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What has happened to MCSG?

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District 13
Apr 22, 2012
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Same goes for moderators, I've not seen mods in a loooooong time.

This was just my opinion on what is happening to mcsg.
You have no idea how much I do for this community

to many hackers and mods banning people rambonmly

btw what are baccas??
Just a couple of reasons why MCSG sucks at the moment
1. LAG (Getting better but still needs work)
2. Massive amounts of hackers.
3. The most annoying, inefficient moderators ever
I do so much here you have no idea


Oct 4, 2012
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The problem with what Team Variede did is that instead of staying and helping MCSG with it's problems, it bailed and tried to capitalize on the success it had on MCSG, and abandon Chad. And then they try to say. "Well....ummm.....we tried to buy MCSG" , like that makes things better. MCSG is chad's baby you excpected him to give it away. In my opinion team varied is the bad guy in this.


Sep 8, 2012
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The problem with what Team Variede did is that instead of staying and helping MCSG with it's problems, it bailed and tried to capitalize on the success it had on MCSG, and abandon Chad. And then they try to say. "Well....ummm.....we tried to buy MCSG" , like that makes things better. MCSG is chad's baby you excpected him to give it away. In my opinion team varied is the bad guy in this.
I agree with you. They took advantage of a dying community. You don't think they just randomly decided to release Hive at the same time MCSG was sinking? I'm sorry, but I have lost all respect for Dennis (Vareide) and his team.



Jun 9, 2012
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I agree with you. They took advantage of a dying community. You don't think they just randomly decided to release Hive at the same time MCSG was sinking? I'm sorry, but I have lost all respect for Dennis (Vareide) and his team.

Sorry but that's false, its pure coincidence, the hive has been in the works for months, plus why would it be taking advantage when chad had the opportunity to have MCSG as part of the hive after the attempt to purchase MCSGwas rejected?


Feb 2, 2013
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I agree with you. They took advantage of a dying community. You don't think they just randomly decided to release Hive at the same time MCSG was sinking? I'm sorry, but I have lost all respect for Dennis (Vareide) and his team.

Idk why u made a Hive account if you're MCSG4life LOL.\



District 13
Sep 29, 2012
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Idk why u made a Hive account if you're MCSG4life LOL.\

Nice job being a hypocrite -.-
If you don't know what that means, you are commenting on an mcsg forum post WITH an mcsg forum account, saying that you shouldn't have made an account on the hive forums because that person is "Mcsg for life" Then saying that you are "Hive for life". Idiot.

And I have an account on both, dosn't mean I play one more then the other, just means I like both communitys and play them equaly.


Jul 7, 2012
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I probably have no part in this thread but I remember in June of 2012 I loved MCSG it was awesome I had a whole group of my friends and we would play and we had so much fun playing it. The community was really good there wasn't any flaming and everyone was happy lag was fine not too much hackers and MCSG was a fun place to be. I got back into MCSG about 3 weeks ago and it's nothing like it used to be. It's like MCSG was on a mountain then started to slide down but the only way to stop it was to build something in front of it to stop it from falling but its moving too fast down the hill to build something. If only there was a pause button and we could figure everything out fix everything and then resume. I hope MCSG gets back to where it was in June because that place was awesome. I doubt it would help but what if they put these servers on pause. Fixed everything get everything to perfection and resume. Maybe they might lose players but MCSG has gotten HUGE before and they can do it again.


May 17, 2012
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As a member of both communities, I'm going to ask you all kindly to stop turning this into a flamewar of 'Which is the best'. You're making both sides seem childish and it's unneeded.


Jun 22, 2012
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MCSG is like any other community we have problems and plenty of them, our community isn't as friendly as it should be, and our staff isn't perfect. The community cannot blame the staff for what is happening and in the same sense the staff cannot blame the community. The issues we're encountering here are caused by both parties in equal amounts.

The community doesn't trust the staff at all, we have people constantly starting threads or rumors about their friend being banned for no reason or about some staff member being a complete jerk. This creates a huge rift among us all because the staff is here for the community, we're not here for ourselves or for chad, we're here for you. If you have problems with any of us individually report it to a senior staff member, if they blow you off* then talk to an admin. If you've been banned there is obviously a reason; we have to have evidence for EVERY ban we do and if there is none then the ban is overturned and we get into trouble, I'm tired of seeing stuff about how we treat people unfairly.

