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[EU] EndGamers | In Hibernation.

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Nov 29, 2013
Reaction score
1. Your age: 13
2. Wins / Games Played: I have on my main account (GetRekd_) got 33 wins out of 240+. On my alt acc (xSwede_MC) i have got 277 and played 1400+ games
3. Why are you applying for this particular clan: Because i was a trial here before but i left for not being trialed for 3 weeks. And i thought i would re-apply
4. How will you benefit this clan: a good with many good members and alot of fun
5. How active are you: I play almost every day! bot on the mondays and thursdays, i am banned!
6. Why should we accept you: Because i am a good player with good strafing tactics and bow skillz
7. Do you meet the requirements and what exceptions would you like made: Yes, i think i meet the requirements!


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
1. Your age: 13
2. Wins / Games Played: I have on my main account (GetRekd_) got 33 wins out of 240+. On my alt acc (xSwede_MC) i have got 277 and played 1400+ games
3. Why are you applying for this particular clan: Because i was a trial here before but i left for not being trialed for 3 weeks. And i thought i would re-apply
4. How will you benefit this clan: a good with many good members and alot of fun
5. How active are you: I play almost every day! bot on the mondays and thursdays, i am banned!
6. Why should we accept you: Because i am a good player with good strafing tactics and bow skillz
7. Do you meet the requirements and what exceptions would you like made: Yes, i think i meet the requirements!
You have been denclined from EndGamers.
Reason; You left our clan during the first weeks. Also, some of our members does not like you.

Feel free to
re-apply soon.


Nov 29, 2013
Reaction score
You have been denclined from EndGamers.
Reason; You left our clan during the first weeks. Also, some of our members does not like you.

Feel free to
re-apply soon.
''Also, Some of our members does not like you'' ..


Dec 13, 2013
Reaction score
1. Your age:16
2. Wins / Games Played:12 / 121
3. Why are you applying for this particular clan: cuz ik a lot of guys here
4. How will you benefit this clan:i'm good player and i will be tryharding in cw and i want to be a good member
5. How active are you:i'm a no lifer
6. Why should we accept you:i'm a good player and ik how to play sg stragctly
7. Do you meet the requirements and what exceptions would you like made:cuz i'm not a mcsg player i'm a hive player and i play mcsg for fun but know i will be tryharding


Jun 5, 2013
Reaction score
• 0. Age? I am 13 years old atm. 14 in October
• 1. Wins / Games played: I have 590+ wins at SilfwerMannen and 60 + at Redigal23. Games: 3200+ at SilfwerMannen. Ik many games played. And i have many excuses. 200+ at Redigal23, My cousins acc in the begining.
• 2. Residence (country): I am from Sweden, Scania, Malmo
• 3. Your Skype (PM if needed): alexsilf. But i have a private one to. But i don't use it that much.
• 4. Why are you applying for this particular clan: Cause it seems like a nice clan. I have been playing a little bit with some members and i though it was fun. Now i want to play with the other to.
• 5. Why should we accept you: Cause i am SilfwerMannen (heart) xD No but i am a pretty good player with a good teamwork. Active and like to eat candy at Fridays.
• 6. How will you benefit this clan:As i have already said. i am pretty good, Active and can help to find cws and scrims.
• 7. How active are you: 2+ everyday minimum. But i think more.
• 8. Do you meet the requirements: YES/NO I think Yes. But i don't find the Requirments.
• 9. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: No1 i think.
• 10. Have you teamed with the members before: Yea, But not so much. I am applying cause i want to team with them more, and get better.
• 11. Past clan experience: TakenSouls,Regicide,Voltage, etc
• 12. Will you leave during the first month or two: YES/NO Nope
• 13. Will you keep your word :) :YES/NO Yes
• 14. Your personality reflects on your rank, so what rank do you think you might be applying for (if any.. - & listed above): In the begining rank member. But ofc i will try to get Elite and Admin.
• 15. What will your 'act of reasoning' be if you are declined: Too bad W/L ratio.
• 16. Describe your personality, PvP weaknesses, strengths, etc.:As i have already said i am a 13 year old guy from sweden, likes to play computer games,football and golf. I have many brothers and Sisters. Weakness: If i haven't played for a while. I am pretty bad with everything. So don't let me play the first round in cws if i haven't played any rounds before that day. I need to focus on my rod and FnS more too. Strengths: The opposite to the weakness. If i have played much the same day i am good with everything. But my all my friends thinks that i am best with the bow. So i think they have right
• 17. Any additional information: I like candy (heart)


