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What has happened to MCSG?

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Jun 29, 2012
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He has a good point, but I definitely approve of your message
We haven't lost 50% the player base lol? The community is growing everyday? And only recently we just passed 1 million unique players. The community is poisoned? its you who are. Before being a moderator I was in a clan named nitride and we all started playing roughly the same time (around when MCSG was in Beta) and we are all still the same to this day and our thoughts are the same on this community also (is good thoughts). What's happened is and I have seen this before on other gaming community's, because a handful of people are mentioning that the community is "poisoned" Which trust me there are much, MUCH more"poisoned" community's out there which is so bad MCSG doesn't even compare to it. Back on topic, because you have seen these posts you are sub-consciously thinking the same way. Negative comments stick out much more that positive ones, remember that next time you post one like this.
Apr 26, 2012
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An unfortunate chain of events has presented itself. You can't pretend to ignore there is issues, and right now, a lot of them. Some of the people I thought were the least likely to go any day soon just left in an instant...the community after these next few weeks I feel will almost be entirely different, for the better, or for the worst.

The kinds of things I'm picking up from people recently (even outside of this thread) is things like "The community is terrible." "The staff is terrible." "The games are laggy, too many arrows/flint and steels, inventory/crafting bug..." "UNBAN BENJA, UNBAN BENJA" and many more things, even some more that I honestly will not discuss in public here.

Sadly, what has happened is unfortunate. The Hive opens at around the same time MCSGv2 does, not long before 1.5, MCSGv2 with tons of bugs... - Baccas are leaving for the Hive with Bajan gone, staff members are leaving to the hive (some became staff there...) because of numerous issues with staff here, the community is leaving for the Hive because of bugs, the community, and lack of staff to help them...I have nothing against the Hive/their staff or anything, it's just unfortunate it came up at around the same time MCSG is probably at the "worst" it's been for a while. It gives people a place to go to if they leave here, and makes it just that much more likely they will give up on MCSG.

I'll be honest - we are lacking staff, we are lacking a bug free plugin, we are lacking a lot of things right now. I can't deny it. I can only try to help MCSG pull through it's bad times as much as I can, in any way I can...sadly, there isn't many ways I can, and while I'm more worried about the issue that's not my job to handle, I'm not doing what is actually my job - responding to pokes on TS, private messages, report abuse...

I've even had, on more than one occasion, someone from MCSG trying to make me leave MCSG and become staff on the Hive, because things are better there. I cannot deny that either - things are better there right now, but eventually, things will have to fall for them too. I'm not saying that because I have anything against them - but rather it's just how communities work...any community. I've seen numerous communities rise and fall, and the Hive can't be open forever. If I left MCSG now for the Hive, who's going to help MCSG pull through to live on? It would eventually be the same story with the Hive...It can't be great forever.

If you guys need to, take a break for a few weeks instead of leaving. Things will get better overtime.

As a side note: Some things you guys have said about the staff in here aren't necessarily true. I have to admit - there are issues within the staff right now, (especially the lack thereof.) but many things you are mentioning aren't them. (A mod isn't always available to respond to a poke. More often than not, you'd be surprised to know they are already busy with something else. The lack of staff right now is part of the problem - I'm being poked several times in a row sometimes, but I can only check one hacker at a time.)
I very literally, got up and got a snack before I pressed on the G33ke alert in my alert-box.


Sep 20, 2012
Reaction score
An unfortunate chain of events has presented itself. You can't pretend to ignore there is issues, and right now, a lot of them. Some of the people I thought were the least likely to go any day soon just left in an instant...the community after these next few weeks I feel will almost be entirely different, for the better, or for the worst.

The kinds of things I'm picking up from people recently (even outside of this thread) is things like "The community is terrible." "The staff is terrible." "The games are laggy, too many arrows/flint and steels, inventory/crafting bug..." "UNBAN BENJA, UNBAN BENJA" and many more things, even some more that I honestly will not discuss in public here.

Sadly, what has happened is unfortunate. The Hive opens at around the same time MCSGv2 does, not long before 1.5, MCSGv2 with tons of bugs... - Baccas are leaving for the Hive with Bajan gone, staff members are leaving to the hive (some became staff there...) because of numerous issues with staff here, the community is leaving for the Hive because of bugs, the community, and lack of staff to help them...I have nothing against the Hive/their staff or anything, it's just unfortunate it came up at around the same time MCSG is probably at the "worst" it's been for a while. It gives people a place to go to if they leave here, and makes it just that much more likely they will give up on MCSG.

