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Pulse [US]

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Dec 27, 2015
Reaction score
Is this clan of randoms going to group up on me? Cute
First of all, Half the people on my thread that are "Ganging Up on you" arent even in the clan. So if you don't wanna make a fool of yourself leave the thread. You're going Nowhere trying to insult someone on the thread when you couldn't do it on our teamspeak. Please Stop playing this block game when your IQ is lower than a second grader.


Mar 2, 2015
Reaction score
First of all, Half the people on my thread that are "Ganging Up on you" arent even in the clan. So if you don't wanna make a fool of yourself leave the thread. You're going Nowhere trying to insult someone on the thread when you couldn't do it on our teamspeak. Please Stop playing this block game when your IQ is lower than a second grader.
I'll tell you exactly why you're probably the biggest hoodrat of this community. Half of the replies on this thread are from you because you obviously don't have enough brain cells to figure out how to reply to multiple comments in one. You capitalize random words in the middle of a sentence. Your IGN is Omxr so please don't say that I have an IQ lower than a second grader when you can't even spell your own name. You quoted "Ganging Up on you" when I clearly didn't even say that. You play blatant hackers that are the age of 9 and don't even know what a "screenshare" is. I'm pretty sure you're not ready to be on the forums because it's obviously too much for your little head so please rethink about ever coming back on. This problem would obviously be fixed if you weren't so toxic and if you rearranged your roster. Goodbye sir :)


Oct 6, 2013
Reaction score
I'll tell you exactly why you're probably the biggest hoodrat of this community. Half of the replies on this thread are from you because you obviously don't have enough brain cells to figure out how to reply to multiple comments in one. You capitalize random words in the middle of a sentence. Your IGN is Omxr so please don't say that I have an IQ lower than a second grader when you can't even spell your own name. You quoted "Ganging Up on you" when I clearly didn't even say that. You play blatant hackers that are the age of 9 and don't even know what a "screenshare" is. I'm pretty sure you're not ready to be on the forums because it's obviously too much for your little head so please rethink about ever coming back on. This problem would obviously be fixed if you weren't so toxic and if you rearranged your roster. Goodbye
First of all, Half the people on my thread that are "Ganging Up on you" arent even in the clan. So if you don't wanna make a fool of yourself leave the thread. You're going Nowhere trying to insult someone on the thread when you couldn't do it on our teamspeak. Please Stop playing this block game when your IQ is lower than a second grader.
sir :)
ur moms r so fat that when they sit down they break the chair


Dec 27, 2015
Reaction score
I'll tell you exactly why you're probably the biggest hoodrat of this community. Half of the replies on this thread are from you because you obviously don't have enough brain cells to figure out how to reply to multiple comments in one. You capitalize random words in the middle of a sentence. Your IGN is Omxr so please don't say that I have an IQ lower than a second grader when you can't even spell your own name. You quoted "Ganging Up on you" when I clearly didn't even say that. You play blatant hackers that are the age of 9 and don't even know what a "screenshare" is. I'm pretty sure you're not ready to be on the forums because it's obviously too much for your little head so please rethink about ever coming back on. This problem would obviously be fixed if you weren't so toxic and if you rearranged your roster. Goodbye sir :)
Um, Im not the one on your thread, You're the one on my thread. I Changed my IGN to Omxr Because Omar wasnt available at that time. So why dont you take your Pokemon watching 4 year old ass off my thread because your IQ is lower than a second grader. LOL You're the one thats salty about that loss and you cant live up to it. So why dont you shut up and hop off kiddo. If you wanna say anymore come on our teamspeak. And how are you to tell me that I dont know what screenshare is when you dont even know what a Chromosome is, Downy.


Oct 6, 2013
Reaction score
Um, Im not the one on your thread, You're the one on my thread. I Changed my IGN to Omxr Because Omar wasnt available at that time. So why dont you take your Pokemon watching 4 year old ass off my thread because your IQ is lower than a second grader. LOL You're the one thats salty about that loss and you cant live up to it. So why dont you shut up and hop off kiddo. If you wanna say anymore come on our teamspeak. And how are you to tell me that I dont know what screenshare is when you dont even know what a Chromosome is, Downy.
you smell weird
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