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Zen [US/CA]

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
alright guys, zypes is going to whip you into tip-top shape so we can be the very best.


Jan 22, 2013
Reaction score
Hello Zypes, this is WhoDied, your clan seems very interesting and I would like to participate in it if possible, I am very active on the MCGamer Network. To be honest I never heard of you or even seen you in a game but I would like to be able to play, have fun and communicate with others In this team. I wanna be apart of this amazing crew because I solo all of the time, not because I got no friends or anything like that I just feel like a game will go faster when not teaming. I have experiences while teaming with others, I am a very skilled player, Im good at Sword fights, Fishing rod, Bow, Fns Pretty much everything in ''Player Vs Player''. Im very friendly, I do not cause any problems with others. I am able to use Teamspeak and Skype. I hope I can be accepted in this clan.


Jun 3, 2014
Reaction score
i on behalf on #axion ask to fight you on a scrim today reply between 1-3hrs when this was sent SKYPE;Jaysonkavalio


Mar 1, 2013
Reaction score
age: 12 1/2
maturity: 9/10
where do i train:roxbot
stats:; check yoourself they are pretty bad for you i guess ,but hackers,teams and targeters always ruin it all (im think you will understsnd).
pvp skill: 7.5/10 point
teamwork:9/10 i always give stuff because even if my teamate wins,it bebenefits the clan.
sword skill: 9 (my strong point)
IGN: Creeperbutler
Age: 14
Name: Andrew
Wins: 371
Games played:2311
Skype name: Creeperbutler
I am very precise with my flint and steel, and my fishing rod technic is still in the making.
Why I want to join the clan is because I wanted a clan that would be peaceful and would not have people complaining all the time about wanting higher ranks and shiz.
And another thing is just because I have a low amount of wins does snot mean I am bad. I was just very stupid 1 year ago when I could not even look in a crafting table. I Just needed practice but now I am ready for the best clan ever.
Hello Zypes,
Your clan, Zen is a very unique clan that captivated my attention to the extent that I decided to apply. I describe myself as a very shy person, sadly enough, which basically means I'm not going to be as talkative as most clan members on Team Speak. However, it usually shrugs off after a couple of days of getting used to the new clan/people who's in it. Hopefully once my shyness goes away I'll be talking more constantly than before. To sum it all up, if I end up getting infuriated or upset, most likely my mic will be muted, to keep it to myself. My mic quality isn't amazing, but it's bearable. Once in awhile you'll hear a slight fuzzy sound in the background of me talking, but that's about it. Besides Team Speak, you can contact me via Skype. I currently have around 250 wins (Around 500 if you count my alt) and I can tell you straight up, I am not the next Huahwi or anyone close to that. However, I'll constantly try to my fullest potential to be a great a addition to the clan. As my pvp skills aren't amazing, my teamwork is. I work with others very well, as long as they don't aggravate me, which is extremely difficult to do. Nine times out of ten I will participate in mostly all of the Clan Wars, as my personal life isn't as jammed pack as most.
I hope you enjoyed my application to your clan.
Hello Zen, Hope you enjoy my application.

Hello, I've currently been talking to my friend, Tene, About this wonderful clan, I've tried to get better at pvp ever since the first time i fought him, and he 10 hearted me.... After a week or two, he couldn't kill me EVERY time we fought. Now it's about 50/50 i would say, but i just want to thank him first. For improving my pvp skills by beating the heck out of me. But Now, My Purpose of writing this app was to see if i could join Zen, Not brag on tene. Okay, First off, My records on mcsg Aren't the best, but if you want to fight me, i'll be on roxbot most likely. I've gotten better then i was when i started MCSG as well, So i win more games then i did in the past. I started a youtube channel recently trying to get people to tell me how to get better at pvp after they watch me. And it's working so far. A couple comments trying to help me out. But I'm 15, I'm pretty decent at pvp, don't believe me just watch. I've always wanted to join an clan with the caliber of this clan. I know you're presently not doing any, "Clan Wars" But i would love to try my best to earn my way in. I've played minecraft for quite some time now, i've been trying to kill the, "Zypes Fishingpole Combo" latley, it's getting there, but not near as good. Haha, But i would like a chance at a position on, Zen, If that is at all possible. I'm not the best at writing, but if you need anything don't hesitate to ask, because free writes aren't my thing. Also, I'm very mature, and quite good with people that need help, i wouldn't be a holdup to the team, and i would defintaly be there to help whenever anyone in our clan requested. I'm usually on about 7-10 hours a day, if my sports, or other activities don't inter-fear with my daily minecraft that is. But stuff happens, so i hope you can allow me not being on some times. Well, That's about all i've got for you today, like i said, if there is anything else i need to put, make sure you ask me because again, i'm terrible at free-writes. I hope you still consider me to be a part of Zen even though my poor free write skills.
Skype: Surge.Mescudi
Youtube: www.youtube.com/MrSurgealicious
Thanks for reading!
~Surge Mescudi
Hi Zypes, I'm a very calm individual. I have talked with you once on the Lovepvp ts, you seemed real chill. I would like to start off saying I am a mentally strong person, in which if someone were to say mean comments in chat i'll stay chill and leave the game calmly. I currently have 315+ wins on MCSG and 80+ on MCQQ. I love to play Minecraft for not just Survivalgames, but other game types like Factions and or survival. I have been in some other clans. This one just stands out to me though. I see that we can wright a free-form application, and that is a very unique clan in my opinion. So I really hope you like my application.

