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US Clan Leaderboards Reset~Update~Tournament


Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
I do not agree with Invincible in any way, but saying that USCL is open to staff apps is a lie. They do not get people with good rep only. It is mainly just their friends. I applied for staff over 4 months ago and I have yet to get a reply. And correct me if I am wrong, but I have a VERY good rep. I own a successful clan. I play fair in battles. I am mature. Everything that you guys said that you are looking for in a staff member. The only thing that I am missing is that I am not friends with Legacy members.
Just going to point out on this: we were going to give you staff, then Vortex disbanded and you quit the clan community. So that point isn't quite accurate.

To the general complaints about the staff being part of three clans: this is an issue that we recognize and are attempting to fix. We are actively looking for refs from other clans, but it's proving challenging to find players that we can trust to remain mature and unbiased.

To the outcome of the match: Neither I nor any other Legacy members had any say in the outcome. We showed the video to the other leaderboards staff, and to several members of MCSG staff, and they agreed that it was macros. As such, a DQ was issued.

Regardless of whether or not Kin was macroing, the way you have handled this situation has provided more than ample reason to be removed from the leaderboards. The leaderboards are the face of the clan community, and a clan that spams 10+ pages with useless flame and shows a complete and utter lack of maturity is not worthy of representing the clan community.

My goal in running the leaderboards has always been to improve the community as a whole. It has never been to bring my clan to the top, or take control for myself. I honestly don't give a damn what rank my clan has; I care about the clan community being fun, and every decision I have made has been in the pursuit of keeping the clan community healthy. If you believe someone else would run the leaderboards better than I, and keep the clan community active, engaging, and fun, please tell me who it is. If there was someone who was more capable to run the leaderboards, I would turn it over to them in an instant, but I have not seen someone like that yet. I have been in the clan community since the beginning, I know how the system works, and I do my best to remain unbiased even when it disadvantages me. I was intending to DQ my own clan before the secret battle was suggested, and I will do so now so that the leaderboards can remain unbiased. Exodus has also decided to step down to the position of ref, so that the leaderboards isn't dominated by Legacy staff.

I don't care if we win this battle. I don't care if Legacy is #1. I don't care if I'm seen as a great clan leader. All I care about is making clans enjoyable, and a clan that constantly flames and acts with incredible immaturity at every opportunity does nothing but ruin that enjoyment for everyone.

If you have any complaints or questions, or just want to rage at me, please take it to a PM and don't spam the forums with pointless flame.

- Zeno

Ag | Alex

District 13
Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Just going to point out on this: we were going to give you staff, then Vortex disbanded and you quit the clan community. So that point isn't quite accurate.

To the general complaints about the staff being part of three clans: this is an issue that we recognize and are attempting to fix. We are actively looking for refs from other clans, but it's proving challenging to find players that we can trust to remain mature and unbiased.

To the outcome of the match: Neither I nor any other Legacy members had any say in the outcome. We showed the video to the other leaderboards staff, and to several members of MCSG staff, and they agreed that it was macros. As such, a DQ was issued.

Regardless of whether or not Kin was macroing, the way you have handled this situation has provided more than ample reason to be removed from the leaderboards. The leaderboards are the face of the clan community, and a clan that spams 10+ pages with useless flame and shows a complete and utter lack of maturity is not worthy of representing the clan community.

My goal in running the leaderboards has always been to improve the community as a whole. It has never been to bring my clan to the top, or take control for myself. I honestly don't give a damn what rank my clan has; I care about the clan community being fun, and every decision I have made has been in the pursuit of keeping the clan community healthy. If you believe someone else would run the leaderboards better than I, and keep the clan community active, engaging, and fun, please tell me who it is. If there was someone who was more capable to run the leaderboards, I would turn it over to them in an instant, but I have not seen someone like that yet. I have been in the clan community since the beginning, I know how the system works, and I do my best to remain unbiased even when it disadvantages me. I was intending to DQ my own clan before the secret battle was suggested, and I will do so now so that the leaderboards can remain unbiased. Exodus has also decided to step down to the position of ref, so that the leaderboards isn't dominated by Legacy staff.

I don't care if we win this battle. I don't care if Legacy is #1. I don't care if I'm seen as a great clan leader. All I care about is making clans enjoyable, and a clan that constantly flames and acts with incredible immaturity at every opportunity does nothing but ruin that enjoyment for everyone.

If you have any complaints or questions, or just want to rage at me, please take it to a PM and don't spam the forums with pointless flame.

- Zeno
You tell em'


Jul 4, 2014
Reaction score
Just going to point out on this: we were going to give you staff, then Vortex disbanded and you quit the clan community. So that point isn't quite accurate.

To the general complaints about the staff being part of three clans: this is an issue that we recognize and are attempting to fix. We are actively looking for refs from other clans, but it's proving challenging to find players that we can trust to remain mature and unbiased.

To the outcome of the match: Neither I nor any other Legacy members had any say in the outcome. We showed the video to the other leaderboards staff, and to several members of MCSG staff, and they agreed that it was macros. As such, a DQ was issued.

Regardless of whether or not Kin was macroing, the way you have handled this situation has provided more than ample reason to be removed from the leaderboards. The leaderboards are the face of the clan community, and a clan that spams 10+ pages with useless flame and shows a complete and utter lack of maturity is not worthy of representing the clan community.

My goal in running the leaderboards has always been to improve the community as a whole. It has never been to bring my clan to the top, or take control for myself. I honestly don't give a damn what rank my clan has; I care about the clan community being fun, and every decision I have made has been in the pursuit of keeping the clan community healthy. If you believe someone else would run the leaderboards better than I, and keep the clan community active, engaging, and fun, please tell me who it is. If there was someone who was more capable to run the leaderboards, I would turn it over to them in an instant, but I have not seen someone like that yet. I have been in the clan community since the beginning, I know how the system works, and I do my best to remain unbiased even when it disadvantages me. I was intending to DQ my own clan before the secret battle was suggested, and I will do so now so that the leaderboards can remain unbiased. Exodus has also decided to step down to the position of ref, so that the leaderboards isn't dominated by Legacy staff.

I don't care if we win this battle. I don't care if Legacy is #1. I don't care if I'm seen as a great clan leader. All I care about is making clans enjoyable, and a clan that constantly flames and acts with incredible immaturity at every opportunity does nothing but ruin that enjoyment for everyone.

If you have any complaints or questions, or just want to rage at me, please take it to a PM and don't spam the forums with pointless flame.

- Zeno
:O can i get trial ref now? :(

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