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Community discussion: Making Rekt, Ez, Shrekt, L2P etc. a punishable offence.

Should it be banable? ( Please let us know in the comments why it should be, or not )

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Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
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nah they shouldn't be banned or even punished at all for just saying that

it only becomes a problem when they go and start harassing people, following them and straight-up bullying them. just saying one thing is simple trash-talking. it's like if someone said "wow blazerboy you're such a pickle" it's really not offensive and the only way it would become that way is if i made it offensive.

some people are naturally competitive and when they win a fight, they have a sudden rush of positive emotion and energy and they'll yell something like "yeah!" or get a big smile or just general excitement, and saying things like that is just another way of releasing that energy.


Nov 23, 2013
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Instead of making it bannable, we could block the words using the filter. I'll write a longer response later.
Yes, do this pls but people will still find loopholes


May 20, 2012
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See, there are a few reasons why I don't want this to be implemented.

First of all, there comes the matter of friends. I know personally that I have said "rekt" in chat before, but only when I am in a Teamspeak channel with some other moderators. I mean it as a joke, and I tell them so by voice. However, from a outsiders perspective, you cannot tell if they are saying as a joke to a friend, or seriously to someone they don't know. This could be a cause for many false bans, and a flood of ban disputes for the Sr. Staff to deal with.

This will also create lots of extra report abuses and other reports for the Moderators to deal with. I don't mind doing extra work if it is for a good cause, but I don't feel that the amount of extra work this will create is worth the benefits it will have. Adding these words to the filter is something to consider, but people will simply find new insults to use.

So, while saying these phrases isn't exactly kind to the person on the receiving end of them, I don't think it is the right idea to outlaw them from MCG.


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
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I personally think that the mods should be spending their time banning hackers, and not people who say GG10 or rekt. I mean really? I don't get why people think it's so offensive. However, I think staff should be able to get fired for saying it, as they should lead by example, and that kind of language shouldn't be promoted.


Jun 12, 2012
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if you're seriously getting mad over somebody saying 'gg10 rekt' or whatever than you need to begin reassessing where your priorities are
Yet saying "You suck at Minecraft" is bannable. If you're seriously getting mad over that, then you need to begin reassessing where your priorities are.

Edit: My point is, the two situations are virtually the same. Either make them both bannable or have neither of them be. But it makes no sense for telling someone they suck at Minecraft to be bannable when saying, "GG10 2eZ stemrolled l2p noob" isn't. They are exactly the same.


Apr 14, 2014
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The majority of the community can cop these terms on the chin and learn to move on, but there's always someone who won't take it all too well. I think it's a fair point to make that we need to accommodate for that one person who represents the minority of players who don't take competitive banter, or trash talk as it's now commonly known, all that well. It's the same reasoning behind preventing people from swearing; whilst a majority of the community is 12+, there are players under this age bracket that could be adversely affected from swearing.
Some will say that swearing is unpleasant and socially unacceptable- whilst this is true, I think it's also a fair point to make that derogatory remarks like eZ, gg10 and rekt are one in the same with swearing.

By implementing some sort of punishment for saying these terms, we not only handle the fact of sensitive users taking offense to trash talk, but we also help to make the community less 'toxic'. We get a bad rap for having a pretty toxic community, especially around the clan-side of the servers. This would better our reputation among the Minecraft community and *possibly* rekindle interest within players once deterred by the toxicity of the community.

At the end of the day though, such terms are biproducts of the competitive nature of MCSG. You can't have a factory without it producing waste.

I think what most of the community want is for some sort of punishment to be given to those who choose such un-tasteful ways of expressing themselves, or even *at the very least* a filter that turns derogatory remarks into more polite gaming banter, like good game.


Nov 27, 2012
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I defo think it should be a grounds for a ban when talking this much trash.

My reasoning: as molotov says, it does not bother all of us, but when people see other say things like gg10 rekt get good nub etc etc, they start doing it themselves. It's a growing thing in mcsg that, at this time last year, was not a problem at all. This time last year I remember getting simple "good game" or "GG" when beating someone. Of course there were still the "you hack" comments, but the smack talk was at a very minimal.

Over this last year it has just got out of control. Being a high leaderboards player such as myself, anytime I die it seems like I get stuff like this said to me. If they beat me legit, I don't typically take it too serious and just leave, but when people are 2v1ing me when they are good players, or target me off spawn with a sword and say stuff like this, it does get to you. People can really be complete jerks at some times.

I won't sit here and say that I never say things like this, because I do if the people smack talk me first, or they are good players with like 600+ wins and team on me or these players who get these 4+man teams and go around 4v1ing everyone they see. Typically I only do it when provoked.

The way I see it for myself personally, is that, I treat people with respect as long as they respect me too. If you are nice and polite after killing me, I will do the same back to you. I like to be nice to as many people as I can, and I like to get the same thing in return.

Only problem with this tho, is that I can't see them banning for it. Too many people do it and when someone reports someone for doing it, how would they know if the person they are reporting is even pointing that smack talk torwards that person and not some random person? I feel like you should only get in trouble for it, if the person who reported you, was only saying it specifically to you. An example of when this would happen, is if you are playing with friends and you say gg10 rekt pwned as a joke. In those situations there is no harm.

So yes, I'd like to see less "smack talk" in the community because honestly it makes me want to rage quit many times during the day. I find myself rage quitting right after dying not because I'm mad, but so that person can't smack talk me after I'm dead like I know they probably will and normally do.

This community has gotten a really bad rep for this type of talking and behavior. Heck, they muted the pvp servers because of all the raging and over competeitivness they had going on there. With the competition on these servers, it's gonna be hard to punch all these players. You can try blocking words or phrases with nicer things like "good game" and "nice game" , "well played", but they will just find ways to bypass the filter which is a bannable offense.


District 13
Jul 26, 2012
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Yet saying "You suck at Minecraft" is bannable. If you're seriously getting mad over that, then you need to begin reassessing where your priorities are.

Edit: My point is, the two situations are virtually the same. Either make them both bannable or have neither of them be. But it makes no sense for telling someone they suck at Minecraft to be bannable when saying, "GG10 2eZ stemrolled l2p noob" isn't. They are exactly the same.
that's not actually bannable though unless spammed/repeated after being asked to stop, the examples in the rules are pretty bad


Nov 27, 2012
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that's not actually bannable though unless spammed/repeated after being asked to stop, the examples in the rules are pretty bad
I was gonna say, I have seen many people say that in the past xD. Was pretty sure it wasn't bannable.


Dec 28, 2012
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I would like to say my opinion on the topic.

I have been playing MCSG for over a year and a half now and during the beginning of MCSG, things were fine. It all seemed fine and great until people started getting more and more competitive, thus creating terms that would show off their skill and tell the other player, "Hey, I am better than you", and that is where all these phrases came from.

During the beginning of the term "gg" I never really saw anything wrong about it, until people made up "ez", "rekt", "gg10", etc and some people started using the term "gg" as a way of saying "get good". Now, if someone says "gg" I tend to get offended by it because I do not know if they mean it in a good way or bad way.

I think things like gg10, EZ, etc should be filtered out as well because a good majority still take offence to it and is the reason why a lot of people think our community is bad. If you want to tell someone "good game" then actually say good game, not gg as they may take it the wrong way.

So to sum things up, filter out EZ, Rekt, GG10, Noob, and all the other phrases that are intended to hurt another persons feelings, and to be honest I would not mind if you filtered out GG as well and they can easily type good game...

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