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Exodus | US Team

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Feb 1, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: MajesticSwag
Age: 13
Wins/Games Played/Ratio: 109 // 440 / 1/4
How long have you been in #Exodus: About 1 month and a half.

Question 1: In what ways have you helped this clan out?:
Mention situations and events!: Im a team player and I always help my team win. I saved my teamates a couple times and I have a good time with them. We all get along and I am nice to everyone in this clan.

Question 2
: Do you believe that you qualify for a staff member?
Why?(be descriptive!!!) I believe I do. Im a really nice guy and I love erryone in this clan. I feel like family when im with this clan because we are all so nice to each other and respect each other. If I was a staff member I would be dedicated and responsible, more responsible than I am now.

Question 3
: In what ways would your presence benefit us, give examples: I would help the officers and leaders organize, and respect other clans. I would try to get my team under control if they were rude or doing something that could get us a DQ in a cb. I would respect all members and even try to work on some new tactics.+

Question 4:
How would you describe this clan? : This is by far the best clan I have been in, and I want to do as much as I can for it. I want to make this clan better than it already is and improve in some tactics, this is an amazing clan, a very nice clan. We treat each other like family and we all have a laugh and a good time together.

Question 5:
Who is your favorite member in this clan, and why?:
I don't want to say my specific favorite, I love everyone in this clan. Parwez is a beast and is the nicest guy, afro is soft spoken and a straight up G, educating is my bb, swift is my favorite swagster, Bacca is, a bacca, Aulza is effing hilarious, top is a great pvper and a great guy, nothing more to say, i love everyone in this clan equally.
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: MajesticSwag
Age: 13
Wins/Games Played/Ratio: 109 // 440 / 1/4
How long have you been in #Exodus: About 1 month and a half.

Question 1: In what ways have you helped this clan out?:
Mention situations and events!: Im a team player and I always help my team win. I saved my teamates a couple times and I have a good time with them. We all get along and I am nice to everyone in this clan.
Question 2: Do you believe that you qualify for a staff member?
Why?(be descriptive!!!) I believe I do. Im a really nice guy and I love erryone in this clan. I feel like family when im with this clan because we are all so nice to each other and respect each other. If I was a staff member I would be dedicated and responsible, more responsible than I am now.
Question 3: In what ways would your presence benefit us, give examples: I would help the officers and leaders organize, and respect other clans. I would try to get my team under control if they were rude or doing something that could get us a DQ in a cb. I would respect all members and even try to work on some new tactics.+
Question 4: How would you describe this clan? : This is by far the best clan I have been in, and I want to do as much as I can for it. I want to make this clan better than it already is and improve in some tactics, this is an amazing clan, a very nice clan. We treat each other like family and we all have a laugh and a good time together.
Question 5: Who is your favorite member in this clan, and why?:
I don't want to say my specific favorite, I love everyone in this clan. Parwez is a beast and is the nicest guy, afro is soft spoken and a straight up G, educating is my bb, swift is my favorite swagster, Bacca is, a bacca, Aulza is effing hilarious, top is a great pvper and a great guy, nothing more to say, i love everyone in this clan equally.
Your Application was accepted! It is now under review, Congratulations <3 <3


Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: PoisonousAppleMC
Age: 13
Wins/Games Played/Ratio: 112-822-idk
How long have you been in #Exodus: About 3 days, but I will assure you that I am and will be very loyal to the group and will play a big part as staff.

Question 1: In what ways have you helped this clan out?: I was part of the 1st clan battle and I would say I was a big part in it. I wish I would of been part of the 2nd as well but wasnt on at the time.

Question 2: Do you believe that you qualify for a staff member?: Yes. I believe that I am a decent player. I wasnt the best at HG before but I am way better now. Not being cocky, but I have only lost once to all of the members I have fought apart from TopBandit so far.

Question 3: In what ways would your presence benefit us, give examples: I would be on HG a lot more if I do end up getting accepted looking for members to join Exodus. Apart from the applications on the forums of course :p

Question 4:
How would you describe this clan?: Loyal. As from what I have seen so far, this clan is very loyal as are most members as well. Strong. We have won both clan battles we have been apart of as well as the fact that all of our members are extremely good. Well Built. All of the members are amazing at PvP. I believe this clans choices that they have made are amazing choices and I would love to be part of that being Staff/Officer.

Question 5: Who is your favorite member in this clan, and why?: TopBandit. I've known him for a long time know

Thank you guys for reading this application in hopes I do get accepted. With all the hope I have on getting accepted I do understand if I am denied. Thanks guys!


Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: TheDream_Dude
Games Played:3010
Time Zone: EST
Skype Username: nuhan1230
Pvp Strengths: Fishrod , FNS
Pvp Weaknesses: LAG , Teams of 4 or 3
Rate yourself from 1-10: 8
Why do you want to join?: Cause This Clan is Sweg
If accepted, will you stayed committed?: Yes MAM
Previous Clans:#Relation #Nebulous #React


Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: TheDream_Dude
Games Played:3010
Time Zone: EST
Skype Username: nuhan1230
Pvp Strengths: Fishrod , FNS
Pvp Weaknesses: LAG , Teams of 4 or 3
Rate yourself from 1-10: 8
Why do you want to join?: Cause This Clan is Sweg
If accepted, will you stayed committed?: Yes MAM
Previous Clans:#Relation #Nebulous #React
Accepted. Rank: Trial Member
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
I thought that if anyone has a ratio over 350 is accepted as member.
I know, but as you realize, our Roster if full. So from now on, we would like to Trial members and examine them on some criteria such as, Activity, Loyalty, Behavior and much more ;)


Nov 29, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:MLGMajestic
Games Played:3681
Time Zone:YOLO
Skype Username:live:mlgmajestic
Pvp StrengthsBow and fns
Pvp Weaknesses:water battles
Rate yourself from 1-10:9
Why do you want to join?:Because its a very good clan i have friends here
If accepted, will you stayed committed?:yes, i will FOREVER
Previous Clans:#TheHunted, #Variable, #TheAggressors
Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:MLGMajestic
Games Played:3681
Time Zone:YOLO
Skype Username:live:mlgmajestic
Pvp StrengthsBow and fns
Pvp Weaknesses:water battles
Rate yourself from 1-10:9
Why do you want to join?:Because its a very good clan i have friends here
If accepted, will you stayed committed?:yes, i will FOREVER
Previous Clans:#TheHunted, #Variable, #TheAggressors
Accepted As A Full Member! Welcome to #Team Exodus ;)
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