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Truth about MCSG

V1 chest bring a good survival feel?

  • yes!

    Votes: 29 72.5%
  • no!

    Votes: 11 27.5%

  • Total voters


Yeah but what i mean is that mcsg is just perfect how it is now, dont make it like the old survival games again where you die because of having no food. ( sry if my english is bad) :D
The servers were made to be based off of the 'HUNGER Games'. I liked the V1 chests because you actually had to make food and you could be doing pretty well but have no food. Bowls actually meant something. Now I just throw them out. But never the less, I really enjoy V2 chests just as much because I like that is more about the PvP element int the games.


Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
The servers were made to be based off of the 'HUNGER Games'. I liked the V1 chests because you actually had to make food and you could be doing pretty well but have no food. Bowls actually meant something. Now I just throw them out. But never the less, I really enjoy V2 chests just as much because I like that is more about the PvP element int the games.
Like i said lets make the pvp games and the HUNGER games. :p


Jul 2, 2013
Reaction score
I'm pretty sure that everyone enjoys V2 more than V1.

V1 does not take more skill than V2. V1 has less chests and less items in them, so whoever knows where the chests are, and is lucky enough to get a weapon & good gear, they will most likely win. The rest of the players that are immensely under-geared would have no other choice than to form a pack and fight the "decked" player, whether he is pvp-skilled or not, because diamond & iron swords do a ton of damage against 0-4 bar armored players.

Sure we can say that V1 adds more "Survival" aspect to the game, but let's be honest here. I don't think many of us are going to enjoy running around the map hoping to find some chests, hoping that it will actually have some decent food & gear in it, and hoping that they'll win somehow. You see how I overuse the word "hoping", because there's a lot of luck involved. I believe that in V1, the chests routes are way more important than anything else. In V2, you actually don't need to rely on chest routes if you are an exceptional pvper. It's just that having a strong chest route will benefit you a lot more, which makes YOU OP, not the route. I'd say having a chest route on V1 makes you more OP than having a chest route in V2, because there are a variety of routes that you can take in V2, you just have to explore a bit more.

V1 takes more strategy and tactics than V2? I don't think so. When you are under-geared and all the chests have been taken, your strategy and tactics is to simply hope you land extra hits on the guy with good gear and run if you can't. In V2, you can do so much more. Golden apples to provide somewhat of an extra life, flint and steel to fend off or engage on enemies, more arrows to compensate for your weaker weapon, a variety of routes you can take. The only "more strategy" that V1 has compared to V2 is that you certainly have a higher percentage winning if you have a teammate. Teaming is more OP in V1 than V2. V2 actually allows solo players to stand a chance against teams.

MCSG grew bigger because of V2. It is definitely more balanced and fun. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not spending 30-minutes to survive till death-match and hoping for a miracle. That's not fun at all and "Ain't nobody got time for that". In V2, you can actually put up a fight because there are actually weapons, armor, and food in chests.

Hey. I used to be that guy that hated teams because I never teamed and I can never win against them. I just continued to play the game and slowly understood how important FnS, Fishing Rod, and the Bow was, when it comes to taking out teams. With great timing, skill and execution, I can take out teams on a daily basis without taking too much damage.

V2 is definitely an upgrade and MCSG should stay this way, but I'm feeling a V3, to balance things a bit more.
My rough idea: Tier 1 - 2/3 arrows & a bit less food, Tier 2 - No diamonds, no iron armor, and Tier 3 - Diamonds(jewel) & Iron armor. There should also be less charges on the Flint & Steel, I'd say about 2-3. When I get someone on fire, they are more than likely to die. The meta-game is pretty much going to revolve around Flint & Steel as players get better. I don't know if people would like have Flint & Steel as being somewhat of a primary weapon now, but I don't. Nerf Flint & Steel please, it makes PVP very easy when someone's on fire. Somewhere along these lines where diamonds are a bit more rare, and stone swords & iron swords will be the main weapons in the game and iron armor will be harder to get, and less Flint & Steel.

This is coming from an exceptionally-skilled player who likes balance and fun! I've never played on the V1 days, but hey.
This is just my opinion. Ya'll can think & do whatever you want.

You like V2 more than V1, no cri.
V1 take more skill and strategy than V2? No. Pls no.
V1 is more "Survival-like". Sure, but no one have fun.
V2 is OP Chest Routes? No. V2 help noobies get items easier and make everyjuan happy! You die becuz u dont care to remember where chest are and pvp not so gud.
V1 = team against diamond sword guy or he win, I can't deal.
V2 = balanced with minor issues, I can deal.
Think about making a V3 to balance more on V2!
MCSG make SG-Classic, very smart! Chad make everyjuan happy!

