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Forward | US Division

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Oct 7, 2015
Reaction score
After reviewing the specific case provided and comparing the two threads, I'd like to ask for evidence of your wins against Rivals and Amnesty for two reasons.

  • Multiple ex-Rivals and Amnesty members claim to not have battled you
  • Your old clan thread does not show wins against these clans, but your new thread does show these wins in places they should have been on your old thread.
Evidence can be anything, a screenshot, some small video, anything to prove you two were there and battling.
We battled long ago man are you kidding? I could recover some gyazos of the cb.
This is the only proof I got man, I recovered it from my gyazo history, Rivals and Amnesty battled us, are you really going to do this? You guys can't lose with a Latinoamerican Clan? We are all humans, have all the same characteristics, we are the same.


Jul 18, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: TacticRekter
Edad: 13 Soy maduro
Skype: jorgito.armendariz

Wins: 180
Played: 1100
Clan experience (Let us know the clans you were in) : Tengo experiencia suficiente supongo , Mis clanes anteriores : SpanishPvP , TheBloxy y muchos mas no recuerdo
Timezone: 2 horas diarias o mas
PvP Strengths: cana , espada , arco
PvP Weaknesses: fns
Ping on US & CA Servers: 90-120
Why do you want to join Forward? : Pienso que este clan tiene suficiente experiencia para las clan battles y esas cosas

Do you meet the requirements? :


Apr 5, 2015
Reaction score
We battled long ago man are you kidding? I could recover some gyazos of the cb.
This is the only proof I got man, I recovered it from my gyazo history, Rivals and Amnesty battled us, are you really going to do this? You guys can't lose with a Latinoamerican Clan? We are all humans, have all the same characteristics, we are the same.
Ceroria ILikeGuys/rev was not in rivals at the time of that battle and when he was he only played in clan wars; Motteron was never in rivals those are obviously screenshots of a scrim against legacy. If you look at the people talking you can see revolsity's account not being banned yet; this means that that was before clan wars and before rivals was even rebanded. As well no screenshot of the amnesty battle is provided; to also note cf918 if you're not dead it's mint can you confirm that you NEVER did battles with specs allowed?
Additionally, they again would have to have had this battle on their previous thread; but again it isn't there but is here, along with annesty and other clans in random areas that were all in the time of the previous thread. Also rivals openly posted all of their losses even with clans like haunted, but why is this battle no where to be seen on any of the threads? Why post it suddenly in a random spot that makes no sense on the timeline? Why do your screenshots not add up to the members of the clans OR the timelines OR the rules used at that time? Why do they seem strangely recent and not from 2 months ago? And why did you scrim rebels yesterday with the owner of ILikeGuys on their ts ;) lmao this clan better fess up.
Last edited:


Apr 5, 2015
Reaction score
We battled long ago man are you kidding? I could recover some gyazos of the cb.
This is the only proof I got man, I recovered it from my gyazo history, Rivals and Amnesty battled us, are you really going to do this? You guys can't lose with a Latinoamerican Clan? We are all humans, have all the same characteristics, we are the same.
Sorry for double posts; but just because you're a minority doesn't give you a deal to wear to mask everything as oppression. People are calling you out because you're lying not because of your race. In fact to be honest this gives bad name for your race. When I moved to Canada I couldn't speak English and people didn't like that, I had black skin and people didn't like that. I have first hand experienced racial oppression and it's not something to throw around to post fake wins on a block game. Ceroria can you please ask them to stop pulling the race card when people call them out for lying. Their hiding behind it and it is completely unneeded and unrelated.
Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
We battled long ago man are you kidding? I could recover some gyazos of the cb.
This is the only proof I got man, I recovered it from my gyazo history, Rivals and Amnesty battled us, are you really going to do this? You guys can't lose with a Latinoamerican Clan? We are all humans, have all the same characteristics, we are the same.
And people wonder why we don't like Latin American clans i personally have nothing against detention or predators seeing as they post there losses and don't post fake wins people just don't like people who lie and cheat in this community i mean you got another 6 cb wins in the last like 3 day and one consists of the saints which disbanded weeks ago how does that work? Another thing to add on top of why you are an not liked for all that know of evil squad we were battleing these fellows and after we go up 1-0 everyone on our whole ts keeps getting ddosed one by one we drop with no explenatation and you were spamming us dq if don't continue and we stated were getting a mod if they do so since we are getting ddosed and the second they realize we are about to get a mod they ask if we wanted to cancel this battle we agreed and the battle was voided then suddenly we stopped lagging out kinda why I have no respect for this clan playing unfair makeing up lies and posting fake wins is why your hated not your race
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Oct 7, 2015
Reaction score
Sorry for double posts; but just because you're a minority doesn't give you a deal to wear to mask everything as oppression. People are calling you out because you're lying not because of your race. In fact to be honest this gives bad name for your race. When I moved to Canada I couldn't speak English and people didn't like that, I had black skin and people didn't like that. I have first hand experienced racial oppression and it's not something to throw around to post fake wins on a block game. Ceroria can you please ask them to stop pulling the race card when people call them out for lying. Their hiding behind it and it is completely unneeded and unrelated.
Discussion has ended. We have showed proof of our wins, and for some reason, you ignore people who does not belong to your country, and treat them as inferiors. That is racism. Please remember, we are all humans, and we have the same virtues, and characteristics. There is not a logic reason, that we will always have to lose against you.


