worse. Players are leaving because naturally they're going to outgrow this game at some point in their lives, but the servers that you've pointed out just have a much better anti-cheat/bug-fixing than this server. All the while Devs give some kind of an excuse as to why they cannot currently fix it (not taking a shot at Devs I'm just saying), more players are leaving because issues like the Fns glitch take a lifetime to be fixed - other servers don't have these issues. I don't mean to offend anyone, but holy crap with the amount of devs there are (at least used to be, I'm not up to date with the number of devs) these problems take wayyy too long to be fixed. BSM itself didn't get users kicked out of their games until 1.7 came along, and at that point there was pretty much no use in even having better sprint mod since it came with the update. Before then, when it was proposed that a BSM anti-cheat be made, people were constantly being told by devs it could not be done for whatever reason. Obviously that wasn't the case. Out of curiosity, why is it that the fns glitch (for example) has still not been fixed? I hear it's been going on for months.

'Mcgamer' was built on the foundation of Survival Games. Minecraft Survival Games // MCSG. That was why this server got popular, and that is the reason people play on it. I really don't understand the point of these smaller gamemodes unless it's to bring some kind of revenue, and even then it'd probably be better to shut those servers down and invest in more Survival Games ones since they're obviously keeping these servers up and running for the time being.

Also, if no-one does have anything constructive to say, just shut up (no offence). I don't need to be told I'm bashing on the devs or w/e because I'm saying what I see. People barely ever spoke up on this server because people always viewed it as a personal attack and were pretty much banned, need I remind anyone of what happened at the 'Summit' if anyone remembers that, or some other mod named 'Buxtonaters'. Stupid bans like what happened to Canziano were also completely covered up - there was a LOT of staff corruption back then. A few of my friends still here say the staff team are much better now, and I hope that's true, but a few years back if you were to pretty much ever say something that didn't sit with the staff you'd be permanently banned in-game and off the forums like some kind of Stalin censorship. I have some good memories on this server and I'd like to see it keep on going, even if I'm not playing on it. If people want any glimpse of change they should be saying exactly what's on their minds here, not playing the suck-up 'The staff are doing everything they can" card, because that is what pretty much happened everytime anyone called the staff out.

Anyway I've just been writing this post on the spot and haven't exactly proof-read it or w/e, so I apologise for any rambling. I'm just encouraging people to speak up if they feel they're unhappy with the Developer's progress or Staffing in general and that real answers should be given. The Dev's specifically really need to get on top of things, because whatever excuses made don't cut it anymore. At the end of the day, competing servers have their crap with anti-cheats and bugs all under control, whilst a network like this procrastinates getting it done. That contributes to losing players, and at the end of the day, contributes to the end of Mcgamer. Devs are pretty much the foundation of this network right now, and if they can't keep up, the servers are gonna disappear.


Mar 23, 2014
Reaction score
Pretty much hit it spot on. I started this back in 2012 and I've pretty much quit, but I do come on occasionally and over the past year it's just gotten a lot worse. Players are leaving because naturally they're going to outgrow this game at some point in their lives, but the servers that you've pointed out just have a much better anti-cheat/bug-fixing than this server. All the while Devs give some kind of an excuse as to why they cannot currently fix it (not taking a shot at Devs I'm just saying), more players are leaving because issues like the Fns glitch take a lifetime to be fixed - other servers don't have these issues. I don't mean to offend anyone, but holy crap with the amount of devs there are (at least used to be, I'm not up to date with the number of devs) these problems take wayyy too long to be fixed. BSM itself didn't get users kicked out of their games until 1.7 came along, and at that point there was pretty much no use in even having better sprint mod since it came with the update. Before then, when it was proposed that a BSM anti-cheat be made, people were constantly being told by devs it could not be done for whatever reason. Obviously that wasn't the case. Out of curiosity, why is it that the fns glitch (for example) has still not been fixed? I hear it's been going on for months.

'Mcgamer' was built on the foundation of Survival Games. Minecraft Survival Games // MCSG. That was why this server got popular, and that is the reason people play on it. I really don't understand the point of these smaller gamemodes unless it's to bring some kind of revenue, and even then it'd probably be better to shut those servers down and invest in more Survival Games ones since they're obviously keeping these servers up and running for the time being.

