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[EU] EndGamers | In Hibernation.

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Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
1) Your age:14
2) Your In-Game Name: demetzeu
3) Your Skype (PM if needed): pop.sebi25
4) Wins/Games played: 440 wins / 2500 GP
5) Your residence (country): Romania
6) How would you rate yourself PvP wise (DO NOT give yourself a mark out of 10): :-? Good , idk
7) a) Your playstyle, i.e Defensive, offensive, etc: Offensive
b) Your strengths: FnS , bow , sword
c) Your weaknesses: hackiers , teamers
8) Why are you applying for this particular clan: CAUSE IT'S PRO
9) Why should we accept you: Idk ? Cause I'm good at pvp
10) How will you benefit this clan: I wanna be in the best clan in the world
11) How much time are you willing to donate to EndGamers and be active on our teamspeak: 3/4/5 hours per day
12) Do you consider yourself loyal and trustworthy (if you pause to think, don't apply): Yep
13) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements:
Oath) I, [please insert name] agree on my word on the application written above and will support and assist this clan however possible.
lol, 2 of our clanmembers are in your so called ''Deathlist''!


Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
1) Your age:14
2) Your In-Game Name: demetzeu
3) Your Skype (PM if needed): pop.sebi25
4) Wins/Games played: 440 wins / 2500 GP
5) Your residence (country): Romania
6) How would you rate yourself PvP wise (DO NOT give yourself a mark out of 10): :-? Good , idk
7) a) Your playstyle, i.e Defensive, offensive, etc: Offensive
b) Your strengths: FnS , bow , sword
c) Your weaknesses: hackiers , teamers
8) Why are you applying for this particular clan: CAUSE IT'S PRO
9) Why should we accept you: Idk ? Cause I'm good at pvp
10) How will you benefit this clan: I wanna be in the best clan in the world
11) How much time are you willing to donate to EndGamers and be active on our teamspeak: 3/4/5 hours per day
12) Do you consider yourself loyal and trustworthy (if you pause to think, don't apply): Yep
13) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements:
Oath) I, [please insert name] agree on my word on the application written above and will support and assist this clan however possible.
Declined - Next time don't apply for multiple clans :)
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