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Survival Games - Underground Kingdoms

Should this map be added to the servers?

  • Yes, stunning map

    Votes: 229 75.1%
  • Yes, I love you

    Votes: 43 14.1%
  • No, thank you. (Please list what to edit/make better in comments)

    Votes: 33 10.8%

  • Total voters


May 14, 2013
Reaction score
Woo, map review time!

I downloaded this a while back and was immediately impressed by the cavern generation and the multiple levels. This still holds true of course ;).

The redstone work on this map is particularly impressive. Granted, I rarely bother with redstone and am therefore easily impressed by it, but the redstone work is top notch and the best I've seen yet. I particularly liked the quartz room with the pistons.

Little secrets and touches are abundant, ranging from jump courses blended into the terrain to hidden rooms. These hidden rooms aren't the "hit random unmarked button on side of map, piston door opens 500 blocks away" either. There are signs, hints, and clues as to their locations.

The builds mesh with the surrounding caverns nicely. I would have liked to see more use of stair blocks and half blocks for details, as some of the builds are a bit boxy. Yes I know it's hard to avoid that in minecraft, but the houses aren't quite as impressive as the terrain and details.

The one red flag for me is the large hall at the end of the canyon. This feels underdeveloped in comparison to the rest of the map (low detail, repetitive), and the abundance of iron armor (and diamond armor in the secret room) might cause some gameplay issues, with everyone making a mad dash for the hall.

That said, overall the map is very well built with lots of nifty tricks. I'd like to see this in action.
Jun 22, 2013
Reaction score
I hope this gets added. I like it so much more than your freeze resort, this map is fantastic.
Thank you :)

Woo, map review time!

I downloaded this a while back and was immediately impressed by the cavern generation and the multiple levels. This still holds true of course ;).

The redstone work on this map is particularly impressive. Granted, I rarely bother with redstone and am therefore easily impressed by it, but the redstone work is top notch and the best I've seen yet. I particularly liked the quartz room with the pistons.

Little secrets and touches are abundant, ranging from jump courses blended into the terrain to hidden rooms. These hidden rooms aren't the "hit random unmarked button on side of map, piston door opens 500 blocks away" either. There are signs, hints, and clues as to their locations.

The builds mesh with the surrounding caverns nicely. I would have liked to see more use of stair blocks and half blocks for details, as some of the builds are a bit boxy. Yes I know it's hard to avoid that in minecraft, but the houses aren't quite as impressive as the terrain and details.

The one red flag for me is the large hall at the end of the canyon. This feels underdeveloped in comparison to the rest of the map (low detail, repetitive), and the abundance of iron armor (and diamond armor in the secret room) might cause some gameplay issues, with everyone making a mad dash for the hall.

That said, overall the map is very well built with lots of nifty tricks. I'd like to see this in action.
Thanks for the review :)
As for the builds I do agree with you and I wish I had the time to improve them but there are way too many (over 100 houses) so i won't be able to. I may be able to do something about the fortress at the end of the canyon, I mess around with it when I have a little bit of time :) also I wasn't aware that you could break the item frames in game, if you are able to (?) then I will fix that.


May 14, 2013
Reaction score
Thank you :)

Thanks for the review :)
As for the builds I do agree with you and I wish I had the time to improve them but there are way too many (over 100 houses) so i won't be able to. I may be able to do something about the fortress at the end of the canyon, I mess around with it when I have a little bit of time :) also I wasn't aware that you could break the item frames in game, if you are able to (?) then I will fix that.
For some reason I thought that they weren't allowed because you could break them, but I may be getting my servers mixed up (oops?). If they are unbreakable here then please ignore my last paragraph ;) .


May 16, 2013
Reaction score
Thank you :)

Thanks for the review :)
As for the builds I do agree with you and I wish I had the time to improve them but there are way too many (over 100 houses) so i won't be able to. I may be able to do something about the fortress at the end of the canyon, I mess around with it when I have a little bit of time :) also I wasn't aware that you could break the item frames in game, if you are able to (?) then I will fix that.
I've heard so many different takes on this particular rule; I really thing a mod needs to answer this.


May 24, 2013
Reaction score
This is amazing! I love it! It is great, it should be added. :)

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