Sep 20, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: PatatasLeigh
Edad: 13(1 mes 14)
Skype: patatasleigh
Wins: 43 (legacy: 171)
Played: 298 (legacy: 1944)
Clan experience (Let us know the clans you were in) : #Nightmare
Timezone: Eastern Time Zone UTC-05:00
PvP Strengths: Espada, Arco, Fns
PvP Weaknesses: Caña
Ping on US & CA Servers: 50 - 100
Why do you want to join Forward? : Porque es un buen clan, me gustaria conocer a nuevas persona, mejorar mi team-work y me gusta como esta juega el clan y sus jugadores
Do you meet the requirements? : No


Apr 5, 2015
Reaction score
Discussion has ended. We have showed proof of our wins, and for some reason, you ignore people who does not belong to your country, and treat them as inferiors. That is racism. Please remember, we are all humans, and we have the same virtues, and characteristics. There is not a logic reason, that we will always have to lose against you.
Ceroria Look at their proof and the counter evidence found on the rivals threads; the timeline; as well as some members and specs not making any sense and as well the chat style has changed since July that is strangely identical to the one now. Also like to note how much they overplay the race card and are going to call you a racist after you reach your verdict.
Additionally another example is PredatorsUS who posts all their losses yet you have 2 wins against them that they don't have on their thread


Oct 7, 2015
Reaction score
Ceroria Look at their proof and the counter evidence found on the rivals threads; the timeline; as well as some members and specs not making any sense and as well the chat style has changed since July that is strangely identical to the one now. Also like to note how much they overplay the race card and are going to call you a racist after you reach your verdict.
Additionally another example is PredatorsUS who posts all their losses yet you have 2 wins against them that they don't have on their thread
The problem here, is that you don't accept to lose. You think you are special and different to other people in the world. And here is the cb vs Predators, if doubts
1st Part:
2nd Part:


Oct 7, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: PatatasLeigh
Edad: 13(1 mes 14)
Skype: patatasleigh
Wins: 43 (legacy: 171)
Played: 298 (legacy: 1944)
Clan experience (Let us know the clans you were in) : #Nightmare
Timezone: Eastern Time Zone UTC-05:00
PvP Strengths: Espada, Arco, Fns
PvP Weaknesses: Caña
Ping on US & CA Servers: 50 - 100
Why do you want to join Forward? : Porque es un buen clan, me gustaria conocer a nuevas persona, mejorar mi team-work y me gusta como esta juega el clan y sus jugadores
Do you meet the requirements? : No
Trial Member :)


Apr 5, 2015
Reaction score
The problem here, is that you don't accept to lose. You think you are special and different to other people in the world. And here is the cb vs Predators, if doubts
1st Part:
2nd Part:
Literally no where have I said that I believe in ethnocentric ideals; I don't like you because you're liars not because you're a different race. I literally have not mentioned race at any point in this argument yet you continue to hide behind your own posts saying I'm just a "racist". I'll tell you one thing really quickly you never battled rivals proof on the threads you guys wouldn't have been able to battle them in the timeline; and if you did it would involve you randomly putting it in 3 months after. Amnesty I was literally not in; but I still support them on the fact that they only chose to battle known and good clans with good reputations; all characteristics you don't fall upon.
I'm saying all of this because liars are liars it doesn't matter where you're from. Donald Trump is a liar but so was Hitler. You're concept of diverting all claims of falsitude to people being "angry because they lose to clan of another race!" isn't correct and never will be. Stop asserting it to make yourself look like the victim when the real victims are the good clans that have to deal with some random thread having fake wins up that they literally cannot prove.
Narwhal Imanol Oilz
All three of you can help reach a verdict as well as Ceroria. The evidence and counter evidence can be found on previous posts through the last ~3 pages, on the threads of the respective clans (Rivals, Amnesty) and when looking at their evidence the players ILikeGuys and motter0n never having participated in a battle with Rivals; and the chat resembles the Mcgamer chat from now opposed to 3 months ago when the battle supposedly takes place. Also on their previous thread there is no battle against either clan even though it would have occurred in the time of that thread; however, those battles are listed here and not there. And regarding the previous point these battles weren't added in a believable way in the same place to further occupy the assumption they may have "forgot"(which is an implausible excuse on its own) about them and were stuck in random spots that again make no sense regarding the surrounding battles.
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