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Xenos | US

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Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Just want to say this now, unless we know you well and know you are good at pvp, or we really like you as a person you arent going to be accepted, this is what i like to call a "Friend Clan", everyone in the clan are friends and weve all known each other for awhile. So keep that in mind when applying :D, but that doesnt mean that you wont have a chance, you just gotta be kewl c:


Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
Where's my little chimchar?
hes hiding
IGN: KawaiiHuahwi
Age (Must be 13, Exceptions can be made): 12
Donor (not needed): Plat
Wins: 3
Games Played: Errr 108
Microphone? Yes
Previous Clans: Zytrex, Surge, Aura, Audentia.
PvP Strengths: Secondaries and routes i guess.
PvP Weaknesses: Hackers and Skrubs
Do you know anyone from this clan?: The Owner
How active are you 1/10: 21
Why should we accept you?:
Because I know the owner and hes sweg and Im good and i rekt biboy andddd because im good or sumthing
Just want to say this now, unless we know you well and know you are good at pvp, or we really like you as a person you arent going to be accepted, this is what i like to call a "Friend Clan", everyone in the clan are friends and weve all known each other for awhile. So keep that in mind when applying :D, but that doesnt mean that you wont have a chance, you just gotta be kewl c:
well if u have a realy hot girl in ur sig u may get in


Mar 31, 2015
Reaction score
hes hiding


well if u have a realy hot girl in ur sig u may get in
Cole. :C. i thought we were friends. I told you Id app for your clan and that I have been playing for fun recently. Ive been tryharding my stats lately and Im getting a stat reset soon.
Should I make a new app and more serious?
New App If Its Aloud.
IGN: ItsRender
Age (Must be 13, Exceptions can be made): 12
Donor (not needed): Platinum
Wins: 63 in total of reset and legacy stats
Games Played: 1131 (I had a perfect 1/8 ratio before 1.8)
Microphone? Yes
Previous Clans: Zytrex V1 V2 and V3, Surge, Aura, Audentia
Who do you know from this clan?: plz tem, Crafty_Laurence.
Are you Crafty_Laurence?: ;-;
How active are you 1/10: 7
Why should we accept you?:
I have routes for alot of maps almost a route for every way on every map and I think It could possibly help the cb's. Im pretty good at pvp even though my stats dont say so. Just give me a chance and Ill prove my self. And If I get accepted I will be active on the skype or ts that this clan has.
Well, super sorry for long post but I hope you guys can give me a chance because I know there are good players on here so yeah, I guess Ill see you all on the ts. Bye.
Last edited:


Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
Cole. :C. i thought we were friends. I told you Id app for your clan and that I have been playing for fun recently. Ive been tryharding my stats lately and Im getting a stat reset soon.
Should I make a new app and more serious?
New App If Its Aloud.
IGN: ItsRender
Age (Must be 13, Exceptions can be made): 12
Donor (not needed): Platinum
Wins: 63 in total of reset and legacy stats
Games Played: 1131 (I had a perfect 1/8 ratio before 1.8)
Microphone? Yes
Previous Clans: Zytrex V1 V2 and V3, Surge, Aura, Audentia
Who do you know from this clan?: plz tem, Crafty_Laurence.
Are you Crafty_Laurence?: ;-;
How active are you 1/10: 7
Why should we accept you?:
I have routes for alot of maps almost a route for every way on every map and I think It could possibly help the cb's. Im pretty good at pvp even though my stats dont say so. Just give me a chance and Ill prove my self. And If I get accepted I will be active on the skype or ts that this clan has.
Well, super sorry for long post but I hope you guys can give me a chance because I know there are good players on here so yeah, I guess Ill see you all on the ts. Bye.
Well maybe instead of saying "the owner" you could've said "Cole". Cole and me are both leaders in this clan, and "The Owner" is Devin. So when you say "I know the owner", I go ask Devin... who doesn't know you.

Regardless, come on our teamspeak and get to know more than one person before applying. Denied, you may re-apply if you are active on the teamspeak.

- Brandon


Mar 31, 2015
Reaction score
Well maybe instead of saying "the owner" you could've said "Cole". Cole and me are both leaders in this clan, and "The Owner" is Devin. So when you say "I know the owner", I go ask Devin... who doesn't know you.

Regardless, come on our teamspeak and get to know more than one person before applying. Denied, you may re-apply if you are active on the teamspeak.

- Brandon
Alright sorry :C I thought that he was the owner


Oct 5, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: Hcity
Age (Must be 13, Exceptions can be made): 15
Donor (not needed): No donor at the moment :(
Wins: Legacy: 442/After Leaderboard Reset: 24
Games Played: Legacy: 2219/After Leaderboard Reset: 79
Microphone? Yes, I have a decent microphone.
Previous Clans: Synergy, but I have been away from clans for a while.
Who do you know from this clan?: I have heard of people from this clan, but do not know any personally.
Are you Crafty_Laurence?: Nah.
How active are you 1/10: I am active on the weekends and some weeknights. I go to the best High School in the country, so if I'm not on, its probably because I'm doing Homework :/
Why should we accept you?: I feel like I am the perfect fit our this rising clan. I have heard a lot about the magnificence of this clan and their good sportsmanship, making this clan a likable one. Clans are like a family, and I am hoping to be adopted by this one so that I can improve my own PVP skills as well as contribute to the overall well-being of this clan in battles and other various competitions. I think that the ambiance provided by this clan with well-known and trusted players make this clan an obvious application for me to fill out. Thank you for your time.
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