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What has happened to MCSG?

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Captain Dak

Dec 1, 2012
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I hope Chad says his opinion on this thing. c:
I think he owes it to everyone. We've heard from just about everyone but him so far.

Only time will tell what's going to happen to MCSG, for crying out loud, we haven't even been around for a year yet (myself only a few months :p). For the time being, in these rather unfortunately unpleasant times, all that can be done is for everyone to do their part. This means moderators moderating, developers developing, and regular players-the most important part of this community-to take their time to help. By not just complaining and raging when they get killed by a hacker, but doing what they can which is to record and report them. Take screenshots of people being mean in the chat, cursing, spamming, whatever. Every little bit helps. I should be seeing pages and pages of threads in report abuse, but I don't. The staff can only do so much, they really depend on the community to lend them a helping hand and do their part.

About moderators leaving before the games start and their general lack of presence: I agree that this is not good. I'm not saying I've noticed this taking place, but according to you guys it sounds like it does. I personally will often do the /suicide command as Blamph mentioned earlier right before the game starts because it's during the game that the worst cases of rule breaking occur. It's important too to deal with the chat, but mods also need to stay after the lobby to watch some of the actual game. And not being on, well, we do all have different schedules that can sometimes keep us away from MCSG. I'm guilty of this right now actually, I still haven't updated my minecraft to 1.5, but while I'm away from the servers, I've been spending extra time handling report abuse, which, as I mentioned before, there is not much to do in.

So guys, let's work on this, players, help us mods out and REPORT REPORT REPORT rule breakers! And mods, do that extra step of sticking around to watch at least some of the games, just stay on long enough to determine whether or not there's any suspicious things going on, it usually doesn't take long to see whether or not there is a hacker. I know overall I've had a ton of fun on these servers and I will continue to have fun, despite the issues that have been going around lately. So let's wish MCSG well and hope that we get back to being amazingly awesome again and soon! :D


Nov 8, 2012
Reaction score
Makes me sad to see comments... :(

Yes, at the moment there are bugs, staff members dealing with IRL stuff, This whole Hive v MCSG thing but guys... SERIOUSLY! MCSG will get better. As many people said, for each community there is a fall and a peak. I don't think some of you realise how much hard work all the developers put in. Hive only looks amazing because of MCSG's current state (which is being fixed.) Don't leave MCSG because it's bad now, give it a break for a few weeks.. You all have lives right? We all have so much fun on the forums and personally I don't find the hive forums as fun. When MCSG gets back to it's peak, you'll be regretting your decision to leave.

Chad cares about the community. He DOES listen to our requests. When Hive asked to buy MCSG do you know what he said? The community is worth too much. Now the more people that don't go on these threads and complain about how bad MCSG is, the slower it will get better.


Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
I definitely wanna hear chads view on this. As a member of the forums rather than just the owner. ChadTheDJ should be responding to this. It will be very unprofessional if he doesnt reply


May 4, 2012
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Let's steal an idea from Hive: Have a forum games section where people can take part in random fun forum games. People may rage over there, but it least it will cheer people up a bit. It's the least we can do right now


May 29, 2012
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Let's steal an idea from Hive: Have a forum games section where people can take part in random fun forum games. People may rage over there, but it least it will cheer people up a bit. It's the least we can do right now
We've had forum games since forever silly.


Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
Dude calm down, at the end of the day , mcsg and the hive are both just good servers


District 13
Jul 26, 2012
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I really want to reply to this with MY opinions as I have plenty of stuff to say, bit I can only post on my phone. It'll take a few years to type it all out.


Jun 22, 2012
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tell me... what exactly do you do. Cause all I hear form mods nowadays is that they "have too much to do" and "you have no idea how hard it is." Well I find that that is a lie. Explain to me exactly what you do
Howsie, might I point out that while you're skulking the forums talking about moderators we're usually doing something for the community in some way. We do a lot more for the community than someone who is just sitting around complaining about everything. Being a moderator isn't hard but you honestly cannot expect us to commit 100% of our time to moderating, the issue isn't that our mods are bad just that we need more of them.

About the banning and punishment system here on MCSG, you have no clue what you're talking about until you see it from the moderator perspective. Literally EVERY ban on MCSG has evidence to go with it. Call us liars, call us whatever you want but that doesn't make this any less true. We're not going to start publicly posting evidence for each ban we do because (sorry to sound rude) it's honestly not your business if we ban someone with valid evidence. We do have video evidence for every hacker, or screenshots for spam, abuse, etc. In fact so much emphasis is put on having sufficient evidence for a ban it sometime requires playing several games to get enough to even ban a single player.

Another issue I see here is everyone is saying "The mods don't ever play on the server"! Usually when I just sit in a server to watch out for hackers, I do it in gamemaster. You cannot see my name in tab or /list and you will honestly never know I'm there unless I say something in chat (rarely ever do). You cant really know if a moderator is on in a server or not anymore because of this mode which has been a very useful tool in catching rule-breakers.
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