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Trivium ▽

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Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
I didn't make anything up. We were having a cw, and you were disguised in it, you were asking us for 1v1s, and we killed you. You called us noobs, fgts, retards etc. We don't want people in our clan that are disrespectful thowards us. Thank you.
o kilem

Matt |

Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
I didn't make anything up. We were having a cw, and you were disguised in it, you were asking us for 1v1s, and we killed you. You called us noobs, fgts, retards etc. We don't want people in our clan that are disrespectful thowards us. Thank you.
If I ever called you any of the above, I apologize.
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Feb 27, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: iWish_R
Nickname: Rickkert
Wins / Games Played: 291/2737 ( My ratio is not very good because in the beginning I was a noob so I didn't really win that much, hopefully this is not a problem)
Past clans: Rebirth, Instinct
Skype ID: I will message you my skype as soon as i get accepted. I got a good microphone and I also have teamspeak.
Why do you want to join Trivium: I'm 14 years old and becoming 15 soon.I want to join Trivium because I'm clanless at the moment. I think you guys can give me a 'new' home. I would really like to be atleast tried out and get a opportunity to show my 'skills'. I'm very mature and can communicate very well, this is why I should be picked besides other. Please take this in consideration!

Thanks for taking the time to read my application!


Matt |

Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: iWish_R
Nickname: Rickkert
Wins / Games Played: 291/2737 ( My ratio is not very good because in the beginning I was a noob so I didn't really win that much, hopefully this is not a problem)
Past clans: Rebirth, Instinct
Skype ID: I will message you my skype as soon as i get accepted. I got a good microphone and I also have teamspeak.
Why do you want to join Trivium: I'm 14 years old and becoming 15 soon.I want to join Trivium because I'm clanless at the moment. I think you guys can give me a 'new' home. I would really like to be atleast tried out and get a opportunity to show my 'skills'. I'm very mature and can communicate very well, this is why I should be picked besides other. Please take this in consideration!

Thanks for taking the time to read my application!

IGN: _Hickey
Nickname: Hickey
Wins / Games Played: 19/121
Past clans: Rebirth, Instinct
Skype ID: iShmeng
Why do you want to join Trivium: .I want to join Trivium because I'm clanless at the moment. I think you guys can give me a 'new' home. I would really like to be atleast tried out and get a opportunity to show my 'skills'. I'm very mature and can communicate very well, this is why I should be picked besides other. Please take this in consideration!
Thanks for taking the time to read my application!
You litterally copied Rickkerts application, _Hickey (The last question) D:

Matt |

Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: RandyPlayzHD
Nickname: I prefer being callled Matt.
Wins / Games Played: Signature (Not very good since I do sometimes boost my friends)
Past clans: A lot including: Alchemists, Mistaken and Anthrax.
Skype ID: matei.hriscu
Why do you want to join Trivium: This is the last time I'll be applying for any clan. If I get accepted, cool, if I don't, life goes on. I want to join a highly respected clan in which I can learn some tricks from players better than me PvP wise. I am willing to give you all my patience and respect. Now to the actual answer to the question :D : I want to join your clan because:
- I'm clanless.
- I want to prove how much better I am now. As you can see in my signature my stats improved quite a bit since we lalst saw eachother.
- I've heard that you play everyone and give equal chances to all players which I have never seen in 50+ clans.
- I have a pretty high english level and I know how to argue (Which I believe is very useful in the clan "bussiness" around this community).
- Some of my friends are in this clan.

I have spent more time on this than on my mod application :D. That's dedication <3


Jul 23, 2014
Reaction score
Nickname: Grizz
Wins / Games Played: 69-320 I did have over 600 wins but i reset my stats.
Past clans:Retro, Boundless, Mistaken
Skype ID: theodeasy
Why do you want to join Trivium: I would like to join Trivium because I would like to meet and get to know others, and I am a good PVPer accourding to my friends. I am also very honest and mature, which is a big part in clans. I would be willing to help out this clan by being very helpful and kind.

Keep in mind im very chatty sometimes. :)
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