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[EU] EndGamers | In Hibernation.

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Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
1) Your age: 17
2) Your In-Game Name: Unknown_HD
3) Your Skype (PM if needed): theunknownhd
4) Wins/Games played: 0/0
5) Your residence (country): Ireland
6) How would you rate yourself PvP wise (DO NOT give yourself a mark out of 10): I would rate myself above average, but if I really put work into it, really good.
7) a) Your playstyle, i.e Defensive, offensive, etc: Offensive, but defensive when I try hard, I think tactically.
b) Your strengths: 16 Clicks a sec, 10-18 Ping, FnS, Bow
c) Your weaknesses: Not that I'm aware of
8) Why are you applying for this particular clan: Becuase I just can't handle all the responsibilty of having my own clan and be mod, so this clan looks like a well formed and mature clan.
9) Why should we accept you: I am a eligible person, punctual and very trustworthy.
10) How will you benefit this clan: I will benefit this clan in many ways, I can help solve matters in a mature way, and can have less flame in the clan if there is any, that is.
11) How much time are you willing to donate to EndGamers and be active on our teamspeak: Pretty much the whole day.
12) Do you consider yourself loyal and trustworthy (if you pause to think, don't apply): Yes.
13) Any additional information about yourself or the requirements: Nope
Oath) I, Unknown_HD agree on my word on the application writ ten above and will support and assist this clan however possible.
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