I'll be honest - we are lacking staff, we are lacking a bug free plugin, we are lacking a lot of things right now. I can't deny it. I can only try to help MCSG pull through it's bad times as much as I can, in any way I can...sadly, there isn't many ways I can, and while I'm more worried about the issue that's not my job to handle, I'm not doing what is actually my job - responding to pokes on TS, private messages, report abuse...

I've even had, on more than one occasion, someone from MCSG trying to make me leave MCSG and become staff on the Hive, because things are better there. I cannot deny that either - things are better there right now, but eventually, things will have to fall for them too. I'm not saying that because I have anything against them - but rather it's just how communities work...any community. I've seen numerous communities rise and fall, and the Hive can't be open forever. If I left MCSG now for the Hive, who's going to help MCSG pull through to live on? It would eventually be the same story with the Hive...It can't be great forever.

If you guys need to, take a break for a few weeks instead of leaving. Things will get better overtime.

As a side note: Some things you guys have said about the staff in here aren't necessarily true. I have to admit - there are issues within the staff right now, (especially the lack thereof.) but many things you are mentioning aren't them. (A mod isn't always available to respond to a poke. More often than not, you'd be surprised to know they are already busy with something else. The lack of staff right now is part of the problem - I'm being poked several times in a row sometimes, but I can only check one hacker at a time.)
A good response, and backing my opinion on the communities up's and down. Look, in every community there is always going to be a peak, and then a low. All communities have it. Eventually the plugin will be fixed, I also feel that staff and the community will be better and it will be on its peak again! Although if you want to know if this will happen you got to stick with things in there bad times and not just for the good ;)


District 13
May 28, 2012
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The community does seem to be faltering a bit, and with that MCSG as a whole looks to be going down slightly.

I'll get to my personal pickings here. The number 1 reason that has kept me away from enjoying the servers, and thus started my hiatus away from them has been the false promises and the constant push back of content that was promised months ago. MCSG v2 was released around a month and a half ago. I'm not going to lie, I was pumped up for it. The promise of tournaments (not even a word has been spoken about these yet), in depth leaderboards, and in depth tier chests had me so damn excited, I thought that MCSG was going in a phenomenal direction, I even stated this in one of my videos. Now, I'm not really sure what's going on behind the scenes. The tournaments, like I said, haven't been mentioned since that release posts, same with the achievements which also had me quite excited. The in depth leaderboards hasn't been mentioned in quite a while, and an update on the leaderboards hasn't been given in a month. What happened to the monthly and weekly leaders?

All of these promises, only to have the development on them go at a turtles pace CAN turn off quite a few people, and I'm one of those people. When I see something announced that grabs my attention, my attention and excitement can only last for so long, and real life companies know this. That's why when restaurants advertise that they have a new world famous delicious type of food, and advertise it as that, yet when you finally go and get that food and you taste it and it's over cooked, or under cooked, or just flat out gross, your whole opinion of the restaurant is changed and eventually that restaurant goes out of business.

On to the next topic. It's no question that the servers are understaffed. A couple of weeks ago when I was playing a dozen or so matches a day, I'd see sometimes one mod in just one of those matches, sometimes none in all 12. So this brings up the question; WHY ARE THE ONLY SERVER UPDATES THAT WE ARE GETTING ARE THESE: "10 new servers to be added globally, hooray!" This is absolutely ridiculous, at this point I'd rather the money that the servers obtain to go into hiring new developers. Trust me, there are probably a couple of well taught, possibly even college educated developers out there who would be willing to code for these servers, and this would correlate with my problem number 1 (getting content out faster.)

The moderators on these servers don't actually seem to play too much. I'm only going based off of my experience here, but when I was hired as a moderator, I was excited to go into a server, /suicide, and flat out just watch the whole match for hackers. Yes, it's a volunteer job, I understand that wholeheartedly, but it's still a job at that. I cringe, absolutely cringe when I see a moderator leave a server just before the match starts only for them not to come back. If you are there only to watch chat (which I still rarely see them warn), then you aren't in this position for the right reasons, and that's final. Even when I worked staff, I knew a couple of people who were only in the position just for the title, and didn't do their job. It really irks me to know that people do that. I won't delve into the recent Sr. Mod problems lately, as I don't know too much about them. It's simply not my business to post about that.

