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Moderator Applications: Frequently Asked Questions

May 3, 2012
Reaction score
I don't know about the rest of the staff but every day I get lots of people asking me:
"David, How did you become a moderator?", "What do I have to do?", "wheres the link for moderator?", "why ur name red".

Well as a way to help reduce the number of times we get asked these questions, allow me to answer some of them here. But first let me get something straight; it is not my job to recruit people and Moderators are not the ones to contact about becoming part of the staff. If you want to be part of the staff contact the Senior Moderators and Admins.

Now I'm going to answer a few quick questions that us moderators keep getting asked:

Q: How old do you have to be to become a moderator?
A: They prefer people who are 16+ however they can make exceptions in some cases.

Q: What will I have to do to become part of the staff?
A: First you will have to fill out an application form using a template that you are provided with. Then if they like what they see they will request an interview over Teamspeak. If that goes well then you should be able to work it out from there.

Q: Why is your name red?
A: If someone's name in-game is red it means they are a Moderator. Other colours normally mean they either donators or are a different part of the staff (sounds silly but a lot of people don't know this)

Q: How long does it normally take to get a reply to moderator applications?
A: If your application is accepted then you will normally get a reply within 2 weeks' time; again, if you don't receive a reply it probably means your application was not accepted. This may change depending on how many applications they have to go through.

One last thing: applications are not always open so don't get your hopes up too much.

Finally, here is a link to the staff applications page:

That's all I have to say.
Hopefully this has helped some of you out.
Thanks for your time and Enjoy MCSG.
Final note: This info may become outdated and need to be updated. Message me if you believe it needs updating.


Q: I didnt get a reply to my application. Why?
A: Sorry to say this but if you DONT get a reply to your aplication it means that your aplication was not accepted.
Not true, I got declined (like 3-4 times) but they did reply to it. ;_; After my fifth app I got the opportunity to be one and then Karoleigh went QQ.
They do reply if you get declined...
Most of the times


District 13
Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
Yes if staff don't reply it usually means they just haven't seen it or they haven't made their final decision yet. It took about a week or 2 for my app to be accepted. Usually they reply quickly but it can depend on how well known you are to the staff as being a good candidate, also being well known in the staff will lead to mod recommendations and this can also help you progress.
May 3, 2012
Reaction score
Not true, I got declined (like 3-4 times) but they did reply to it. ;_; After my fifth app I got the opportunity to be one and then Karoleigh went QQ.
They do reply if you get declined...
Most of the times
Well I learned somthing today. Thanks you for your comment.


Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
Mod app got accepted today, I'll be having a mod interview this saturday
How long did yours take Teije? I am curious just because I am wondering roughly how longtti will take before someone lets me know the tossed my app.

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