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Catching Fire: The Clock

Do you wish to see this map on MCSG?

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Mar 29, 2013
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I though someone would make this map eventually and you definitely know what your doing. I do suggest you get a bigger build team to help to make it amazing!


Oct 5, 2012
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It definitely needs work. This is what I noticed off the bat:
  • You need 200+ chests in your map.
  • Corn is unfair.
  • Does not look like the movie.
  • Looks like a combo of worldpainter and worldedit.
  • Corn should only have 8 chests.
  • Needs large structures.
  • I expect that a map going to be added to MCSG should have over 200 hours of work put into it. I know this sounds like a lot, but I alone have already put over 40 hours into my current map, and that doesn't include the other 4 builders, AND we are not even 10% done. If you want to learn the basics of map making for MCSG, I recommend watching some building tutorials (compatible with your style of build) and then making some test houses and landscapes in SP. OR make a smexy build and join Team Elite.


Nov 23, 2013
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So I took some time and consideration into all of yours guy's thoughts on the map, and as some of you do agree it is a spectacular idea, most of wish to see more build amongst the map. So therefore, I'm gonna need help! I would love to build this, as I have been building this map for a while, and yes, I used MCEdit for some minor things, but this map was being built over the course of 5 months. SHOCKER!? Yes, I do take time and consideration into my builds, so I have decided to throw this idea out, its too plain as from what I can tell, I'll wait for someone else to build it, which it'll most likely look the same. But therefore I have came up with another idea! Someone had posted in the map ideas section for a District 13 map, got me thinking, that yes, I would love to build that! But I need a bigger crew! So if you wish to help me with building this new map idea, message me on skype, I really need alot of people as from what I can see.....please? My username is applegatedabomb.tnt (YOU MUST KNOW HOW TO SETUP A PERSONAL SERVER!!)


Jan 20, 2013
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So I took some time and consideration into all of yours guy's thoughts on the map, and as some of you do agree it is a spectacular idea, most of wish to see more build amongst the map. So therefore, I'm gonna need help! I would love to build this, as I have been building this map for a while, and yes, I used MCEdit for some minor things, but this map was being built over the course of 5 months. SHOCKER!? Yes, I do take time and consideration into my builds, so I have decided to throw this idea out, its too plain as from what I can tell, I'll wait for someone else to build it, which it'll most likely look the same. But therefore I have came up with another idea! Someone had posted in the map ideas section for a District 13 map, got me thinking, that yes, I would love to build that! But I need a bigger crew! So if you wish to help me with building this new map idea, message me on skype, I really need alot of people as from what I can see.....please? My username is applegatedabomb.tnt (YOU MUST KNOW HOW TO SETUP A PERSONAL SERVER!!)
I like your enthusiasm, BUT if you follow MCSG's twitter, they already made this map and it will be coming out soon. :)


District 13
Dec 7, 2012
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This is a very "lazy" map. Like others, basically no chests, no teraforming, not buildings, unfair corn. I could keep going, but as spaghetti said, they are already making one.


Apr 26, 2013
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I... I... I feel like I've seen this map on one of those crappy single tier servers... I could be wrong, but I'm like 99.99% positive...

DJ Kitty

Jun 10, 2013
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its just plain minecraft generated, and 40 chests isn't enough


Nov 23, 2013
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its just plain minecraft generated, and 40 chests isn't enough
Okay, let me explain to you for the 20th time......first off, didn't ask for your opinion. Secondly, it has over 250 chests, it was completely made from scraps, and last time I checked I dont see you bending over backwards making a movie/book hit map. I left this project and this map will go on my server (it already is and all my fans love to play it, thanks though, my rates are about 100-150 games played each day, and I only have 200 subs, funny right? Its a good map) and Im making a new map, so dont go commenting on this thread anymore, Ill have it removed, thanks though......


Apr 26, 2013
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I dont know how many times I need to explain that, or explain the fact that I didn't ask for your input, Im only looking for mods and admins advice, not yours sir.
I don't want to be 'that guy' (Okay maybe I do xP), but when building a map, shouldn't you take the majority of the community's advice? I mean, they're the largest group who is going to be playing the map. Granted lots of admins/mods do know a lot about map building, but building isn't everything. You could have a beautiful map but there's a chance that nobody would play it due to terrible gameplay *cough*Tewewan Survival Games 1*cough* Anyway, the point I'm getting at is that although staff may be experienced in the field but they aren't necessarily the only ones you should take advice from. Edit: Also, having smaller 'dipping pool' of opinions may lead to bias.


Jan 20, 2013
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Therefore I did not ask for your opinion, I said I was doing another map, so you do not need to go and comment what you would like.....and for your info, it was terraformed, I dont know how many times I need to explain that, or explain the fact that I didn't ask for your input, Im only looking for mods and admins advice, not yours sir.
Just so you know, the Map Committee looks for the input of the community. A mod or admin's opinion means little more than a regular members in this situation (unless they're on the committee!) They look for what the people think, and (afaik) provides a lot of the sway on whether it gets in.
Okay, let me explain to you for the 20th time......first off, didn't ask for your opinion. Secondly, it has over 250 chests, it was completely made from scraps, and last time I checked I dont see you bending over backwards making a movie/book hit map. I left this project and this map will go on my server (it already is and all my fans love to play it, thanks though, my rates are about 100-150 games played each day, and I only have 200 subs, funny right? Its a good map) and Im making a new map, so dont go commenting on this thread anymore, Ill have it removed, thanks though......
You originally said it had 40 chests, then I said it needs at least 250 and now it had 250+ all along? Please explain.
Please read over what I said, I did specify that I was creating a new map right? Okay then, well no thanks though.....now bye?
Uh.. No new map is needed, this map was already created by the best of the best. (Team Elite I believe) But more maps are totally welcome. :)


Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
Just so you know, the Map Committee looks for the input of the community. A mod or admin's opinion means little more than a regular members in this situation (unless they're on the committee!) They look for what the people think, and (afaik) provides a lot of the sway on whether it gets in.

You originally said it had 40 chests, then I said it needs at least 250 and now it had 250+ all along? Please explain.

Uh.. No new map is needed, this map was already created by the best of the best. (Team Elite I believe) But more maps are totally welcome. :)
Because me and my little crew went over and counted all the chests for you people, we upgraded terrain, added more buildings and such, and then created a new thread that was removed, so sorry you didnt get to see the new map screenshots. Another thing is you need to not tell me about a map committee because I dont care about that, either way, all maps are judged in a negative, no matter what, so the map committee means nothing to me, and so does your comments.
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