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The Rebels

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Aug 2, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: chriscomedies / carlaee / courtneycomedies / lovelacee
Age: 15
Donor: no
Wins: idk dood a lot like
Ratio: rly good like 1/4 on main. god like like 80% on alt but alt ded now
Have you ever spoken to any Leaders/Officers: no never even though i was a former member
Got a mic: ya deff
Got TS: no because i only go on ur ts like every day
Past Clans (If any) titans trivium legacy rebels
Timezone: pvptimezonez

Why do you want to join Rebels: i secretly hate u all and want to overthrow the upper ranks and domin8 the world. jk bcuz eden no ballsed me to apply and i love every single one of you and u guys r not idiots like exodus_king1
You cool: no im a loser
Best puppy picture:

View attachment 43249

this is legit so dont h8 appreci8 im here to carry clan and ill giv u subs on utube

editv1 FuzzyPB and Butterballer r my best pals
love you babe


Team Representative ♫ Recruitment
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: chriscomedies / carlaee / courtneycomedies / lovelacee
Age: 15
Donor: no
Wins: idk dood a lot like
Ratio: rly good like 1/4 on main. god like like 80% on alt but alt ded now
Have you ever spoken to any Leaders/Officers: no never even though i was a former member
Got a mic: ya deff
Got TS: no because i only go on ur ts like every day
Past Clans (If any) titans trivium legacy rebels
Timezone: pvptimezonez

Why do you want to join Rebels: i secretly hate u all and want to overthrow the upper ranks and domin8 the world. jk bcuz eden no ballsed me to apply and i love every single one of you and u guys r not idiots like exodus_king1
You cool: no im a loser
Best puppy picture:

View attachment 43249

this is legit so dont h8 appreci8 im here to carry clan and ill giv u subs on utube

editv1 FuzzyPB and Butterballer r my best pals


Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: chriscomedies / carlaee / courtneycomedies / lovelacee
Age: 15
Donor: no
Wins: idk dood a lot like
Ratio: rly good like 1/4 on main. god like like 80% on alt but alt ded now
Have you ever spoken to any Leaders/Officers: no never even though i was a former member
Got a mic: ya deff
Got TS: no because i only go on ur ts like every day
Past Clans (If any) titans trivium legacy rebels
Timezone: pvptimezonez

Why do you want to join Rebels: i secretly hate u all and want to overthrow the upper ranks and domin8 the world. jk bcuz eden no ballsed me to apply and i love every single one of you and u guys r not idiots like exodus_king1
You cool: no im a loser
Best puppy picture:

View attachment 43249

this is legit so dont h8 appreci8 im here to carry clan and ill giv u subs on utube

editv1 FuzzyPB and Butterballer r my best pals

editv2 not leaving trivium no matter wot so if u want 2 h8 dont appreci8 and deny me
My dood?


Oct 29, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: chriscomedies / carlaee / courtneycomedies / lovelacee
Age: 15
Donor: no
Wins: idk dood a lot like
Ratio: rly good like 1/4 on main. god like like 80% on alt but alt ded now
Have you ever spoken to any Leaders/Officers: no never even though i was a former member
Got a mic: ya deff
Got TS: no because i only go on ur ts like every day
Past Clans (If any) titans trivium legacy rebels
Timezone: pvptimezonez

Why do you want to join Rebels: i secretly hate u all and want to overthrow the upper ranks and domin8 the world. jk bcuz eden no ballsed me to apply and i love every single one of you and u guys r not idiots like exodus_king1
You cool: no im a loser
Best puppy picture:

View attachment 43249

this is legit so dont h8 appreci8 im here to carry clan and ill giv u subs on utube

editv1 FuzzyPB and Butterballer r my best pals

editv2 not leaving trivium no matter wot so if u want 2 h8 dont appreci8 and deny me
  • Like
Reactions: Kat


Aug 2, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: chriscomedies / carlaee / courtneycomedies / lovelacee
Age: 15
Donor: no
Wins: idk dood a lot like
Ratio: rly good like 1/4 on main. god like like 80% on alt but alt ded now
Have you ever spoken to any Leaders/Officers: no never even though i was a former member
Got a mic: ya deff
Got TS: no because i only go on ur ts like every day
Past Clans (If any) titans trivium legacy rebels
Timezone: pvptimezonez

Why do you want to join Rebels: i secretly hate u all and want to overthrow the upper ranks and domin8 the world. jk bcuz eden no ballsed me to apply and i love every single one of you and u guys r not idiots like exodus_king1
You cool: no im a loser
Best puppy picture:

View attachment 43249

this is legit so dont h8 appreci8 im here to carry clan and ill giv u subs on utube

editv1 FuzzyPB and Butterballer r my best pals

editv2 not leaving trivium no matter wot so if u want 2 h8 dont appreci8 and deny me
put me in your best buds WTF
  • Like
Reactions: Kat


District 13
Sep 22, 2012
Reaction score
Bunns, BogenHD, and AndyFlips Have all been accepted for full member! :D

Everyone one else will remain pending. (SORRY WE'RE TAKING OUR TIME)


Spu i'll miss you ;( You're a funny guy with 1337 pvp skillz enjoy your old new home. Remember to still visit Rebels ts every once and a while :)
piranga is now on break, rexxyy has been moved to the on break section.

Marchello_ & shadowblaze12 have been removed from the roster, you can reapply when you get back into Minecraft :)

RyanG has been denied from trial you may reapply in a week if you wish.

Purge will remain as trial.

IPureGold & Drewskii have been accepted for full member! Whalecum :D

BogenHD , UpdatinStatus , ALL1DO1SW1N , Bunns , and PHOTONLIGHT have all been accepted for trial! Gratz :D

Everyone else will remain pending.

PM any staff member if you have a question :)
Hey everyone I really am sorry to say that I am leaving Rebels today, today is the day I applied for Rebels on November and got accepted, so today was my 3 month anniversary in Rebels. I really am sorry for my in-activeness I just can't keep up anymore with school and other priorities I have now. It really bugs me how I didn't contribute my time to the clan and I apologize for that. So even though I haven't been that much of an attribute here I would like to say thank you guys for everything that you have provided for me. I'll still try to come on Teamspeak every now and then if I can. But I'm sorry for taking up a spot and wasting your time here when I was here in Rebels, to anyone who cares thanks again. For now I believe that my time in the Clan Community is done and over, and that I will just stay clanless, if I do ever come back then it will be with you guys and I will try to come back to join this clan. I promised I wouldn't leave Rebels and i'm sorry for breaking that Promise to everyone here. Even though I barely knew all of you I would just like to say it was a really fun experience and I always wanted to be in Rebels since Fall of 2012.

Thank you Maxypie myruhh7 Spellyy Ag | Alex and Wickyy for accepting me into the clan on that day and giving me a shot. See you all in the future sometime and I hope to come back to this amazing clan :).
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