I need to sleep now... Thank you for reading!


May 8, 2012
Reaction score
I'm pretty sure that everyone enjoys V2 more than V1.

V1 does not take more skill than V2. V1 has less chests and less items in them, so whoever knows where the chests are, and is lucky enough to get a weapon & good gear, they will most likely win. The rest of the players that are immensely under-geared would have no other choice than to form a pack and fight the "decked" player, whether he is pvp-skilled or not, because diamond & iron swords do a ton of damage against 0-4 bar armored players.

Sure we can say that V1 adds more "Survival" aspect to the game, but let's be honest here. I don't think many of us are going to enjoy running around the map hoping to find some chests, hoping that it will actually have some decent food & gear in it, and hoping that they'll win somehow. You see how I overuse the word "hoping", because there's a lot of luck involved. I believe that in V1, the chests routes are way more important than anything else. In V2, you actually don't need to rely on chest routes if you are an exceptional pvper. It's just that having a strong chest route will benefit you a lot more, which makes YOU OP, not the route. I'd say having a chest route on V1 makes you more OP than having a chest route in V2, because there are a variety of routes that you can take in V2, you just have to explore a bit more.

V1 takes more strategy and tactics than V2? I don't think so. When you are under-geared and all the chests have been taken, your strategy and tactics is to simply hope you land extra hits on the guy with good gear and run if you can't. In V2, you can do so much more. Golden apples to provide somewhat of an extra life, flint and steel to fend off or engage on enemies, more arrows to compensate for your weaker weapon, a variety of routes you can take. The only "more strategy" that V1 has compared to V2 is that you certainly have a higher percentage winning if you have a teammate. Teaming is more OP in V1 than V2. V2 actually allows solo players to stand a chance against teams.

MCSG grew bigger because of V2. It is definitely more balanced and fun. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not spending 30-minutes to survive till death-match and hoping for a miracle. That's not fun at all and "Ain't nobody got time for that". In V2, you can actually put up a fight because there are actually weapons, armor, and food in chests.

Hey. I used to be that guy that hated teams because I never teamed and I can never win against them. I just continued to play the game and slowly understood how important FnS, Fishing Rod, and the Bow was, when it comes to taking out teams. With great timing, skill and execution, I can take out teams on a daily basis without taking too much damage.

V2 is definitely an upgrade and MCSG should stay this way, but I'm feeling a V3, to balance things a bit more.
My rough idea: Tier 1 - 2/3 arrows & a bit less food, Tier 2 - No diamonds, no iron armor, and Tier 3 - Diamonds(jewel) & Iron armor. There should also be less charges on the Flint & Steel, I'd say about 2-3. When I get someone on fire, they are more than likely to die. The meta-game is pretty much going to revolve around Flint & Steel as players get better. I don't know if people would like have Flint & Steel as being somewhat of a primary weapon now, but I don't. Nerf Flint & Steel please, it makes PVP very easy when someone's on fire. Somewhere along these lines where diamonds are a bit more rare, and stone swords & iron swords will be the main weapons in the game and iron armor will be harder to get, and less Flint & Steel.

This is coming from an exceptionally-skilled player who likes balance and fun! I've never played on the V1 days, but hey.
This is just my opinion. Ya'll can think & do whatever you want.

You like V2 more than V1, no cri.
V1 take more skill and strategy than V2? No. Pls no.
V1 is more "Survival-like". Sure, but no one have fun.
V2 is OP Chest Routes? No. V2 help noobies get items easier and make everyjuan happy! You die becuz u dont care to remember where chest are and pvp not so gud.
V1 = team against diamond sword guy or he win, I can't deal.
V2 = balanced with minor issues, I can deal.
Think about making a V3 to balance more on V2!
MCSG make SG-Classic, very smart! Chad make everyjuan happy!

I need to sleep now... Thank you for reading!
Well, us V1 lovers can now play on SG Classic.
And just because you don't like it, doesn't mean we all don't like it.


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
I'm pretty sure that everyone enjoys V2 more than V1.

V1 does not take more skill than V2. V1 has less chests and less items in them, so whoever knows where the chests are, and is lucky enough to get a weapon & good gear, they will most likely win. The rest of the players that are immensely under-geared would have no other choice than to form a pack and fight the "decked" player, whether he is pvp-skilled or not, because diamond & iron swords do a ton of damage against 0-4 bar armored players.

