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Revival of MCSG


Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
Why do you staff space out each paragraph? It kind of makes me confused.... Are you just trying to fill a whole page in or something? And "No." Isn't a paragraph..... btw.
Every person who knows how to write a long post knows that it's good to leave space between paragraphs because it serves as a sort of indent that you can't do on this type of forum. It allows you to lay out your ideas better so that your whole post isn't one jumbled mess where it's easy to lose your place. Thousands of people do this, both mods and non-mods. It's an unofficial standard when indenting isn't available.

By the way, you can use incomplete sentences or paragraphs to make a point. Authors do it all the time. It makes the statement seem deliberate.

Not sure why you're pointing out English "errors"... Is it because you don't want to actually say anything meaningful?


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Why do you staff space out each paragraph? It kind of makes me confused.... Are you just trying to fill a whole page in or something? And "No." Isn't a paragraph..... btw.
Since you can't manually indent on the forums, you kind of have to space out your paragraphs to prevent textwalling. It's just a simple convention fix.

Edit: bitobain beat me to it rip


May 22, 2013
Reaction score
Gonna go through your post one by one, some are valid points and some are not imo

Well, I'm glad to know that people still know how to create forum alts and flame the living bejeezus out of people behind a fake name. It's fun deleting posts.
GG sweaty tryhards

Now this is where people get angry at responses like mine above because apparently it's "so blazingly obvious that the staff listens to nothing". But is it really?

You're right that the staff can listen and understand what players are saying (few exceptions of course) but ultimately there's not much you can do except go bug the administration who would bug chad who would bug the devs to do something. Lots of playing telephone, if you will. Since this thread is mostly targeted at the developers, this is maybe true and sweet to see but doesn't' really get anything done.

I saw a plethora of responses stating that MCGamer should drop all focus on mini games and expansion gamemodes and focus on what is done best and eBay people want, SG and PvP.

Right, okay. In June, along with the Community Update, around 5-7 of the underplayed AntVenom gamemodes WERE removed because they hardly got any player traffic. Deadly Descent and Survival Bingo were kept because they had enough player support to consistently have one to two hundred players online at peak times (when that data was observed) therefore they were kept.

Reducing focus from outside things that don't get large support bases? Check.
So MCGamer doesn't focus on what's important? Oh, right. Starting out as a Survival Games server, the player base evolved around competitive play. Support for a Solo gamemode began notably with jonnysurvives' thread in July 2014, and continued through the spring of 2015 until it became prominent to the administration & development team that such a gamemode would definitely arise interest and keep support. Hence a Solo SG gamemode was put into the works and released in the summer.
July 2014 - Spring 2015 (March at earliest) - thats an 8 month gap for a gamemode that should really only take a week max to code and maybe another week to fix, and that's being generous since you've already got the functionality of the SG plugin, disguise plugin, etc already created. That doesn't sound like a responsive administrative team to me. Either you're listening to the community and building off of their suggestions (badlion) or you enforce your own vision of the server and manipulate it (mineplex etc). You cannot do both (which MCGamer is trying to do I think)

Then, six months later came one of the most impressive development feats I've seen on this network and of many others, MCSG Maker. Combining everyone's favorite classic SG with private customization options for our largely supported Clan Scene and players looking for an interesting and different SG experience.
Yes this does focus for clans very well, and a smart business move that actually has potential to expand, unlike things like Survival Bingo. You just have to play it right and experiment tons to hopefully find another sweet balance of fun, original gameplay. I quite enjoy MCSG maker but it's a little hard to join games since you have to run to the portal instead of using the compass, so less players play it than it should. Perhaps having weekly/daily official games hosted by mods would bring a better playerbase into this new gamemode

So, I'm not sure where the claims come from that there is no focus on capitalizing on the building blocks of our network. We're a survival games based network that had created three separate survival games gamemodes including a Kit FFA gamemode that has incredible potential for expansion, which may be taken advantage of quite soon. It's also rather convenient that those saying we don't focus on our best parts happily left out the three separate SG gamemodes.
Considering you purchased AntVenom's network of random minigames, that's not really a smart capitalization of the 'building blocks of our network'. I knew right away it was the wrong move when that decision was made, and big surprise: most of the games were removed.

And going back to the point of those other gamemodes, what's wrong with having them there? They still get an alright player base that enjoys playing them, and they aren't harming anyone. I mean, it's not like we're going to run out of servers haha.
Sometimes when you need to grow you have to cut away the weak and focus on the strengths. If MCG were to actually focus and brand themselves properly they would remove Survival Bingo and DD and innovate themselves properly in competitive PVP, since MCG 2.0 obviously didn't work.

I'm sure many people also love to draw out the fact that we weren't the first on board to have an AntiCheat that checked for a variety of forms of closet cheating. What I can say now is that there have been no reported false positives on our AntiCheat at all, all bans it has filed have been for solid checks. Plus, there is still more work to be done, so expect it to be more advanced on its function of stopping and restricting cheaters ingame and detecting them and punishing them.
If I'm a mod and I ban 3 people in a week 100% successfully, does that make me a good moderator?