Btw: Your clicking speed is unbelievable. Just saying
Hi, I'm Sam.
I'm pretty good at being calm and chill as long as no one is antagonizing me. I'm usually not an instigator, so I don't think I'd be a any trouble to this clan. I like a lot of the people in here and I'd love to join and get to know everyone; most people on here I've met on roxbot. I'm hoping this clan isn't too competitive; some clans are really stressful. Thanks for looking into my application, and as always, good vibes.
this is an application
alright, well I saw your clan thread for the first time about 10 days ago and I was instantly intrigued with your freedom for application status and the way you went about presenting your thread. You seem pretty chill and I imagine the way you handle the clan would be somewhat the same way, which I could really get into. I have 314 wins and i've been in a few clans beforehand, like rebels, organization, ohana, titans, and eternity. I have pretty good experience with working with others and I don't suck too much at PvP. I'd consider myself a pretty good follower and i take orders pretty well.
you can contact me through skype - noah.barrios
If you take me I can guarantee you an experienced clan-player and someone who will at least try to be worth your while.
Hey Zypes soo, I'm applying (im in another clan right now but I'll leave)

IGN: SubtractHD
Age: I'm 16 years old
Wins: I don't know like around 200 something on SubtractHD all my alts combined like 500
Why I want to join Zen: I want to join Zen because I know Zypes pretty well I'm a mod on RoxBot and i've played some MCSG games and he is a good leader and I feel I would fit in the clan very well
Dear Zypes,

I know you don't know me, but I would really like to join the clan. I started playing Minecraft in 2009, and MCSG in 2012. My name is Max, I am a 14 year old boy from Canada, and I enjoy sports and making graphics. I would really love to join Zen, because I am looking for a strong clan to join. I am decently mature, but still enjoy having fun. These are some charactristics about myself:
- I am very outgoing
I can make friends with almost anyone, as long as they don't constantly refute me. Sometimes just to make a friend with someone you idolize, you need to reach out. I am very personable, and I feel I am rather likeable aswell
- I am reasonable
If anyone has any issues, I am very good at sorting them out. I am almost like I lawyer in Clan Battles, and I can resolve any issue the other clan is having in a calm yet firm manner.
- I can focus
In many situations with other distractions, if I try, I can focus on any certain activity, and excel at it. For example, let's say I am playing Basketball and someone in the stands is chirping me. It is very easy for me to block them out and focus on the game, no matter how loud or offensive it is.
- I am loyal
If I have found a place I am comfortable, I enjoy, and I am not longing for more, I will stay there. And if I am longing for more in set situation, I will try to figure out how to aquire what I need to continue to enjoy myself in set situation.
- I am confident
I accept my flaws and know where I stand in the scheme of things, therefore I have no reason to not me confident!
- I am intelligent
I am a wellspoken and intellegent person, I have been in the top 1% of my region in marks since grade 5. And I as you can tell by my application, I am decent at writing.
- I am learned in strategy
I know multiple strategies and routes on different maps, if you ever decided to do a clan battle.

