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Lulu Needs Help



How do you turn the trackpad off? Otherwise when I'm trying to use my mouse I will accidentally use the trackpad.


May 27, 2012
Reaction score
If you're more comfortable with the trackpad, you keep at it.
I personally prefer a mouse but the MacBook trackpad is actually fairly good for minecraft in comparison to other laptops (I know because I have one too :3)
You just gotta practice, and you aren't obliged to change to a mouse either ;)
Each to their own, and of yours is a trackpad, stick to it.
Oh and listen to the ways of Echo, he'll be able to teach you some techniques


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Use FnS while backing up and make sure you aren't pointing too close to yourself so you don't get burned. Also, make a straight line if they are coming straight but a sideways arc if they are coming from the side.


May 18, 2012
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I also use a Mac trackpad (although I do use the arrow keys instead of WASD), here is how I position my fingers:
  • My entire right hand is used for the arrow keys. I do use my right thumb on the trackpad in emergencies.
  • My left thumb is used for the trackpad, almost always.
  • My left pointer finger is used for the space bar.
  • My left pinkie (or smallest finger, if you prefer) is used for the control key (to right click) and the shift key.
  • Finally, if you have Optifine, I would suggest using the ~ key for it.
That may seem a little complicated.

Now, for the bow (forgive me, this is very hard to explain):
  • Right click.
  • Always make sure that the bow is fully charged, unless the target is very close to you.
  • The further away the target is, the higher you aim the bow.
Here is a short video that I made in a bit of a hurry.

As for the Flint and Steel, I do not use it as much as the average player. The only thing that I would suggest is:
  • Try to light someone on fire while moving backwards.
A better tactic (in my opinion), rather than using a fishing rod to hit someone back before attacking them:
  • When you are almost dead, run.
  • Make sure that they are chasing you.
  • Once you have enough health, turn around.
  • When you are close to them, jump behind them and attack them from behind.
This does take quite a bit of practice.
Hope this helps. :)


Feb 7, 2013
Reaction score
TIP 1- Get used to your mouse. It will help astronomically and... well... srsly lulu. srsly. :/
TIP 2- Bow combat- anticipate your foes moves, it doesn't always work but when it does it works well. You can land a lot of your hits. Also, if you have distance between you and the target, start a fight with a bow shot. It always helps to give them that slight handicap against you!
TIP 3- Sword Fighting- Get a mouse so you can block hit! :D Also, try strafing, jumping (but don't spam it, they can get you knocked around!) and some sneaky skills like getting behind them! :D
TIP 4- As for you flint and steel... use it when they're coming at you, and walk backwards as you do. You can't possibly get in your own fire then.
hope i halped C:


I also use a Mac trackpad (although I do use the arrow keys instead of WASD), here is how I position my fingers:
  • My entire left hand is used for the arrow keys. I do use my left thumb on the trackpad in emergencies.
  • My right thumb is used for the trackpad, almost always.
  • My right pointer finger is used for the space bar.
  • My right pinkie (or smallest finger, if you prefer) is used for the control key (to right click) and the shift key.
  • Finally, if you have Optifine, I would suggest using the ~ key for it.
That may seem a little complicated.

Now, for the bow (forgive me, this is very hard to explain):
  • Right click.
  • Always make sure that the bow is fully charged, unless the target is very close to you.
  • The further away the target is, the higher you aim the bow.
Here is a short video that I made in a bit of a hurry.

As for the Flint and Steel, I do not use it as much as the average player. The only thing that I would suggest is:
  • Try to light someone on fire while moving backwards.
A better tactic (in my opinion), rather than using a fishing rod to hit someone back before attacking them:
  • When you are almost dead, run.
  • Make sure that they are chasing you.
  • Once you have enough health, turn around.
  • When you are close to them, jump behind them and attack them from behind.
This does take quite a bit of practice.
Hope this helps. :)
OMG thanks so much! I actually use the arrow keys as well!


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