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The Rebels

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District 13
Apr 3, 2013
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So today I am sorry to have to write this, but I will be leaving Rebels. I do love you guys and you still are my family and these past few months in this clan has been great, but honestly I don’t like the way the clan is right now. All we do is scrim, and we don’t do anything else. I do like scrimming occasionally but scrimming every second of every day is not what I want to do, and I don’t want to be in a clan like this. I would stay if I saw hope of it changing, but most people do enjoy this and I respect that, but I do not enjoy it. The clan doesn’t know how to have actual fun. A few weeks ago we stopped scrimming for one second and the first thing someone said is “What do we do now since we’re not scrimming” When I first joined the clan I enjoyed every second of the clan because we actually did fun things such as other mini games that people loved to play and it was actual fun, but now the clan is nothing but scrim scrim scrim, and guess what more scrimming. I could rant on for hours about this, but I honestly don’t want to waste my time as that will accomplish nothing. I wish you guys the best of luck in the future, and I may be back if I see a change in, but a clan is supposed to be for fun or at least thats why I joined a clan. I know you guys will still keep getting better, but I just don’t want to be in this clan right now. I also want to try something new. These past 6 or 7 months or whatever have been great, but I want to see what another clan is like nowadays. Good luck in the future guys, Peace out.

Now time to thank some of the people for my time here. I will not be thanking everyone but only the people that affected my time here in Rebels in a positive way. Just cause I don’t put you here doesn’t mean I don’t like you just that I don’t know you enough.

Maxypie Maxy ilysm, you are not only a great leader to this clan, but also a great friend. Thank you so much for being there when I needed you, but this isn’t really a goodbye. Continue doing a great job leading <3

rexxyy Rexxyy thanks so much for being a great friend. You gave me great advice when I needed it and I thank you for that. I haven’t talked to you recently and when you get off break I know you will do great things for Rebels because you already have.

FuzzyPB You have been such an amazing friend fuzzy. You are very skilled at PvP and you are really funny. You were one of my favorite part of Rebels and thank you for being one of the people that actually made my time here enjoyable <3

Butterballer Butter you are such a good friend. Everytime I talk to you it lightens up my day because you are such a humorous person and you never fail to make me smile. Keep getting better and don’t stop being the wonderful person you are.

Zoeticly Maddy thank you for being so sweet. You were in Rebels when I first joined and I looked up to you so much. You were such an inspiration to me and I am glad that we could be friends. Glad that you are back in Rebels <3

Turnip Turnip you are soooo amazing. I love you so much. I remember when I first joined Rebels you were one of my first friends. And I remember me joining your channel after skin and you actually talking to me and yelling at me XD Love ya Turnip.

Cscoop Cooper thank you so much for being such an amazing friend. This isn’t a goodbye at all, I am just telling you the amazing person you are and the effect you had on my time here. Thanks cooper <3

ChrisComedies Thanks for being a gewd friend. #NoScrimBuddies

Sorry if I didn’t mention you. Just mentioning the people that drastically affected my time here. Thanks guys I still love you all.


Dec 2, 2012
Reaction score
Im sorry to say this but I am leaving the Rebels today. The reason for this is because I really feel out of touch with and am not having the same amount of fun I used to be having. You guys are constantly scrimming and that isnt what I signed up for. As you all know I havent scrimmed in months and its just not appealing for me. Also since everyone is scrimming I dont ever get a chance to interact with any new members or people in general. Another this is I havent been really agreeing with the recent decisions made in this clan. I still love you all and will be hanging out on the teamspeak often. Now onto the goodbye messages.

Maxypie you are a great leader and friend of mine. You were one of the first people to support me when I was first applying for Rebels. We dont get the chance to talk as much as we once did but whenever we do you always put up with my annoying and stupid sayings. Good luck in leading this clan and I hope it continues to be great.
rexxyy I know we dont talk/type too much but my first impression was that you were a really cool person I looked up to. Im not sure where youve been lately but keep doing what youre doing for the Rebels. They will need it. You are a great officer.
ScrewYouGumby2 Oh Gamby where do I begin? You were one of the officers of the Titans when I first applied and you were there for my acceptance interview. If I hadnt been accepted I would be nowhere. No 3v1 in Clan Wars 3. Id just be a randy. You are a cool guy and good friend btw your voice is god. Also take care of your cat.
geoman343 Butterballer FuzzyPB You three have been friends of mine for what seems like forever. I hate to do this to you because it means we might not see each other as often. I dont really know what to say to all of you because I am too grateful to have you guys as friends.
piranga #Coconuts Piranga you are a great friend, nice guy, and amazing person to have coleading the coconuts with me. I hope our friendship continues even if I am not in the Rebels. Coconuts rule
Eden You are really someone I can relate to. We both disagree with some stuff happening like the constant scrimming and Im glad we are both able to connect on certain topics. You are also such a funny, nice, and cool person F is for friends who dont scrim, U is for u dont ask us to scrim, N is for no scrimming, down here in the coconuts! I hope you take up my offer if Titans comes back ;)
Gipp Thats irrelevant. Can I buy an account?
LiningHawk1702 We fight so much but it is never serious. I love the way you take the joke. You, along with Max were one of the first to support me in joining Rebels. Im really glad for that. I miss the times when we used to play. Hopefully we can talk more often.
@AllTheRebelsMembersNotMentioned I love you all. I may not have been able to talk to you guys and I am seriously sorry for that. Someday though I hope anyone who I didnt befriend, Ill become friends with.

And with that I bid you a due. Chris out!
btw u guys scrim too little do it more jk ily all <3
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