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The solution to the 'gg' problem

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May 5, 2013
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I have used the term "GG" for a long time now and I had no idea people took it as an insult. I have always said it as a sign of respect, basically saying that they played a good game and what not. People actually started to dislike me for it and I had no idea I was hurting people. I just don't see why it is considered an insult when the connotation is completely positive.

Maybe I should just start fully typing out "Good Game."
Tbh, in Project Ares (Which I'm pretty sure you come from), it IS a sign of respect. Here, it's not. Why? I have no clue..


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
That doesn't make it any less polite. It can be a form of sport in some ways.
Oh no. I took something the wrong way and now it's offensive to me and my pride. Oh yeah, he said it through an online chat, and I've never personally talked to him before.


Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
If people truly treated MCSG as a game, there would be way more selfless compassion involved. I get called a newbie for picking some random person who needs their first win (sometimes even following them off spawn because I like their skin) and helping them get their first win.

I personally hate it when some 1000 win or more person comes along and, while visibly seeing me lagging to high heaven, kills me, optionally kills my teammate(s) if I had one/them, then follows up with "gg nub(s)" amidst sorting our crap out. It's like the majority of people go out of their way to be rude and make the other person depessed/angry/distraught.

You want to know when and why I first started hating 101TheCreator so much? He killed me way back when in the summer of 2013 on Teweran II when I was in full gold and leather + wood axe and he had full iron and diamond sword (this was my pre-Tomahawk-watching nublet era). Upon killing me, he said "gg noob." The following 3 games I played, he was the one who killed me each time, his insults getting increasingly disparaging, finally culminating in "wow you suck dood".

I'm not going to report the screenshots of him (again) for that. This was merely an example and the result wouldn't be changed anyway. My point is: despite me being a twenty year old American male, I felt bullied and ended up thinking of myself as a worthless piece of crap because of what he said. I'm the kind of person who is his own worst enemy. If you say something mean to me, I WILL blame myself for it, and you may just have the consequences on your soul for it for all eternity if someone's mean comment was what finally drove me over the edge.

As a matter of fact, I'm diagnosed with moderate depression and have been since 2012. My medication, Welbutrin, and Minecraft in general (mainly MCSG) are my escapes from that depression. Please, I beg of you GGers, don't ruin one of the only remaining games I take pleasure in? Please?

Replace "gg" with "Good game mate! ^_^" or "Better luck next time! :)". A small little happy face or a phrase that shows you took the time to be considerate instead of rude can make all the difference. I'll hope you all ponder what I've given you to mull over and actually consider implementing it into your gameplay. You know what they say, do something for two weeks or more with regularity and it becomes a strong habit! :)


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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Oh yeah, he said it through an online chat, and I've never personally talked to him before.
This seriously needs to stop being brought up as an argument. Cyberbullying is a very serious issue that can be the cause of anger and frustration, among much more serious issues like depression and suicide.

From the wikipedia page: (certainly not the most accurate place ever to get my info, but it's better than nothing, check the sources on your own if you wish: ) "Cyberbullying is an intense form of psychological abuse, whose victims are more than twice as likely to suffer from mental disorders compared to traditional bullying"
Twice as likely.

Just because you are capable of ignoring it, doesn't mean everyone can. (Citation needed: couldn't find one that was easy to link, and I need to get some sleep. >.>)

GG is a bit of a different case, thus why I didn't bring up these arguments before. Still, I find it disgusting when people don't understand the severity of online bullying. It may just be text, guys, but that doesn't make it's psychological effects any less severe. It baffles me how much people underestimate these things just because they themselves haven't experienced it first hand.
I could go so much farther into this subject, but I simply don't have the time tonight, it's late. I highly recommend reading that wikipedia article or something if you really don't get it. It's never "just" text through an online chat to some people, and you seriously cannot expect everybody to cope with it.

Note: This all applies to the "it's just a game" argument, though I could go on about that for a while too if needed.


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
This seriously needs to stop being brought up as an argument. Cyberbullying is a very serious issue that can be the cause of anger and frustration, among much more serious issues like depression and suicide.

From the wikipedia page: (certainly not the most accurate place ever to get my info, but it's better than nothing, check the sources on your own if you wish: ) "Cyberbullying is an intense form of psychological abuse, whose victims are more than twice as likely to suffer from mental disorders compared to traditional bullying"
Twice as likely.

Just because you are capable of ignoring it, doesn't mean everyone can. (Citation needed: couldn't find one that was easy to link, and I need to get some sleep. >.>)

GG is a bit of a different case, thus why I didn't bring up these arguments before. Still, I find it disgusting when people don't understand the severity of online bullying. It may just be text, guys, but that doesn't make it's psychological effects any less severe. It baffles me how much people underestimate these things just because they themselves haven't experienced it first hand.
I could go so much farther into this subject, but I simply don't have the time tonight, it's late. I highly recommend reading that wikipedia article or something if you really don't get it. It's never "just" text through an online chat to some people, and you seriously cannot expect everybody to cope with it.

Note: This all applies to the "it's just a game" argument, though I could go on about that for a while too if needed.
Sorry, but in my opinion you shouldn't get upset about a message in the chat when it has a respectful meaning. Now if you were on teamspeak or Skype I wod understand, but if someone says gg, get over it. I understand getting frustrated if there's ab insult afterwards, but I'm not going to be the person who gets upset over losing a game and so elms say good game to me. He's right! It is a good game!


Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
As Owl City would say, gg is just the Tip of the Iceberg.

Gg >> gg get wrekt >> gg nub >> gg 10 hearts noob >> gg go cry noob >> haha you suck

Ye seein' our point here? -,-


Sep 1, 2013
Reaction score
I think people who say GG noob after they kill me are fatass's with no life.


Feb 14, 2014
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The phrase "GG" was intended as a friendly phrase to tell your opponent that it was a good fight and you enjoyed fighting him, but now "GG" has become an insult to put others down, to try and push them away from "MCSG" so that there are less threats for them. Imagine you having 3-4 armor bars and a wood axe wood sword and a person/guy with full iron diamond sword comes up to you and kills you and says "GG/ GG, 10 hearts/ GG get reked" it than becomes a little over the top and it should be counted as abuse. In my opinion "GG" should only be said if it was a fair fight (similar armor and weapon stats) if not don't say it
it can be hurtful and can cause people to leave our community and that is not fair. so if you'r a person who says "GG" please stop unless less it is in a polite way it is not nice especially since the majority of the "MC" community are under the age of 13.
Thank you for taking your time to read upon my opinion it means alot ;)
Last edited:


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
Gg=get good which is another way of saying nub.

(Phone=1% charge no novel today Boiz and girls)
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