This also brings me to my other point regarding the development team, which is coming up with a new anticheat. I mean the current anticheat legit does nothing. I’ll be trying to record a video or sweat a win but guess what? A little kid decides to pull a LeafyGreanTea on me and the other participants in the SG round and destroys all of us while flying over our heads and using aimbot/killaura or whatever hackers use these days. I’ve been on many, many small project servers and they have a 10x better anticheat that actually works and manages to kick people who atleast fly or speed hack. PvP based servers like Badlion have gained popularity as they have a working anticheat that is able to detect all types of hacks or unfair advantages such as macros. The development team have done a good job with an anticheat that kicks regen hackers back in the day but now they’ve got to step it up a notch.