The majority of the vocal community doesn't suck. I've met so many great people on these servers, and that will probably never change as I continue to play on them. It's no question that their have been more bad apples coming to these servers, but there can be ways to combat this. Chad could post on the front page of the website the repercussions of hacking. Possibly even get to the nitty gritty and make first time hacking offenses perma bans. EVERYONE who downloads hacks knows what they are doing, and they know that they have that potential chance to get banned. These people simply don't care, and they generally never will and they usually never learn.

It's St. Patty's day, so I'm going to be heading off in a bit. So I'll end my post here. There are a couple more topics that I wanted to expand on more, but I'll leave it for another time.


Sep 20, 2012
Reaction score
The community does seem to be faltering a bit, and with that MCSG as a whole looks to be going down slightly.

I'll get to my personal pickings here. The number 1 reason that has kept me away from enjoying the servers, and thus started my hiatus away from them has been the false promises and the constant push back of content that was promised months ago. MCSG v2 was released around a month and a half ago. I'm not going to lie, I was pumped up for it. The promise of tournaments (not even a word has been spoken about these yet), in depth leaderboards, and in depth tier chests had me so damn excited, I thought that MCSG was going in a phenomenal direction, I even stated this in one of my videos. Now, I'm not really sure what's going on behind the scenes. The tournaments, like I said, haven't been mentioned since that release posts, same with the achievements which also had me quite excited. The in depth leaderboards hasn't been mentioned in quite a while, and an update on the leaderboards hasn't been given in a month. What happened to the monthly and weekly leaders?

All of these promises, only to have the development on them go at a turtles pace CAN turn off quite a few people, and I'm one of those people. When I see something announced that grabs my attention, my attention and excitement can only last for so long, and real life companies know this. That's why when restaurants advertise that they have a new world famous delicious type of food, and advertise it as that, yet when you finally go and get that food and you taste it and it's over cooked, or under cooked, or just flat out gross, your whole opinion of the restaurant is changed and eventually that restaurant goes out of business.

On to the next topic. It's no question that the servers are understaffed. A couple of weeks ago when I was playing a dozen or so matches a day, I'd see sometimes one mod in just one of those matches, sometimes none in all 12. So this brings up the question; WHY ARE THE ONLY SERVER UPDATES THAT WE ARE GETTING ARE THESE: "10 new servers to be added globally, hooray!" This is absolutely ridiculous, at this point I'd rather the money that the servers obtain to go into hiring new developers. Trust me, there are probably a couple of well taught, possibly even college educated developers out there who would be willing to code for these servers, and this would correlate with my problem number 1 (getting content out faster.)

The moderators on these servers don't actually seem to play too much. I'm only going based off of my experience here, but when I was hired as a moderator, I was excited to go into a server, /suicide, and flat out just watch the whole match for hackers. Yes, it's a volunteer job, I understand that wholeheartedly, but it's still a job at that. I cringe, absolutely cringe when I see a moderator leave a server just before the match starts only for them not to come back. If you are there only to watch chat (which I still rarely see them warn), then you aren't in this position for the right reasons, and that's final. Even when I worked staff, I knew a couple of people who were only in the position just for the title, and didn't do their job. It really irks me to know that people do that. I won't delve into the recent Sr. Mod problems lately, as I don't know too much about them. It's simply not my business to post about that.

The majority of the vocal community doesn't suck. I've met so many great people on these servers, and that will probably never change as I continue to play on them. It's no question that their have been more bad apples coming to these servers, but there can be ways to combat this. Chad could post on the front page of the website the repercussions of hacking. Possibly even get to the nitty gritty and make first time hacking offenses perma bans. EVERYONE who downloads hacks knows what they are doing, and they know that they have that potential chance to get banned. These people simply don't care, and they generally never will and they usually never learn.

