As for a general response to the current map pool I'll say this.
As I said already, the current map pool is almost entirely comprised of maps chosen by the community. Every map except for the first 6 (SG1-4, breeze and valleyside) were voted in by the players. The staff had no hand in adding those maps whatsoever.
I agree they are outdated in design. The current theme is 'Nostalgia Games', where we add all the old maps the players liked to play back in the day, and the really old maps where MCSG really began. After full release, we will move to a map rotation pool, where the maps that simply arent played will be removed, and new maps added (new maps being either completely new maps made by us or the community, or old maps re-touched to address issues that made them not fun to play). This way we reduce staleness by having "seasons" of map pools made up of only the most popular maps. Alongside that, every map ever made will be available through mcsg maker.