Sure we can say that V1 adds more "Survival" aspect to the game, but let's be honest here. I don't think many of us are going to enjoy running around the map hoping to find some chests, hoping that it will actually have some decent food & gear in it, and hoping that they'll win somehow. You see how I overuse the word "hoping", because there's a lot of luck involved. I believe that in V1, the chests routes are way more important than anything else. In V2, you actually don't need to rely on chest routes if you are an exceptional pvper. It's just that having a strong chest route will benefit you a lot more, which makes YOU OP, not the route. I'd say having a chest route on V1 makes you more OP than having a chest route in V2, because there are a variety of routes that you can take in V2, you just have to explore a bit more.

V1 takes more strategy and tactics than V2? I don't think so. When you are under-geared and all the chests have been taken, your strategy and tactics is to simply hope you land extra hits on the guy with good gear and run if you can't. In V2, you can do so much more. Golden apples to provide somewhat of an extra life, flint and steel to fend off or engage on enemies, more arrows to compensate for your weaker weapon, a variety of routes you can take. The only "more strategy" that V1 has compared to V2 is that you certainly have a higher percentage winning if you have a teammate. Teaming is more OP in V1 than V2. V2 actually allows solo players to stand a chance against teams.

MCSG grew bigger because of V2. It is definitely more balanced and fun. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not spending 30-minutes to survive till death-match and hoping for a miracle. That's not fun at all and "Ain't nobody got time for that". In V2, you can actually put up a fight because there are actually weapons, armor, and food in chests.

Hey. I used to be that guy that hated teams because I never teamed and I can never win against them. I just continued to play the game and slowly understood how important FnS, Fishing Rod, and the Bow was, when it comes to taking out teams. With great timing, skill and execution, I can take out teams on a daily basis without taking too much damage.

V2 is definitely an upgrade and MCSG should stay this way, but I'm feeling a V3, to balance things a bit more.
My rough idea: Tier 1 - 2/3 arrows & a bit less food, Tier 2 - No diamonds, no iron armor, and Tier 3 - Diamonds(jewel) & Iron armor. There should also be less charges on the Flint & Steel, I'd say about 2-3. When I get someone on fire, they are more than likely to die. The meta-game is pretty much going to revolve around Flint & Steel as players get better. I don't know if people would like have Flint & Steel as being somewhat of a primary weapon now, but I don't. Nerf Flint & Steel please, it makes PVP very easy when someone's on fire. Somewhere along these lines where diamonds are a bit more rare, and stone swords & iron swords will be the main weapons in the game and iron armor will be harder to get, and less Flint & Steel.

This is coming from an exceptionally-skilled player who likes balance and fun! I've never played on the V1 days, but hey.
This is just my opinion. Ya'll can think & do whatever you want.

You like V2 more than V1, no cri.
V1 take more skill and strategy than V2? No. Pls no.
V1 is more "Survival-like". Sure, but no one have fun.
V2 is OP Chest Routes? No. V2 help noobies get items easier and make everyjuan happy! You die becuz u dont care to remember where chest are and pvp not so gud.
V1 = team against diamond sword guy or he win, I can't deal.
V2 = balanced with minor issues, I can deal.
Think about making a V3 to balance more on V2!
MCSG make SG-Classic, very smart! Chad make everyjuan happy!

I need to sleep now... Thank you for reading!
Much this


Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
This makes no sence at all, because if all of the chest are updated. it makes no difference.. everyone will have the same amount of stuff when having a good route, if you don't have good routes. you would be as bad as you would be in v1 anyways.
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
This makes no sence at all, because if all of the chest are updated. it makes no difference.. everyone will have the same amount of stuff when having a good route, if you don't have good routes. you would be as bad as you would be in v1 anyways.
In V2 , as Huahwi said , it gives the opportunity to new players to have a fair amount of items too.


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
The truth about MCSG is that the community likes the easy gameplay in the V2 stage cause the chest are so overpowered the like the easy way out and i found it doesnt really take much skill to win now. I think that the V1 chest were way better it really gave it the survival element to the game and made it hard to graft those diamond swords and arrows. What do you think?
Lol I like the v2 chests, simply because it is more pvp friendly and helps with teams better at times. The amount of arrows/fns you can get makes it.. possible to kill large teams to where if we were on v1.. teams would be so overpowered.. it would be crazy hard. Not too many players can 3v1 or 4v1 ppl with just swords and win. Proof of this is simply the hive.. teams dominate their servers. With having a max of 10 arrows and NO FNS along with crap armor compared to the team who got corn all to themselves.. decked in full iron... you have no chance. V1 chests just.. aren't very friendly to people who like to play solo in a game full of teams.. V2 makes it possible.

The problem with the v1 chests.. is it really gives absolutely no chance to newer players.. v2 tho.. even new noob players.. can find good armor and at least put up a fight.

Now tho, we have SG Classic :). I'm not sure how long this lasts, but now people can just.. simply.. play whatever they want lol. Everyone gets what they want now.

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