It's St. Patty's day, so I'm going to be heading off in a bit. So I'll end my post here. There are a couple more topics that I wanted to expand on more, but I'll leave it for another time.
Now why can't people discuss matter's from both ends like you have? instead of stating there opinions and not taking anyone else's into consideration. Although there is one thing I'd like to point out what you said. Even though you say " The moderators on these servers don't actually seem to play too much" you shouldn't really state that because then it looks like your saying EVERY moderator doesn't play regularly, I've been playing this game around when MCSG was in beta, and I probably play the exact same amount as I do now, as I did then. Yes there are mods who don't play regularly, yet there are one's who are such as me and I can name several other's. What im trying to point out is don't wrongly say all mods dont play enough when that is totally not the case ;)


May 17, 2012
Reaction score
Time to get this alt account banned as well, since apparently censorship is a thing here now :/. Lets go...

The reason for us considering hosting Survival Games was the extreme lack of a functional working server with Vareide Survival Games maps. MCSG was still running a extremely outdated version of the plugin at the time I started work on a brand new one. I think the version MCSG was running before V2 was the one where I did one of the last commits to, back when we were still friendly and I helped Chad out with some minor MCSG bugs.

After I left MCSG they had MONTHS to fix issues. It does NOT take months to create a survival games plugin. It is one of the SIMPELEST gamemodes you can code in Bukkit. Don't believe me? Time to take a look at GitHub!

Commit 1, pushed on 11 feb 2013: http://d.pr/i/8xDc
Commit 20-something, pushed on 25 feb, 2013: http://d.pr/i/lC03

Yes, that is the day we launched The Hive. On the 25th of february we had a working SG plugin. Am I bashing the developers of MCSG or saying I am better? No. Mooman, subversion, all better coders than I am. What the cause of MCSGv2 being delayed so long is? Seriously, I dont know. But something, somewhere, went wrong.

About NoCheatPlus then. A lot of this can be fixed by also fixing the server lag. Now, I dont know the current setup of the MCSG network, but it seems to be that the goal is to have quantity over quality. The fact that people can run to the crafting bench and all the way back before the server catches up sounds like some serious load issues on the dedicated servers. Bill, Ava, feel free to correct me on this. But if that is not the problem, then you have some serious problems in your plugin.

The Hive would not be a threat to MCSG if MCSG got their act together. Provide the better service. Provide the better maps. Give people reasons agains to play on MCSG. The Hive is not dependant on SG - MCSG is. People want gameplay elements. We came up with the deadlobby head system, the compass, the crates, and more things still to come. Be original MCSG. Yes, global API's are very fancy. But users don't care about your API. Users care about their lag free, rubberband free, unique Survival Games experience.

I am not quoting G33ke again, but he mentioned that communities will go down. I disagree. MCSG could have easily won this in the beginning with just providing a good enough experience. So MCSG staff, stop blaming us. Look at yourself, you know what to improve, so stop wasting time having meetings about The Hive and sort yourself out.

Your favorite,


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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You seem to have taken my statement the wrong way - I'm not blaming you guys, I'm simply saying it's unfortunate that we are in this position at this moment. Do I think there are other things we should be focusing on instead of what we are? Sure, maybe. We can't be everywhere at once, sadly. Edit: Keep in mind though I know nothing of what the devs have to do to do anything. Who knows what goes on back there.

Edit: Also, bigger communities = more unfriendly communities. It's a fact. When the Hive gets this big, good luck keeping things in order... We weren't as prepared as we thought we were. (Note: Not an attack on you, just saying that it's indeed more difficult than it might first appear.)


You seem to have taken my statement the wrong way - I'm not blaming you guys, I'm simply saying it's unfortunate that we are in this position at this moment. Do I think there are other things we should be focusing on instead of what we are? Sure, maybe. We can't be everywhere at once, sadly.
It was more of a general reply to the topic - not a personal attack on you/the staff team, since I know you are not the ones making the decisions (thats is @mods/srmods).
Edit: Also, bigger communities = more unfriendly communities. It's a fact. When the Hive gets this big, good luck keeping things in order... We weren't as prepared as we thought we were. (Note: Not an attack on you, just saying that it's indeed more difficult than it might first appear.)
It is not like MCSG had a explosive growth in a few months. Yes, the whole Bajan thing added quite some members, but I dont think getting big is the issue here, it is how MCSG dealt with getting big.


May 25, 2012
Reaction score
You got your BB code wrong, who's the best coder now, HA? Just kiddin ofc. xD
#BLAMECLANK I loved the time where your face was On the lobby wall saying that :)
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