The staff does indeed need a greater presence on the servers if you look at it based solely on numbers we stand absolutely no chance here. With there being 94 servers and 1248 slots available at any one time it's impossible for the moderators to keep up with the servers as there are only about 70 of us. Since we're all from different time zones and schedules that number could easily be reduced by half at any one time that the servers are full. Put simply we need more staff. I would also agree that the staff needs to be more friendly we tend to stay away from the player base and that shouldn't be case.

*If they blow you off then it's a serious issue, take a screenshot of whatever they say, or make it apparent to an admin that your issue is being ignored; however, much like us moderator you will need evidence for any and all of the claims you make about any member of staff or any player. Be prepared to present this evidence when you file a complaint.

No players are being banned without reason, we need evidence for EVERYTHING. If you have problems with a staff member then report them as well as any evidence to support your claims. We need more staff because there are far too many players on at one time for our current staff to be able to manage all the time.


Aug 17, 2012
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Now that I have time, I will post my thoughts. (Posted like 2 of them in 1 minute) For you TheUnchainedArtist and Hystericallify:


My main reason for leaving the forums (partially) was the amount of threads staff were deleting that were all trying to portray how MCSG was making the wrong move (according to many players and some staff members) by kicking out Team Vareide. Chad is an adult, and the arguments he had with Vareide were very childish. All I was trying to say in those threads was that without Team Vareide, MCSG wouldn't be the same. The maps would be of lower quality, and more people would be playing on "Vareide's" server since he has a huge youtube channel that could possible attract thousands. Chad has a 4,000 sub base, but he hasn't been active on his account for nearly a year.

Another reason was that after deleting one of my threads, a staff member sent me a message that my account is now "limited" with another message from a senior moderator that was very immature and had no point in it at all. This just shows that some staff are immature.

Finally, all my friends started leaving to the H___. It was like a mass exodus. I was one of the first to transition, but soon after many people followed. Only a few dedicated people stayed, and the forums were attacked by Benja and Hacksource fans. What I was angered by in that attack was that ceratin staff members decided to immaturely send a message on how my account would be "limited", but for the raging fans, they would just calmly lock a thread, and even not delete it.


Well, half of my leaving on the servers was not MCSG's fault. I still occasionally roam on and off, but never play a game. As said previously, the raging fans played a small role in this. Each single game I would play in the last 2-3 months, I would see "IN BENJA WE TRUST! IN BACCA WE MUST! WE SHALL P***** THRUST!" I have reported dozens of these messages, but they only seem to be banned for a day after doing this each single game they play.

Recently, when Benja was banned, the fans got even more immature. I am not hating on Benja or Jerome, it's just that they have the most loyal BUT the most immature fanbase someone could possible have. This may be due to Benja's occasional innapopriate twitter post involving sexual content, or some other strange reason.

Now, to the other reasons! Hackers were literally everywhere. I realize that each single minecraft PvP community will have hackers, but what MCSG is doing wrong here is taking about 3 months to hire 6 moderators, and those moderators are barley ever in game. They work hard and ban some hackers, but most of the time it is just thanks to a TS poke. The problem with this "Poke me and I will look at it" motto is that MCSG's community is made up of 20% people ages 11-12. Parents DO NOT allow kids to be interacting with people they don't know, especially over the internet! Players ages 11-12 also PLAY the most due to not having much homework and lots of free time that they obviously can't find better things to do with. I mean, if you use MCSG to relax, then go ahead! But playing 3 hours a day is just stupid.

Finally, the TS community is messed up as well. The only way to get someone banned if they are mean to you is record them say it, but how would you do that? It's not like you will instantly press a button right as they are saying it to you and it will automatically turn on and record them. Again, I realize that every TS community will have some overly no-life competitive players, but MCSG has them all. It seems that all day they just sit there and whenever a new guy comes in they start telling him that he has no-life. (Heh, very funy)


As someone previously said, communites do not just fall apart. There is always a reason. For those people saying: "All the good people are leaving! The community is falling apart!" I hope you realize that no one really gives a **** about the old people. The only thing staff and other high members care about is that the community will grow, not just for 2 old-time players to stay.

I beleive MCSG did the wrong thing, but they still have potential in getting back at least half the players that left.

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