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Your Top 5 MCSG Players.

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District 13
Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
It would seem as though Blamph, egrodo, and G33ke are popular among lists, but they actually come off as easy towards me...
Blamph always gets less hits on me, egrodo lights himself on fire a bit too easily, and G33ke always has a leather hat and fishing rod...

This is my list based entirely on PvP, not leaderboard place, ratio of w/l, or any stats whatsoever. Just pure experience.

1. fizzyhoney - Before he quit back in December, fizzyhoney was a great PvPer and a great teammate whom I frequently Skyped. He clicked faster than me, was AMAZING with a bow, and always knew what to do in the face of danger. I haven't talked to him in forever and am a bit bummed about it. :/
2. sixzoseven - Probably clicks faster than me, although I'm not entirely sure. Anyways, sixzo always had better stuff than me whenever I saw him in a game, no matter what route he took. I have a 1-1 ratio against him, and the win I got against him was when he had just finished another battle. Regardless, he still took me down to 3 hearts.
3. kingjr - Despite his horrible computer, kingjr bested me in a fight 9 times out of 10 in PvP on my private server. He quit many months ago, but plans to return in a month and a half on a different account once he gets a new computer. I've known kingjr online for around 2.5 years now, and I can say he's as much of a cool guy as he is a good PvPer. ;)
4. zenoCrafter - Zeno is great at PvP when he doesn't lag, and would make it on my list anyday both as a PvPer and a guy-who-is-good-at-practicing-block-hitting-on-pickles.
5. Branbob83 - Bran can always get more hits on me, and strategizes well. He also specializes in making me jump backwards into redstone-powered holes.

Those are the best 5 PvPers whom I have fought in MCSG. Don't hate on me for not having G33ke, Blamph, or egrodo. xD


Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
3. kingjr - Despite his horrible computer, kingjr bested me in a fight 9 times out of 10 in PvP on my private server. He quit many months ago, but plans to return in a month and a half on a different account once he gets a new computer. I've known kingjr online for around 2.5 years now, and I can say he's as much of a cool guy as he is a good PvPer. ;)


District 13
Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
1. Blamph
2. egrodo
3. The_Great_Tito
4. sixzoseven
5. Biffington


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
G33ke always has a leather hat and fishing rod...
It's true, actually. I don't believe my routes are as great as they could be - a lot of times, I find myself with less gear than I really should have. I've went into detail in the past on why this is and why I do it this way, and sadly, this does make me have one huge weakness - against any other pro, if I haven't had enough time to collect a fair amount of gear yet, I really cannot compete very well, as I'm likely to have a fair amount less gear. My route on SG4 is also highly dependent on the routes other people take, as most of my gear comes from other people, and is thus, inconsistent. Especially with the large number of at least decent players I've seen recently, along with the ever increasing amount of hackers/teams. (SG4 being the most played map right now makes this all a huge issue.)

I keep blaming my losing recently on "having a bad day", but honestly, I'm starting to doubt that myself. Something happened over the few weeks I had disappeared from the games, (and am still semi-gone for a bit, haven't played at all today yet...) the players seem to be acting different. There is a lot more "good players" now and a lot of routes are changing/adjusting. It's time I adjust with them. Too many times now do I find myself with only half chain when my opponents are often in full iron. It takes a lot of effort and consistency on my part to take that down if they are at least decent at PvP.

A lot of the people who said they think I'm one of the best are probably people who've fought me in deathmatch after I've got corn. (Or just have full iron in general.) Once I'm "maxed out" and nobody can have more gear than me, you can see how I do for real. Sadly, another one of my weaknesses is my inconsistency with the fishing rod, (I'm practicing still, nowhere near great with it.) and it's quite often I'll make a mistake. If I don't have the armor to take a hit or two, I'll likely fail trying, so until I hit that full iron, I'm really not that much better than any other 2000-3000 point player. (Unless I have a moment of brilliance.)

Someone (can't remember who now) said yesterday in one of my games that I only really win 2 out of 5 of my games. As of recently, this is not inaccurate. (Although I don't know how they figured that out.) There has been some changes recently in the way other people play that requires me to change up my own strategy a bit, and I'm behind on that. I used to be better, until other people got better, more hackers appeared, and tier 2's changed in SG4. It's time I adjusted.

So yes, I appreciate people thinking/saying they believe I'm one of the best, but to be honest, I'm not right now. Catch me in one of my "moments of brilliance" or when I'm already in full iron/diamond sword, and sure, I'm probably one of the scariest things you'd see, but otherwise, I still have a lot of practicing to do with that fishing rod and adjusting my routes quite a bit before I can even compare to many people on here. This just goes to show the importance of chest routes.

Anyway: After going completely off topic, I feel obligated to list my top 5...but right now I'm lazy, so I'll post it later. >.>


Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
just want to point out, i have fought you once this past month and i had a wooden sword, no bow or flint and steel, so it was just a pure no brainer sword fight xD
Pretty much, i admit you're good. But i've never died from you, from the like 4 games i've played with ya ;)


District 13
May 19, 2012
Reaction score
where the hell is the beloved hanfi12?D:

1. Mindahl
2. Elgoldo
3. Hanfi12
4. Gravey4rd
5. gcb99


Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
Pretty much, i admit you're good. But i've never died from you, from the like 4 games i've played with ya ;)
yup thats true xD but the first 2 of those 4 times atleast i was still a noob at this:p ive only played this for 3,5 months:)


Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
yup thats true xD but the first 2 of those 4 times atleast i was still a noob at this:p ive only played this for 3,5 months:)
Yah, I've played for a year or so, but you have played twice of all the games i've played.;)
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