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The Rebels

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Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
Still, there are 4 people on staff who are now affiliated with this clan, I don't mind being that I like all of them, but it was just a thought that came to mind. I am done spamming lol, Good night, good riddance and stay golden.
but u like me the most. right? Corey


Nov 19, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: techaton

Age: I am of the age of 14.

Donor: &3 Donor (http://ess.khhq.net/mc/)
Wins: Nearly 250, I haven't been in a clan for nearly a month, so I have really haven't had that much motivation to play MCSG and before also I was positive I was going to switch to US Hive, but with the new NCP :D.

Got Skype/TS: Of course ,I have both!

Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) ryankrueger08

Got a mic: Well, I think you are referring to microphone, if I am wrong, please correct me! Yes infact, I have two "Mics", a logitech G930 and Turtle Beach x12s.

Timezone: US CST, I am located in a suburb of Chicago, IL.

How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: I have teamed with everyone pretty well, except Myruh. I have talked to Max quite a bit in the past, he was the first person I talked to about with one of my previous clans.

PvP Strengths: Well as time has gone on, I would like to say I have improved significantly with the bow, but I am really am not a where of strengths and weaknesses with this new NCP.

PvP Weaknesses: Well in the past I would of said BSM, Internet, and 1.7 sprint, but none of these really affect me, that much anymore except my internet at my dad's house. In terms of PVP however, I would like to say running into fire, I can be really clumsy sometimes and I am most of the time. I also under estimate a lot of people such as teams and more skilled players.

Past Clans (If any) Primeval, Republic, Insanity, Prodigious, and Ascension. This year, I have really struggled to find a home, that is a stable and where I fit in.
You cool?: Cooler then Butter, by saying this, it basically means I am cool, but Butter on the other hand is not cool! (Not unless he is melted on toast)

Best puppy picture: f

OOps sorry wrong picture!
NO ONE is cooler than Butter, especially when he NEVER melts! K? K.
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