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Nova's ShipWreck (EliteVoltage build)

Should this map be added to MCSG?

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Jul 5, 2012
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The ship is pretty and well built, but the rest is bleh. The least you could do would be add some terraforming. To make it a bit more realistic, add broken land. It's not like the ship just poofed there. If it did, why is it called Novas Shipwreck. That implies it wrecked. If it really did wreck, add the broken land, like myself and others have suggested. Just because people don't like water doesn't mean you can't have a little more. Now, I am aware that you feel maps shouldn't be super realistic, but that doesn't mean that realism should just be tossed out the window. For example, Pablo Picasso had very odd paintings, but you could still understand what they were. Now, I'm basing my entire argument of what I have read in this thread and seen in the photos and screenshots. I am now going to download the map and play it for a bit.
if you download the map you would see the trail were the boat came in. Ok so before you post a message please download the map first!


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
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I downloaded it. And I'm not impressed. As I said before, the ship is done well; however, that's about it. Yes, you did make a small trail. But that's it. It's a small trail. For a ship of that magnitude, the damaged land shouldn't look like someone pushed a small, light ship through a little bit of ground. A ship of that size would tear through the ground, scarring it. I mean, for Pete's sake, there's still grass there.

Now, let's talk a bit more as to why this isn't right. If it did actually push the dirt, there would be a pile of it at the front.

This is the front of the ship. There should be little, if any, open room here. It should be packed to the brim with dirt and debris. My biggest complaint with the ship is that it's too clean. There's no dirt, there's no debris.

Alright, now that the ship is more or less taken care of, let's talk about the rest of the map. It's... empty. There are buildings, yes. But they aren't built very well, and they are few and far between. The map's too big for the number and size of the buildings in it. The parkour bits you had weren't very hard either, but that's personal opinion from an experienced MC parkour runner. Also, there is little to no terraforming on this map. It seems like you found a large island and built a dome around it. It would be nice to see some shape to this place. And here is my biggest complaint with this map. Some of the content is offensive. Scratch that, a lot of the content is offensive. I feel like some of these pictures are not appropriate for this website, so I placed them in an Imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/COOs4.

I am livid at this map. There is no reason this should be added.


District 13
May 6, 2012
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I voted no. Why? The map is built very basically, and quite frankly looks like default terrain. The buildings are basic structures, and you overused blocks in building.

Not to mention there are some incredibly racist, and vulgar things to be found on this map.

I'm really disappointed in whoever made the racist, vulgar "Easter eggs" found on this map. The Holocaust isn't a joking matter-- I thought they taught you that in Elementary School. Making fun of terrible events is never funny, and I suggest if you want any chance at all of this map getting in, that you remove all of the racist, and vulgar content immediately-- it's disgusting.

I usually don't act like this, and I'm sorry to be so rude, but none of the "jokes" in this map were even remotely funny, or appropriate.


Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
I voted no. Why? The map is built very basically, and quite frankly looks like default terrain. The buildings are basic structures, and you overused blocks in building.

Not to mention there are some incredibly racist, and vulgar things to be found on this map.

I'm really disappointed in whoever made the racist, vulgar "Easter eggs" found on this map. The Holocaust isn't a joking matter-- I thought they taught you that in Elementary School. Making fun of terrible events is never funny, and I suggest if you want any chance at all of this map getting in, that you remove all of the racist, and vulgar content immediately-- it's disgusting.

I usually don't act like this, and I'm sorry to be so rude, but none of the "jokes" in this map were even remotely funny, or appropriate.
steve was being very stupid


District 13
Oct 5, 2012
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No offense after seeing what duck said, your team is probably very un-professianal.


May 5, 2012
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Spooderman y u do dis?
But anyway I'm gonna sum up this map.
Its highly offensive
Not very well built
The maker goes against everything everyone says , as I'm sure he'll do with this post.
He does not keep an eye on his map makers and pins the whole blame on them , although if he disagreed with the things they made he would've removed them.
I think this thread should be locked , as this map contains some hate full things.
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