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The Rebels EU Division

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Oct 23, 2013
Reaction score
Decided to write my app today. :3
What is your Minecraft IGN?: Specton

How old are you?: 14

Where are you from? Holland.

What is your skype name? Zinc or salared can give it to you, I'd rather not say it here.

How many wins do you have? (Atleast 450) Uhm. 264. Whoops.

How many games have you played? 1289

Tell us about your PvP strenghts? Probably swordfighting and staying alive/knowing what to do in a certain situation.

Weaknesses? (Don't include what is beyond your control, Lag, Teams, Hackers etc" My FnS placing. It's pretty fast, but not accurate or fast enough to be able to run into a fight, light them on fire, and don't get hit more than once or twice. I'll have to work on that as well as some tactics vs certain types of players. :p

What are your favourite maps? SG4, Chernobyl and a few underplayed maps (not because I'm extremely good at them, I just like some change every once in a while). Avaricia used to be up there before the tier changing. ;-;

Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU?: Zinc brought me here, I really liked what he told me about the clan's basic attitude/opinions on certain things. I'd love to be in a clan again, so I asked Zinc to ask Kall if I had any chance of getting in (I have applied for clans before that took a few weeks before declining me or disbanding (still love you Majestic <3)) , and they responded with the offer for me to come and play with them, so I did. Basically, those FFA's were the most fun I've had in a looong time with this game, so that's why I want to join Rebels.
...(note: I feel bad for the one who had to read all of that)

PS: If I get declined, can I still come on the ts to play? ;D
You've been accepted for trial! You will need to play some with us and after a while you will either get accepted to full member or Denied.


Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score

What is your Minecraft IGN?: filip52314

How old are you?: 12 soon 13 in august

Where are you from? ZweDen!

What is your skype name? Geson1234

How many wins do you have? (Atleast 450) 172

How many games have you played? 2500+ so i can play i am "OP" on fns

Tell us about your PvP strenghts? Fns is my best friend and bow i am to good on "AND" water fights i am "OP" on to :)

Weaknesses? (Don't include what is beyond your control, Lag, Teams, Hackers etc" My weakness is ice fights beacuse i am REALY BAD ON THAT!

What are your favourite maps? sg 4 and breeze island is beacuse i can the whole sg 4 and breeze island!

Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU?: Beacuse i whant to joina a little bit of a op clan and get new friends :)


Oct 23, 2013
Reaction score

What is your Minecraft IGN?: filip52314

How old are you?: 12 soon 13 in august

Where are you from? ZweDen!

What is your skype name? Geson1234

How many wins do you have? (Atleast 450) 172

How many games have you played? 2500+ so i can play i am "OP" on fns

Tell us about your PvP strenghts? Fns is my best friend and bow i am to good on "AND" water fights i am "OP" on to :)

Weaknesses? (Don't include what is beyond your control, Lag, Teams, Hackers etc" My weakness is ice fights beacuse i am REALY BAD ON THAT!

What are your favourite maps? sg 4 and breeze island is beacuse i can the whole sg 4 and breeze island!

Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU?: Beacuse i whant to joina a little bit of a op clan and get new friends :)
I'm sorry but you have been denied. Reason: You do not have the required amount of wins to join this clan.
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