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Epic Suggestion List :D

Which suggestion(s) do you agree with? (select multiple)

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May 29, 2012
Reaction score
You said something about kicking, so I thought you mean donor.
After each round it kicks all players except VIPS, Donators, Staff to mix it up instead of having each server hogged with the same people.


Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
Decided to make a list of my wonderful awesome suggestions :3

Double Bounty Weekends:
Just an idea which could be expanded upon, double bounty drop one weekend a month or something similar. :3

For example:

-Kills Chad-
Chad loses 10 bounty.
Killer gains 10 bounty.

Bounty Weekend:

-Kills Chad-
Chad loses 10 bounty.
Killer gains 20 bounty.

It won't be applied double to /bounty to avoid abuse though.


Like the post + post to back the idea, or to suggest changes or hate on it :3
Matt0808 said:
I think this would be a great idea and lots of fun.​
Pherrera said:
This sounds like it would be something great for everyone.​
BainsyLive said:
Great idea!!! This would be AWESOME​
MCSG Plugin Developer:
subv3rsion said:
I'd be up for double bounty weekends. As someone previously mentioned, it does sound like the double XP weekends for CoD. Of course it may be abused, but the point seems like it is to earn points.​




A very small plugin, it shouldn't cause stress to the server and actually would really benefit a server such as this where you cannot break blocks.

It stops players from exploiting block-lag to get up two block high walls, in the lobby and in the actual games.

Staff/Donator List Colour

Lag Fix
Unsure if the ghost glitch persists, last I heard it was patched but I could be wrong. My suggestion is to stop restarting after each match, but instead kick every non VIP/Donator/Staff at the end of each game. Having a global restart every 12 hours.

In the long run this benifets the server, a majour reason why the servers at the moment are much more laggier then others even though they are on good hosts is due to the many frequent resets. It takes a while for a server to kick into gear, around an hour or so which games do not last for as long.

I highly recommend doing this, there are no cons here unless the ghosting persists.

"Different" voting.
If the above suggestion works out this suggestion would also fit in nicely.

Instead of the abusive system we have now, well, sure it's what majority wants, but there has been complaints. This suggestion takes into consideration of the majority and the minority and variation.

Have 3 options:
[Survival Games]Please vote for an option:
Next: Survival Games 3 (/next)
Previous: Survival Games 4 (/previous)
Random: (/random)
Or some message and syntax along those lines.

And when the previous has been selected it jumps ahead the next round to avoid maps being played more then twice in a row - so the majority get what they want but allows the minority to take a break from maps such as Breeze Island and SG4 for example.

Wolves Spawning:
Random packs of wolves spawned in each game, some being passive and some being hostile to add a new danger. That's about it for that :p

Post-Victory Fireworks (implemented)

For this to be awesome the post-victory time should be extended a little bit. Keep the lightning strike when a player dies, but on the final kill in deathmatch in post-victory, make a series of fireworks go off celebrating the victory. Bukkit would need to release an API for it to work so it might not be soon.

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