Also, if no-one does have anything constructive to say, just shut up (no offence). I don't need to be told I'm bashing on the devs or w/e because I'm saying what I see. People barely ever spoke up on this server because people always viewed it as a personal attack and were pretty much banned, need I remind anyone of what happened at the 'Summit' if anyone remembers that, or some other mod named 'Buxtonaters'. Stupid bans like what happened to Canziano were also completely covered up - there was a LOT of staff corruption back then. A few of my friends still here say the staff team are much better now, and I hope that's true, but a few years back if you were to pretty much ever say something that didn't sit with the staff you'd be permanently banned in-game and off the forums like some kind of Stalin censorship. I have some good memories on this server and I'd like to see it keep on going, even if I'm not playing on it. If people want any glimpse of change they should be saying exactly what's on their minds here, not playing the suck-up 'The staff are doing everything they can" card, because that is what pretty much happened everytime anyone called the staff out.

Anyway I've just been writing this post on the spot and haven't exactly proof-read it or w/e, so I apologise for any rambling. I'm just encouraging people to speak up if they feel they're unhappy with the Developer's progress or Staffing in general and that real answers should be given. The Dev's specifically really need to get on top of things, because whatever excuses made don't cut it anymore. At the end of the day, competing servers have their crap with anti-cheats and bugs all under control, whilst a network like this procrastinates getting it done. That contributes to losing players, and at the end of the day, contributes to the end of Mcgamer. Devs are pretty much the foundation of this network right now, and if they can't keep up, the servers are gonna disappear.
I honestly cba to read it, but +1 for effort

Funny because you used a ghost Client haha
You seem like a intelligent young child
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Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Ok, I'll go ahead and address these points one by one, which is usually how stuff like this is done c:

I'm not bashing or crushing any of your points, simply sharing the opinion of the Senior Staff team and explaining more about the points you brought up ^-^

I won't be able to get to all these at once, however because I've got homework and stuff.

So I’d say around over the past year now MCSG has started to die out. Ever since they’ve decided it would be a good idea to merge with the AntVenom Network to create MCGamer (which in all honesty is a complete failure)
Just a quick note, MCSG has been MCGamer since the hub introduction of June 2013 ;)

Regarding the AntVenom merge, our aim has never been to compete with the "colossal" servers such as Mineplex and Hypixel. A lot of people have considered the administration for a long time to be out of touch with the community and lacking competence. Frankly I fail to see where this is true, the AntVenom merge
was an attempt to gain a small player base as well as a very popular who was at one point considered the most popular Minecraft YouTuber, who could help us out through advertisement and support of his player base. In fact, we have had many successful staff members come from AntVenom's Network!

And your point that people come to our network to play SG/play competitive PvP is pretty spot on. That's the reason almost all of our attention is focused on what makes up our network. Obviously the smaller gamemodes are kept up, but almost all the focus goes into what everyone plays- MCSG. MCSG is what we are, and what we should not forget- which no one has.

For some reason my phone refuses to let me quote things anymore, so I'll just proceed to your next point about development.

We're all excited to have CAm aboard. He'll be an extra helping hand, and a super experienced one at that. So, the FnS glitch. Something so seemingly trivial, how could it take so long to fix? I mean for a while we simply were not sure what exactly the FnS glitch was caused by. It seemed like something simple but the cause of it required some digging, testing, and pushing through new game builds. This new fix seems to have identified and solved the base of the issue, so be on the lookout for all of the FnS spam :^)

The Anticheat I can't accurately help you out on, because I don't know much about it but on the bright side it has not produced a single bannable false positive yet! Also, a little birdie tells me a certain developer has a plan for more updates :]

All in all, I can't think of a single player who doesn't care about MCGamer. All of us, the staff members, the angry people who tweet obscenities at the support Twitter, the clan scene, the forum community, the people who create negative and constructive criticism, everyone. We all care, and nobody wants to see anything happen to the network.

As a side note, when you say "dying" what specifically do you mean? Our player count is actually rather impressive. Albeit peak times don't reach 5,000+ anymore, we still can rock a solid 4K on weekends and that's no small number at all. It's never been a competition with other networks, and if we compare our numbers to those of other networks and see they're smaller, all it does is kill morale. Don't worry about it! What does matter is that we still have a community, and a damn good one. Sure, a lot of us old players have lost many of our generation, but that's how it works. People lose interest in games, and people come and go, but I promise you were not going anywhere.