And my last point, some people really need to find their chill. Look, all of us here care for the network, if we didn't, we wouldn't be here. There are no grounds to attack anyone who has a different opinion than you, that's simple and universal immaturity. If you think the staff team is doing something wrong, point it out! If there's something wrong, we need to know. What's not okay, however, is openly attacking your fellow players. It makes you look bad, makes everyone angrier, and solves NOTHING!

Please, please take it from me as a member of this community and do what's best for all of us and be more respectful of everyone and let's work together to find the best ways to improve. Cool? :)
This is the most valid point you have :) you are very good with dealing with people and communities so I would recommend everyone listen to you here


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
If I'm a mod and I ban 3 people in a week 100% successfully, does that make me a good moderator?
The AntiCheat bans way way way more than three people per week :^)

But I understand what you're getting at.

I can't speak much for the AntiCheat because I don't deal with situations regarding it, nor do I have the experience in coding near enough to understand the legitimate parts of it, but general thinks and concepts I understand well enough to know it's nothing to laugh at aha
thats an 8 month gap for a gamemode that should really only take a week max to code and maybe another week to fix, and that's being generous since you've already got the functionality of the SG plugin, disguise plugin, etc already created.
A week to code an entire gamemode is a bit of a stretch to expect considering most of the background workings of the gamemode are very different from what already exists. 8 months of consideration could have been shortened, however for a long time the general consensus was that Solo SG was not a considerable option. As for the actual gamemode, it likely only took a month or two to completely work out and finalize, along with all the other things going on in the development process I'd call that a reasonable frame of time.

Of course, general interface and organization of features can be edited to fit the comfort of the players (regarding your point about MCSG Maker's points of entry)- plus you can use the gold bar in your inventory to create a game ;)

Gustav Mahikano

Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
I've been popping in for a few games every month for the past 4 months or so with some old friends of mine and everytime I die I still get that weird first-person spectator thing. Any idea when something like that is going to be fixed? I feel like it should've been long ago. It'd also be nice to be able to left click to tp to other players as a spec. Just the little things make a big difference, as it's very annoying having to relog and fly around to find my friends on the maps, many of which I'm now unfamiliar with like Alaskan Village and stuff.

I'd like to ask how long they've been working on this and when it can be expected to be finished.


May 22, 2013
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A week to code an entire gamemode is a bit of a stretch to expect considering most of the background workings of the gamemode are very different from what already exists. 8 months of consideration could have been shortened, however for a long time the general consensus was that Solo SG was not a considerable option. As for the actual gamemode, it likely only took a month or two to completely work out and finalize, along with all the other things going on in the development process I'd call that a reasonable frame of time.
Yes, in most cases it is but as I said in my thread the actual concept of SG was already in place. If you were to, say, make a functioning Skywars plugin in a week I would be surprised too as that would be incredibly rushed and unpolished. For something like Solo SG though you already have the incredibly polished and perfected normal SG plugin along with the disguise features already created and polished as well. To put in the amount of changes to Solo SG from normal SG in a week would be perfectly reasonable

1. Force everyone to be auto-disguised
2. 12 players in a game
3. 2 players in deathmatch
4. Seperate leaderboards

Doesn't seem like a heck of a workload to me. If it took 3-4 weeks, heck even a month I would give the benefit of a doubt, but six months to make a decision and two months to code is too long. The reality is that other servers can create more gamemodes and faster than MCGamer can, and to compete against them it'll take a lot more than what you guys are currently doing. The job change for CAm is a start, but we'll have to wait and see what will actually happen as a result and knowing MCG's track record I'm not having high hopes.

PS the first version of anticheat took an hour to code by Archy and even that was incredibly effective

Of course, general interface and organization of features can be edited to fit the comfort of the players (regarding your point about MCSG Maker's points of entry)- plus you can use the gold bar in your inventory to create a game ;)
Didn't know that, I'll have to try it sometime :p


District 13
Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
I used to play this game a lot. I just recently decided to play some MCSG and it was really obvious how much this server has fallen. It felt like a tenth of the server it was when I stopped playing a year ago. Just from my point of view if that makes any sense.


May 31, 2015
Reaction score
I do feel as though some of this is true. But I cannot say that we arent trying to fix it. We all are trying.

I can also say that I do agree with the whole MCSG thing. I do think that MCSG shouldve stayed MCSG. Not many play Deadly Decent, or Zed Chase, etc. But I dont see any harm in those game modes just being here for those who do want to play them.

As for the anticheat MCGamer currently has, I certainly agree. Its not great. And hopefully we can impove. We can definitely improve upon that.

I really appreciate that you adressed these, so we can improve. Additionally, I like that you could do so in a helpful way. Constructive criticism is always appreciated, in my eyes :laugh: :LOL:.

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