I hope that this application will convince you enough to allow me to join your clan! I really like this free form version. It's so nice and different from normal MCSG community. I have found that most of the people on MCSG are rather mean. They call everyone a BK Randy unless they're in Exodus, Trivium, Rebels or Forgotten or something.
Thank you for reading this essay of an application. Thanks!


Hello Zypes, I want to get into your clan, I want to get in you're clan because I can get along with all players, am pretty decent but above average at PvP, and I think you are really good at PvP, and want to get to know you more.

First of all, I think I can get along with all players, it is a proven fact. I am a team player. I know I am a team player because I help out teammates in MCSG, here is an example, he is getting chased and has one heart, me: Run to spawn and then I will back you up, and then we eventually kill the person. I don't just focus on myself ingame, I give teammates the stuff that they need in game, and I help them out every way that I could possibly accomplish and think of. I am not just a person who takes all the loot for myself, I am a team player.

Next reason, I think I am above average at PvP, maybe I'm not as good as you, or Huahwi, or other great PvP'ers, but as a community player, I am pretty good. Above average in my opinion, I know how to use the fishing rod effectively, flint and steel, (which I am almost a master at) sword, and I have somewhat pretty good bow skills. I know you probably don't see this because you are overly way to good at PvP, but if you were some random, (which you are not) you would see that I have skill. To prove skill, this game I had a wood axe, half a heart, at the start of the game. I then brought myself up to the top and won that game.

The last reason is, that I want to get to know you more personally, and as a player. I also just want to be a friend of yours, and be in a clan that I can have some skilled players to just have fun with when on MCSG. I think that it would be awesome to get to know you, and I hope that I can get accepted into the clan. Here are just some of my stats and other things you may need to know.

Name: Ron Massari
In Game Name- xXHoneyDripperXx
Skype: Undead_Phenom2
I do have TeamSpeak
I have a Razer Naga 2014 Expert MMO Gaming Mouse
I have Gold Donator on MCSG
I currently have 1,553 points while writing this
I have won eighty nine games out of 1,141, (I know my stats aren't really all that good but, my sister plays on my account when I am not home)
My most kills in one game is 15
I have a youtube channel : Ronnie Massari (iStrafePvP) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSVZfKG-VmhFB6YZBuOYxQQ

Thank you for reading this reply on the application. I really hope you accept me into the clan, although I understand whatever happens with your decision is nothing that I can change nor decide for you. I really hope you take me into consideration as I am a team player, above average at PvP, and I would love to be accepted into the clan so I get to know you and have more skilled players to have fun with my time played on MCSG. Thanks once again for reading and I will look forward to seeing a response.

Dear Zen

Okay, I ALL OF THE BUNNIES up my gender. Don't ask.
O hai, I never saw you there. I am Admiral.
I hate my ratio (I started off as 2/120, I admit. I was bad. With a 3/36, So my stats now where kind-of hard to comeback for) but you know how good I am now. If you have forgotten. Do not fret.
I have 1v1'd members of your clan!
I 1v1'd the following members: 4nonhumans; LarryduhLobster
I have killed the following members with X amount of hearts: 4nonhumans (2.94, recent); LarryduhLobster (I don't know, somewhere in between 2-3, 1 month+)
I have Skype, but I don't have TS, but I am looking into it for Roxbot friends.

Extras: Whenever I fight you, or start to. I am afraid of your bow spam. I respect you highly as a person, and a pvp'er.
I have never been in a clan before. (If you don't count a friend -Non-official- clan with my IRL buddies. Called, "BluRy".)
Being never in a clan before, I wanted to start with the best clan, with the most potential.

I am a decently smart person, I am in 8th grade with a 12.1 grade reading level. Since 6th grade. I try and keep my grades up in school. I TRYYYYYYYYYYY. *Reference*

ALSO, consider "MoistBagel" in the clan. If you can bear his presence. If not, disregard what I just said.

I may be young. But I am not a squeaker. I have a decently deep voice. I consider myself mature. Like, no raging/ overuse of swear words. xD

Cons: I am currently having PC troubles, but they should be fixed in a week.

I do not only play Minecraft. I also play a game called Smite (Like League of Legends or Dota) I am one of the best for a certain God. I usually go 30-0 with him.

Aside from that, I look forward to playing with you, Zypes. If I get accepted. (P.S. I read the other apps, saw how brutal you were. And was scared to tits whilst writing this)

Yeah but no one really applied, I said conversation OVER.
What was that about NO ONE applying?

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