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UnchainedArtist's Avatars

Aug 4, 2012
Reaction score
That's pretty good! I always like the way you make minecraft people seem somewhat more humanoid. I could do with a different background, the purple clashes too much with the dark purple of the Ender part.
Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
That's pretty good! I always like the way you make minecraft people seem somewhat more humanoid. I could do with a different background, the purple clashes too much with the dark purple of the Ender part.
Thanks for the feedback! When you make something, you usually don't see the mistakes, so thank you for pointing out the background thing... Got any suggestions for a better background color?
Aug 4, 2012
Reaction score
When I do the rectangle-things, which are similar in concept to your background here, I usually go for a non-dominant colour in the character. You could try the green of his eyes or perhaps the blue of his trousers.


Apr 19, 2012
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Sorry for making such a long post.
Ha Ha randomly found this tread on suggestions... very interesting opinions! (kinda fun to read) And I would like to mention to you TheUnchainedArtist You mentioning how some of my art doesn't look like much effort was put into it! Well actually I would recommend you doing the same! if you start getting over 20 requests a day there is no way you can put enough time into doing every single one perfect in the eyes of the requester! (but then again define perfection in art xD) What im trying to say is that its a good idea to have different levels of design that your customers can choose from! because good art all depends on perception! some might thing one style is amazing and some (like you) might thing that it is to detailed or not highlighted enough! so if you show them examples and let them choose (you can even have some cheaper than others depending on how difficult they are) Then the customer is allwase getting something that they LOVE even if only a small amount of time is spent on it!

Been working great for me! (haven't had an unhappy customer yet!)
Hope that helps!

P.S Couldn't actually handle 20 Requests a day for very long (just kept coming and coming) so I've actually closed my shop to the public and am only doing Hi-Paying jobs for the big guys (its much more profitable in the long run and way less stressful xD) Just a tip ;)


Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
Ha Ha randomly found this tread on suggestions... very interesting opinions! (kinda fun to read) And I would like to mention to you TheUnchainedArtist You mentioning how some of my art doesn't look like much effort was put into it! Well actually I would recommend you doing the same! if you start getting over 20 requests a day there is no way you can put enough time into doing every single one perfect in the eyes of the requester! (but then again define perfection in art xD) What im trying to say is that its a good idea to have different levels of design that your customers can choose from! because good art all depends on perception! some might thing one style is amazing and some (like you) might thing that it is to detailed or not highlighted enough! so if you show them examples and let them choose (you can even have some cheaper than others depending on how difficult they are) Then the customer is allwase getting something that they LOVE even if only a small amount of time is spent on it!

Been working great for me! (haven't had an unhappy customer yet!)
Hope that helps!

P.S Couldn't actually handle 20 Requests a day for very long (just kept coming and coming) so I've actually closed my shop to the public and am only doing Hi-Paying jobs for the big guys (its much more profitable in the long run and way less stressful xD) Just a tip ;)
That I think you arr try to say is: You are steeling my customers' or great work but can you slow down with the art, if you try to say on off this thing try to remeber what Notch saied: One big Minecraft is just a normal guy ( he dident say that) Ehh...

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