• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

The Empire Clan - Hiqhlights, CaptainMKirk, Graser, a_simmons

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Oct 1, 2012
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So what's up everybody, the 4 leaders today had a leader only meeting and in the meeting we talked about the "Top 5 Elite" system and just how basically it's going to work. So a breakdown of how it'll work and what happened:

1. The top 5 elites have been reconstructed as it shows on the first page
2. NO ONE will be able to challenge for a spot on the Top 5 Elites
3. The Top 5 Elites have been chosen by the 4 leaders which we considered consistency and pvp skill
4. Anyone could have a chance to be on the Top 5 Elites as long as we, the leaders, could see how well you have been doing pvp wise and consistency wise as well, so if you want to play games with us, let us know.

So we made these changes mainly because it was way too chaotic for all of us to handle along with the youtube, and just our own lives outside of Minecraft.

We are all sorry for the changes and how it may affect some of your opinions of this clan. I hope it doesn't change any opinions of anyone though, but if it does, we apologize. This decision had to be made for the Clan Wars coming up next weekend, May 4th.

- #Empire


Aug 19, 2012
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Also we will be launching the Empire clan on the Hive server forums, I'll link the page to the Hive forum when I make it, just giving a heads up for anyone who might be considering leaving our clan in favor of a Hive clan, due to our inactivity on the Hive. But I assure you we will be a dual server clan, I am currently a moderator on the Hive, and I have a commitment to moderate and $hit.


Dec 19, 2012
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Sad to say this, but im taking a break. I will not be leaving the clan, and i will continue to talk to you all daily, just need to think about some things, and whether or not i will remain in the clan. Im only doing this simply bc of frustration. I was really excited to make the clan, and even more so, when i was on the top 5, but i feel as if i earned my spot, just to have it taken away. Not only for this reason have i chosen to take a break, but i need to think about an offer to be co-leader for a really good friends clan.
Your but hurt member, iamamazing66
p.s i truly do love this clan, and respect all of you, this was not made to be flame, but to tell you all whats going on.


Aug 31, 2012
Reaction score
Sad to say this, but im taking a break. I will not be leaving the clan, and i will continue to talk to you all daily, just need to think about some things, and whether or not i will remain in the clan. Im only doing this simply bc of frustration. I was really excited to make the clan, and even more so, when i was on the top 5, but i feel as if i earned my spot, just to have it taken away. Not only for this reason have i chosen to take a break, but i need to think about an offer to be co-leader for a really good friends clan.
Your but hurt member, iamamazing66
p.s i truly do love this clan, and respect all of you, this was not made to be flame, but to tell you all whats going on.
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