District 13
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
• 0. Age? I am 13 years old atm. 14 in October
• 1. Wins / Games played: I have 590+ wins at SilfwerMannen and 60 + at Redigal23. Games: 3200+ at SilfwerMannen. Ik many games played. And i have many excuses. 200+ at Redigal23, My cousins acc in the begining.
• 2. Residence (country): I am from Sweden, Scania, Malmo
• 3. Your Skype (PM if needed): alexsilf. But i have a private one to. But i don't use it that much.
• 4. Why are you applying for this particular clan: Cause it seems like a nice clan. I have been playing a little bit with some members and i though it was fun. Now i want to play with the other to.
• 5. Why should we accept you: Cause i am SilfwerMannen (heart) xD No but i am a pretty good player with a good teamwork. Active and like to eat candy at Fridays.
• 6. How will you benefit this clan:As i have already said. i am pretty good, Active and can help to find cws and scrims.
• 7. How active are you: 2+ everyday minimum. But i think more.
• 8. Do you meet the requirements: YES/NO I think Yes. But i don't find the Requirments.
• 9. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: No1 i think.
• 10. Have you teamed with the members before: Yea, But not so much. I am applying cause i want to team with them more, and get better.
• 11. Past clan experience: TakenSouls,Regicide,Voltage, etc
• 12. Will you leave during the first month or two: YES/NO Nope
• 13. Will you keep your word :) :YES/NO Yes
• 14. Your personality reflects on your rank, so what rank do you think you might be applying for (if any.. - & listed above): In the begining rank member. But ofc i will try to get Elite and Admin.
• 15. What will your 'act of reasoning' be if you are declined: Too bad W/L ratio.
• 16. Describe your personality, PvP weaknesses, strengths, etc.:As i have already said i am a 13 year old guy from sweden, likes to play computer games,football and golf. I have many brothers and Sisters. Weakness: If i haven't played for a while. I am pretty bad with everything. So don't let me play the first round in cws if i haven't played any rounds before that day. I need to focus on my rod and FnS more too. Strengths: The opposite to the weakness. If i have played much the same day i am good with everything. But my all my friends thinks that i am best with the bow. So i think they have right
• 17. Any additional information: I like candy (heart)
Thats interesting.


Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
• 0. Age? I am 13 years old atm. 14 in October
• 1. Wins / Games played: I have 590+ wins at SilfwerMannen and 60 + at Redigal23. Games: 3200+ at SilfwerMannen. Ik many games played. And i have many excuses. 200+ at Redigal23, My cousins acc in the begining.
• 2. Residence (country): I am from Sweden, Scania, Malmo
• 3. Your Skype (PM if needed): alexsilf. But i have a private one to. But i don't use it that much.
• 4. Why are you applying for this particular clan: Cause it seems like a nice clan. I have been playing a little bit with some members and i though it was fun. Now i want to play with the other to.
• 5. Why should we accept you: Cause i am SilfwerMannen (heart) xD No but i am a pretty good player with a good teamwork. Active and like to eat candy at Fridays.
• 6. How will you benefit this clan:As i have already said. i am pretty good, Active and can help to find cws and scrims.
• 7. How active are you: 2+ everyday minimum. But i think more.
• 8. Do you meet the requirements: YES/NO I think Yes. But i don't find the Requirments.
• 9. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: No1 i think.
• 10. Have you teamed with the members before: Yea, But not so much. I am applying cause i want to team with them more, and get better.
• 11. Past clan experience: TakenSouls,Regicide,Voltage, etc
• 12. Will you leave during the first month or two: YES/NO Nope
• 13. Will you keep your word :) :YES/NO Yes
• 14. Your personality reflects on your rank, so what rank do you think you might be applying for (if any.. - & listed above): In the begining rank member. But ofc i will try to get Elite and Admin.
• 15. What will your 'act of reasoning' be if you are declined: Too bad W/L ratio.
• 16. Describe your personality, PvP weaknesses, strengths, etc.:As i have already said i am a 13 year old guy from sweden, likes to play computer games,football and golf. I have many brothers and Sisters. Weakness: If i haven't played for a while. I am pretty bad with everything. So don't let me play the first round in cws if i haven't played any rounds before that day. I need to focus on my rod and FnS more too. Strengths: The opposite to the weakness. If i have played much the same day i am good with everything. But my all my friends thinks that i am best with the bow. So i think they have right
• 17. Any additional information: I like candy (heart)
Im happy to say that you have been Pending. Please talk to us much at teamspeak, and we will trial you in som games.
We also must discuss, if some people likes you, and be sure to NOT give up, and leave the clan for the first days.