Pretty much hit it spot on. I started this back in 2012 and I've pretty much quit, but I do come on occasionally and over the past year it's just gotten a lot worse. Players are leaving because naturally they're going to outgrow this game at some point in their lives, but the servers that you've pointed out just have a much better anti-cheat/bug-fixing than this server. All the while Devs give some kind of an excuse as to why they cannot currently fix it (not taking a shot at Devs I'm just saying), more players are leaving because issues like the Fns glitch take a lifetime to be fixed - other servers don't have these issues. I don't mean to offend anyone, but holy crap with the amount of devs there are (at least used to be, I'm not up to date with the number of devs) these problems take wayyy too long to be fixed. BSM itself didn't get users kicked out of their games until 1.7 came along, and at that point there was pretty much no use in even having better sprint mod since it came with the update. Before then, when it was proposed that a BSM anti-cheat be made, people were constantly being told by devs it could not be done for whatever reason. Obviously that wasn't the case. Out of curiosity, why is it that the fns glitch (for example) has still not been fixed? I hear it's been going on for months.

'Mcgamer' was built on the foundation of Survival Games. Minecraft Survival Games // MCSG. That was why this server got popular, and that is the reason people play on it. I really don't understand the point of these smaller gamemodes unless it's to bring some kind of revenue, and even then it'd probably be better to shut those servers down and invest in more Survival Games ones since they're obviously keeping these servers up and running for the time being.

Also, if no-one does have anything constructive to say, just shut up (no offence). I don't need to be told I'm bashing on the devs or w/e because I'm saying what I see. People barely ever spoke up on this server because people always viewed it as a personal attack and were pretty much banned, need I remind anyone of what happened at the 'Summit' if anyone remembers that, or some other mod named 'Buxtonaters'. Stupid bans like what happened to Canziano were also completely covered up - there was a LOT of staff corruption back then. A few of my friends still here say the staff team are much better now, and I hope that's true, but a few years back if you were to pretty much ever say something that didn't sit with the staff you'd be permanently banned in-game and off the forums like some kind of Stalin censorship. I have some good memories on this server and I'd like to see it keep on going, even if I'm not playing on it. If people want any glimpse of change they should be saying exactly what's on their minds here, not playing the suck-up 'The staff are doing everything they can" card, because that is what pretty much happened everytime anyone called the staff out.

Anyway I've just been writing this post on the spot and haven't exactly proof-read it or w/e, so I apologise for any rambling. I'm just encouraging people to speak up if they feel they're unhappy with the Developer's progress or Staffing in general and that real answers should be given. The Dev's specifically really need to get on top of things, because whatever excuses made don't cut it anymore. At the end of the day, competing servers have their crap with anti-cheats and bugs all under control, whilst a network like this procrastinates getting it done. That contributes to losing players, and at the end of the day, contributes to the end of Mcgamer. Devs are pretty much the foundation of this network right now, and if they can't keep up, the servers are gonna disappear.
I can't say much about the staff team's side of the 2013 occurrences because I came around to being a moderator in the summer of 2014, however I can say that I have never observed any sort of unfair censorship, corruption, mistreatment, or lack of caring for the server.

A big part of the work, in fact, that we do is spending time on the forums around these threads that give criticism and opinions, to sort out the valid things from the exaggerations.

No matter what, the only way that things can move forward is if everyone is on board. If people doubt us, distrust us, or won't help us help the community then we can't go anywhere.

So, let everyone know that it's time for us all to have a positive mindset and be willing to let go of any anger that may have festered from the past :D
Jan 25, 2016
Reaction score
but almost all the focus goes into what everyone plays- MCSG.
No, very little focus is put into MCSG hence why it is glitchy asf
This new fix seems to have identified and solved the base of the issue, so be on the lookout for all of the FnS spam :^)
Heard that quite a lot over the past 6 months
but on the bright side it has not produced a single bannable false positive yet!
Because it doesn't produce anything, it doesn't work, probably doesn't exist.
I can say that I have never observed any sort of unfair censorship, corruption, mistreatment, or lack of caring for the server.
You would't say if you did, can't be trusted.

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