Jun 5, 2013
Reaction score
Im happy to say that you have been Pending. Please talk to us much at teamspeak, and we will trial you in som games.
We also must discuss, if some people likes you, and be sure to NOT give up, and leave the clan for the first days.


Feb 6, 2014
Reaction score
. Your age: 13
2. Wins / Games Played: 53/383
3. Why are you applying for this particular clan: This clan looks really good and I would like to be part of it to grow in my PvP and help the clan win clan battles and have fun!
4. How will you benefit this clan: I am a good Pvper, I am good at FnS, I am a good team player, I get on with everyone so their will be no arguments involving or started by me, I am accurate with my sword, I can strafe very well, I am ok with the bow (much better at short range than long) and I can use my environment to give me the advantage very well.
5. How active are you: I will be on every day after school for 1-4 hours depending on how much work i have.
6. Why should we accept you: You should accept me because I am a good player and will help you throughout clan wars and more.
7. Do you meet the requirements and what exceptions would you like made: I do have a lack of wins as i was originally a Hive player (i have 225 wins on hive if it has any effect). I have also not been active on the teamspeak as my mic was very bad until the other day but I have teamed with some of your members before.


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
• 0. Age? I am 13 years old atm. 14 in October
• 1. Wins / Games played: I have 590+ wins at SilfwerMannen and 60 + at Redigal23. Games: 3200+ at SilfwerMannen. Ik many games played. And i have many excuses. 200+ at Redigal23, My cousins acc in the begining.
• 2. Residence (country): I am from Sweden, Scania, Malmo
• 3. Your Skype (PM if needed): alexsilf. But i have a private one to. But i don't use it that much.
• 4. Why are you applying for this particular clan: Cause it seems like a nice clan. I have been playing a little bit with some members and i though it was fun. Now i want to play with the other to.
• 5. Why should we accept you: Cause i am SilfwerMannen (heart) xD No but i am a pretty good player with a good teamwork. Active and like to eat candy at Fridays.
• 6. How will you benefit this clan:As i have already said. i am pretty good, Active and can help to find cws and scrims.
• 7. How active are you: 2+ everyday minimum. But i think more.
• 8. Do you meet the requirements: YES/NO I think Yes. But i don't find the Requirments.
• 9. (If there are any,) what exceptions would you like made: No1 i think.
• 10. Have you teamed with the members before: Yea, But not so much. I am applying cause i want to team with them more, and get better.
• 11. Past clan experience: TakenSouls,Regicide,Voltage, etc
• 12. Will you leave during the first month or two: YES/NO Nope
• 13. Will you keep your word :) :YES/NO Yes
• 14. Your personality reflects on your rank, so what rank do you think you might be applying for (if any.. - & listed above): In the begining rank member. But ofc i will try to get Elite and Admin.
• 15. What will your 'act of reasoning' be if you are declined: Too bad W/L ratio.
• 16. Describe your personality, PvP weaknesses, strengths, etc.:As i have already said i am a 13 year old guy from sweden, likes to play computer games,football and golf. I have many brothers and Sisters. Weakness: If i haven't played for a while. I am pretty bad with everything. So don't let me play the first round in cws if i haven't played any rounds before that day. I need to focus on my rod and FnS more too. Strengths: The opposite to the weakness. If i have played much the same day i am good with everything. But my all my friends thinks that i am best with the bow. So i think they have right
• 17. Any additional information: I like candy (heart)
. Your age: 13
2. Wins / Games Played:
3. Why are you applying for this particular clan: This clan looks really good and I would like to be part of it to grow in my PvP and help the clan win clan battles and have fun!
4. How will you benefit this clan: I am a good Pvper, I am good at FnS, I am a good team player, I get on with everyone so their will be no arguments involving or started by me, I am accurate with my sword, I can strafe very well, I am ok with the bow (much better at short range than long) and I can use my environment to give me the advantage very well.
5. How active are you: I will be on every day after school for 1-4 hours depending on how much work i have.
6. Why should we accept you: You should accept me because I am a good player and will help you throughout clan wars and more.
7. Do you meet the requirements and what exceptions would you like made:
I do have a lack of wins as i was originally a Hive player (i have 225 wins on hive if it has any effect). I have also not been active on the teamspeak as my mic was very bad until the other day but I have teamed with some of your members before.
You have been both accepted for trials. Be active on TeamSpeak, if you cannot see any members online, then the TS is glitched for you. Just go throught the in game chats, and scrimmage or cw rooms. If you still cannot see anyone, poke some online member on Skype. (The skypes are all on the thread).
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